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No.7764 : Help With This [14/01/26(Sun)09:20] [Report] 1390746058863.jpg (89563 B, 563x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
89563 B

Can anyone tell me any more about this fembio

No.7964 : Anonymous [2014-08-03 20:09] [Report] 1407110950516.jpg (52104 B, 481x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
52104 B

Name's Miaku Godfrey. Those legs are fucking divine.

No.10168 : Looney Tunes [2014-07-26 16:19] [Report] 1406405981020.jpg (1661807 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1661807 B

Hey, all.
Been lurking these boards for a spell and thinking about going back into crossdressing once I move later this coming week. Thing is, I want to do it right, to its fullest effect. Any tips and advice on how I can look my girliest? Things I can change in my look?

I want to share pix once I'm settled and got a working look.

No.7951 : Chloexdress [2014-07-19 13:36] [Report] 1405791373534.jpg (50034 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
50034 B

Hi i am chloe x dress.
Posting some body pics to start with face will follow if i get enuf interest.

I dont no what to class myself maybe you could help
I love feeling like a sexy lil teen girl. Feels so good. Im a virgin in this department never been with anyone while been a sissy would love some smooth white cute twink dick in my mouth ohh and some smooth tight balls.
Anyway ill start with these will be makin loads of pictire tonite. Xxxx

No.7955 : Chloexdress [2014-07-19 20:58] [Report] 1405817930920.jpg (70529 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7956 : Chloexdress [2014-07-19 23:17] [Report] 1405826261410.jpg (34898 B, 480x446) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7960 : Chloexdress [2014-07-26 11:28] [Report] 1406388491855.jpg (32541 B, 328x462) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.10163 : Anonymous [2014-07-10 20:54] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hello everyone this is my first time here and I love feeling pretty and cross dressing. But my face is really boyish and long/narrow and I know I can't change that but I was wondering if there was anyway that I could make my face look more girly ?

No.10159 : Anonymous [2014-06-23 18:30] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

He everyone my I'm new to the site and have already found so much useful information. I'm trying to become a trap by slimming down and exercising the right muscles.

I'm very curious about the drug Purera Mirifica and whether or not the effects permanent or if it will stop working if I stop taking the pill and start gaining testosterone.

No.10148 : Hideyoshi [2014-05-22 20:52] [Report] 1400806377708.jpg (131468 B, 865x1150) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
131468 B

Yo, I would like to know how i can get a bigger, bubble butt. So far I have thighs, but a really small ass. I should point out I dont want to be trans, or a hardcore sissy. Just more feminine looking.

Anywho, I do squats and deadlifts, but im not seeing results. I'm not going to resort to surgery, so dont even mention it.

As long as I am here, do any of you know how I can get rid of the accumulation of fat on my stomach and pecs? Thanks in advance.

No.10149 : Anonymous [2014-05-23 00:03] [Report] []

1) There is no such thing as targeted fat loss without the aid of surgery. Look into a general cardiovascular program and you'll lose that sweet, sweet chubby goodness as you progress.

2) You're on the right track with the squats, but how long have you been at it? If it's only been a couple of weeks you'll need to give yourself more time to grown.

No.10150 : Hideyoshi [2014-05-23 00:41] [Report] []

So far, only a week and a half with the squats.

As for the fat loss, I dont need to lose any. As my doctor said, I need to eat more protein and less bad carbs. Although, its not really working...unless it takes more than two weeks to get there with my current diet.

My current diet consists of eggs in the morning, whatever i can get my hands on at lunch, a fruit smoothie (either with lunch or in between lunch and dinner), dinner (which is carbs and protien) and then a muscle milk smoothie (with or after dinner)

No.10151 : Anonymous [2014-05-23 05:07] [Report] []

Changing your body in a healthy way is going to be a long process, but it's worth it to look and feel they way you want.

Take a picture of yourself now and keep at it. in 12-16 weeks you'll notice a difference.

No.7017 : Anonymous [12/10/29(Mon)10:44] [Report] 1351521892702.jpg (465691 B, 1200x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
465691 B

Starting a thread up in nameless, as I am told my previous thread was axed due to incorrect location.

Let me know what you think, and if you want moar ^^?

196 posts and 63 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7733 : w [14/01/01(Wed)18:37] [Report] []

miss u darling

No.7845 : Anonymous [14/04/17(Thu)17:22] [Report] []

Nothing less than perfection. Thank you for sharing.

No.7912 : Anonymous [2014-05-18 11:27] [Report] []

Wow super sexy. Love your pics. Erect ons the best
thanks for posting

No.10136 : Clementine [14/02/28(Fri)15:05] [Report] 1393617921710.jpg (47812 B, 500x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47812 B

Hi everyone! I'm clementine, I'm brand new to the cross dressing world and have finally decided to make the transition from male to female using herbal supplements. I have been reading all kinds of positive and negative reviews and haven't been able to really narrow down anything that is of serious help.
I've been looking at pueraria mirifica I've read a lot that is has very high amounts of estrogen and will help your hair, skin as well as breast development, but have also read that this a butt load of lies. Anyone have any good reviews or uses of this?
What are some other good herbal supplements I can take to help my breast development or my figure?
Also I have yet to come out to my wife about this also my brother is my roommate who I love to death and am not sure how either of would them react. Neither are intolerant people but I'm 25 and have never once shown any interest in doing things like this so I'm a little worried, I have been working on separate letters for the both of them because I know sitting down and speaking to them would be too hard. Any suggestions on how to talk to them or how to come out and tell my family and loved ones that I wish to be a female? I appreciate any and all input as this is all fairly new to me.

No.10146 : joli_cul [2014-05-03 23:54] [Report] []

Hi clémentine !
First of all, you look gorgeous !
Then, for the herbal treatment, I recomand you "fenugrec".
(Sorry, I only know the french name).
Thus, if you find more information, I would be happy to learn more, as to share if I find some informations.

No.7708 : sara [13/12/04(Wed)00:48] [Report] 1386136108066.gif (131875 B, 400x328) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
131875 B

I used to be trans, I'll probably go back to it soon. i'm 31 now, but i got married, had a kid, got divorced (but still have my kid!) this one is actually of me, maybe i'll stick around :)

No.7709 : Anonymous [13/12/04(Wed)01:37] [Report] []

>>795 more

No.7846 : Anonymous [14/04/20(Sun)01:51] [Report] []
> but still have my kid

The obvious question here to ask would be does the kid still have you?

No.10036 : totatota [13/07/07(Sun)19:13] [Report] 1373238814763.jpg (94363 B, 463x650) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
94363 B

hello everyone , am trying to seduce my straight brother 'younger than me am 24 and he is 21' make him fuck my ass while i pretend to be heavy sleep "pased out or drunk" when we are watching a movie together i have prepared it all 'wearing some sexy panties that is pulled aside my ass cheecks and an old pajamas that are little ripped from behind so that my ass and anus are in view if i slept on my left side and of course i have lubed my ass so that if he tries even with his finger in will slide in easily , some anal porn "mostly anal or sleeping girls analy fucked and some anal sex pics and talking dirty about them to make him horny before we watch the movie "just a normal movie" i tried it one time but it didn't work i just heard him breathing heavily as i pulled the covers on my face while pretending to be asleep i know my ass and anus where in total view cause i could feel air on my anus , little while later i could hear him breathing heavily but he didn't touch me , i tried it again but without the ripped pajamas , heard him breathing heavily too as soon as i pretended to be sleeping , will try it again and again until i break him and make him stretch my anus , i think its working in someway too cause everytime we watch a movie together "normal movie not porn" he is in his jeans and jackets he only changes his clothes before he go to bed , the night i tried it without the ripped pajamas as soon as he was back he asked if we are watching a movie then he go and changed wearing his shorts but he didn't do anything that night remember ,i will try again and again as i said till i break him and make him fuck my sleeping ass , if it happen i will make myself his bitch later 'no need to be asleep if it happen more than one time' just waiting for it to happen , however i tried that again but it didn't work too , i don't know why but i think its only the situation or something wrong , maybe some alcohol will help , dunno what to do more , am trying it tonight again and again , i have posted this on some forums and boards but didn't get much help , some says its just wrong cause its incest bla bla bla, and none to be used i mean

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No.10053 : totatota [13/08/04(Sun)03:31] [Report] []


why are you saying that am still trying as you can see , maybe am doing it wrong way or something that's why i need more ideas or a little instructions

No.10099 : MDIntrigued [13/11/14(Thu)17:49] [Report] []

Holy fuck.. I'd give anything to be your brother.

No.10141 : Anonymous [14/03/15(Sat)00:03] [Report] []

this is pasta

No.7799 : Anonymous [14/02/27(Thu)00:09] [Report] 1393477793519.jpg (571617 B, 960x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
571617 B

Finally moved to a place by myself and got my first lingerie. Really want somebody to see it so posting here. Sorry for being fat and ugly. :(

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7802 : Anonymous [14/02/27(Thu)22:43] [Report] 1393558997298.jpg (607868 B, 1600x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
607868 B

Aww, you're so sweet daddy. I guess I'll have to listen.

No.7803 : chubacca [14/02/28(Fri)02:36] [Report] []

You're hot :) Show us more of that cute butt :3

No.7804 : Anonymous [14/03/01(Sat)01:52] [Report] []

Thank you! I just ordered some comfy pastel colored panties. Maybe I'll post some more once I get them in the mail. :3

No.10134 : Anonymous [14/02/23(Sun)12:17] [Report] 1393175843445.jpg (46734 B, 565x566) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
46734 B

They say the brazillian butt lift is permanent for as long as you dont alter your weight drastically, or at the very lest lasts for 4-5 years.

So... What's the consensus on far relocation to butt and boobs?

No.7792 : Buttsissy [14/02/17(Mon)21:26] [Report] 1392690388310.jpg (1052631 B, 1810x2702) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1052631 B

Hey, this is me, just found this board! I haven't mustered up the courage to doll up my face and take pictures of it yet so I guess I go in here. I just tried to post but for some reason it didn't show up on the board.
I'm 22 and I've been doing it on and off since I was 15. Sissy hypno and stuff got me back on track hehe
Guess I'll post a few pics of myself, not much of a photographer though.

No.7794 : Anonymous [14/02/18(Tue)01:00] [Report] []

>>879 well you've got a great ass! I'd like to see more of your body esp them legs!

No.10105 : Anonymous [13/12/16(Mon)16:51] [Report] 1387230687132.gif (570525 B, 180x180) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
570525 B

Newbie CD. I kinda have a case of "Hank Hill ass". How can I make it more Full/round and give it that extra pop? thx :)

No.10106 : Anonymous [13/12/16(Mon)18:54] [Report] []

You can do exercises and stretches that work your ass and hips, but they will just give you a firm guy ass. To get a round booty you should do this and also take estrogen.

No.10132 : Anonymous [14/02/15(Sat)16:05] [Report] []

Won't that also promote breast growth? Or is there a certain amount where that wouldn't happen? Or maybe it depends person to person...?

No.7780 : Anonymous [14/02/13(Thu)02:06] [Report] 1392275189567.jpg (47542 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47542 B

Years back this cutie posted on CD.
They were built but still looked feminine.
If anyone has more of the photos from back then or a name or source that would be a great help.

No.7781 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [14/02/13(Thu)17:23] [Report] []

Dog I feel you I'm constantly torn between "dude don't be a creep" and "I need these for fap insurance" when someone exemplary comes along. And fuck me, I didn't save any of her stuff. :(

No.7782 : Anonymous [14/02/14(Fri)11:28] [Report] []

Has nothing to do with fap material it's more IDK
When she posted at the time the only internet access I had was a phone so I could talk to her in the thread. It just she was so damn gorgeous. That's too bad.

No.10110 : saata2 [13/12/18(Wed)15:55] [Report] 1387400158298.jpg (560403 B, 1432x2020) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
560403 B


I have a little problem with my legs.
I'm trying the no-HRT trap training (without Purera Mirifica), I'm pretty thin but my legs aren't.
I'm a leg lover and I'd really love to have those skinny legs that some traps have, but mines are a mix of muscles and fat, way too big to pass.

Have any specific tips for me ? :3

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10122 : Anonymous [14/01/19(Sun)03:33] [Report] []

What you want is 30 to 60 mins of "catabolic" exercise a day. Stationary bike, swimming, jogging or walking long distance {not sprinting} ect. Do very little muscle strenth {lifting} or toning exercises untill you reach your size goal. and make sure you keep your cardio up during the exercise period . Lower your intake of protien. But dont cut it out completley, and bring your calorie count down to about 1200 a day. Thus is only untill you lose the muscle mass your body cannot run on this diet forever but its great for slimming down muscle.

No.10130 : Anonymous [14/02/12(Wed)19:56] [Report] []

Don't over do it with the cycling. My quads are huge, and I have to minimize my intake to make sure they don't swell up.

No.10131 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [14/02/12(Wed)21:26] [Report] []


No.10126 : Anonymous [14/01/24(Fri)05:39] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Ummmmm hi. I'm a 20 year old male and this is my first time posting anywhere ever please be nice. Anyway, to the point, ever since i have contemplated the idea of what i identify more as in terms of gender in the 7th grade i discovered the gender i identify as is rather fluid, though showing a strong tendency toward female. I have noticed that i am very effeminate in terms of what id like to wear, how id like to look, and how i feel i should be deep down even when i identify as male and so i want to achieve an androgynous body type. and before i just go ahead and see anyone (doctors, psychologists, or whoever you see when you identify as male or female at different times) about the issue, i thought id come here because i'm 6'1"-6'2" and doubt i could ever achieve the look with any amount of work or hormones. i also want to know if there was a way to take hormones that would allow me to stay male with minimal major problems but allow me to become more androgynous so i can express myself whether i identify as female or male and feel like wearing a skirt or something cute or jeans and a t-shirt. Again, please be kind to me and if you need me to clarify something please ask and I'll try my best to explain what i meant.

No.10121 : Anonymous [14/01/12(Sun)14:39] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

So since I was about 12 or 13, I've been tying to find a way to change at the very least my physical appearance that wouldn't involve my family finding out. I managed to repress this pretty well (with the exception of the bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, and drug and alcohol abuse) until late last year when a friend came out to say that he was on HRT. I've known about MtF hormones for a little while at that point, but I was always scared that I would somehow fuck it all up. I just turned 21 last month and I honestly don't know what I identify as, my school's counselor does believe I suffer gender dysphoria, but he warns that is his inexperienced opinion. He recommended a clinic and associate of his, and I do believe that I would feel better if I started hormones, but I am also attached to my genitals. My friend says that there are varying shades of dysphasia and that's perfectly normal, but I don't want to go in there and have the doctor say no. Is my friend right or am I what because I'm honestly pretty worried about that situation. I am not worried about the emotional problems, nor am I opposed to the growth of breasts. or size loss and erectile dysfuction in my penis. From what little I've said, does hormones sound right? What are the risks vs. gains in taking hormones at my age? What exercise and diets will aid in my figure? I appreciate any help you can give.

Also, I live inbetween North Carolina and Tennessee, any advice on transitioning in red states?



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