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Hi guys hope u like
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>>1864nice ass baby
Thank u baby glad u like it
Sooo umm, it's my first post there, hi! I'm 26 lvl male who was always into trans and crossdresssing stuff, but one thing is that im very shy about this and one other even worse thing is that im resident of ruzzia (not even big city) right now which i always hated and which is actually have a repressive law for ppl like me already lol. So I've never opened to anyone about this... But i feel how time passes and things for slavs gets even worse, plus im getting older... Im still look like a young twink and can be a cute tranny with good clothes an makeup lol but how to live my life? I want to escape ruzzia, most perfectly to US, but I don't have money even for crossing mexican border and also very unsure of my future even if i do this one day... I want to get some advice, what can i do in this situation? I'm thinking about starting webcam job which prob can give decent amount of money but even if that will work what's next? How to escape to US and live a free happy life? :`-)
>>2113if i was you i would go to western europe instead rather then the US due to how shitty it is to live there, although sadly i cannot give advice, i wish you the very best if one day you did take action, unfortunately this site is kinda dead so you wouldn't really get much from here, try to go and ask femboy subreddits (yes, i know reddit is shit but it is the only platform that i know of that has a active femboy spaces)
hope everything will turn out good for you
>>2114ty for advice <3 ok i will try reddit then
>>2115good luck and your welcome
Has one tried those feminization subliminals/affirmations/binaural beats? I see them all the time and I'm wondering if anyone has any success with them. And not just placebo effect
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Don't listen to the poster above, they will change your body if you watch enough of them.This is a scientifically proven fact.Jokes aside your better off just doing a lot of squats and using moisturizer and sunscreen more often.
^This, it's a Snopes verified fact.
suck more cock and all the cum you swallow will make you die of AIDS and you won't have to worry about how you will never be feminine
is it true that mint tea contains female hormones ? i've heard it somewhere on the internet but i doubt it
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>>1570>>1584I tend to drink tea most days of the week, are there any other tea's I could drink to maintain good skin heath and to look more androgynous? I ask because variety is always nice.Maybe someone should make a list of tea's with these effects.
>Maybe someone should make a list of tea's with these effects.
Okay, so far we've got spear mint, casteberry, and maybe green tea? What else?
>>1570i never knew that was the case! i came from a culture where tea consumption is very much embedded into our culture that you can never avoid it especially with the spearmint variant, no wonder why i look androgynous lol
I'm 19 years old and I've been smoking for nearly 4 years, I find it hard to just stop so I was wondering if I could keep following this exercises and maybe smoke less like 2-3 cigarettes a day, can I do that or is the only option to stop smoking?
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>>1539 is it really that bad for my health to follow this guide?
the diest thing doesnt really matter. its mostly just about watching calories and doing the right exercises, but eat whatever you want, it wont effect anything. eating food containing estrogen wont effect anything unless you are on t blockers
>>1535You really should quit, try having a constant supply of gum on you to chew to get you through the post smoking headaches and stress you'll endure.It's worth it in the long run, especially if you do intend to develop a big butt from lots of squats because no surprise exercise doesn't mix well with constantly being short of breath.
Hey i was just wondering if any of you have experience going from over weight to being a trap, and know what kind of workouts i should be doing. I'm also curious if this chart it accurate because I've been told that it's not. I would be really glad if you could help me out.
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wait purera is 500/mg day?
>>1072Drinking from BPA plastic is a meme, sure it is estrogenic but you'll also end up with late stage cancer and will go infertile if you drink it enough, especially if you leave BPA plastic bottles out in the sun.
>Drink water from BPA plastic containers. They leach xenostrogens, wich simulates estrogen in the body.
Don't do this unless you want to die of cancer.
I'm looking to do some subtle feminization to myself. I'm nowhere near the amount of femininity I'd like, but I don't want to go onto hormones for fear of sterilizing myself. I know about Spearmint tea and everything, but I'd like to know if there are any other things I can do to feel and look more feminine
Pic Unrelated
I'm not an endocrinologist, but getting the effects of modifying your hormones without getting the effects of modifying your hormones sounds kinds impossible.
The various things you can eat to have tiny influences probably will also give you other imbalances you don't want when you have to consume them in huge quantities.
To really get what you want, you probably want a small amount of an anti-androgen only. Talk to your doctor.
>>1363Don't listen to him >>1364Your diet makes a huge difference in your bodies chemistry. There's a reason people who eat Mcdonald's every day often times die of heart failure and why men and woman who mostly eat steak and boiled eggs are very masculine.Of course you still need protein unless you wanna look like a ghoulish vegan so stick to mostly chicken and fish and drink your herbal meme teas.
Don't get me wrong, of course actual medication for the soul purpose of feminizing is going to be far more potent but don't make the mistake in underestimating how much of a difference your diet alone makes and when combined along with all the meme exercises to it does indeed make you more androgynous.
Don't drink from sun baked BPA bottles though unless you want cancer and to become infertile, not sure if you care about the last part but cancer I think we can all agree on fucking sucks.
hey 22 new cd, looking for some hot straight guys to practice talking to and dressing up for..
>looking for some hot straight guys to practice talking to and dressing up for..
No such thing, those of us who want to fuck traps are usually faggots or bisexual faggots.Don't delude yourself with the (100% str8 goys who wanna fuck my ass) meme.
Hello allI'm still in school rn and where I'm at, I wouldn't exactly be well received if I publicly came out as trans, I still won't to look feminine as possible without it being obvious though. I'm planning and getting skinny at least, working on my arse, and just maybe doing hip excercises though that may be overdoing it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Pic related is loosely what I'm going to follow.
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learn how to tuck, keeping your balls tucked will lower your testosterone. Since you don't want to transition yet focus on keeping your testosterone low, this will make it easier when you are ready to transition. Follow the guide for food you should eat to lower testosterone, focus on food that increase estrogen when you want to start to transition.
>>1516>>1513dont waste your time with this shitbuy some hormones and go on a diet with intermittent fasting to burn easy. dont do any exercise other than cardio, muscle is bad early on.
>>1518I can't tell if this image is serious or a shitpost or not. It's also incredibly low resolution.I thought green tea was a natural antigen as well as great for your liver.
good night everyone, I am a 19 year old man with 98 kilos of fat, my ideal weight should be 70 kilos, but I would like to have the thinness to have almost women's clothes to feel more comfortable. I almost always eat meat every day, but I believe and I can change my diet if I mention that I have to follow a medical diet, I am someone who has had little follow-up on this, so post here. Following this diet and going to the gym, can I have a trap body?
An image that circulates here of a diet to be a trap.
Eh were on the same boat op 😔
If you want to look like an internet femboy, you need to remember the four central pillars of being thin and popular.
Starve yourself: Simple science, if less calories go in than you need your body uses your reserves.
Cocaine: Amazing for weight loss. They call it cocaine-skinny for a reason. This way you can eat a much more carbohydrate and lipid-rich diet, whilst your altered metabolism makes your bodyfat dissappear.
Coffee: To recover better from cocaine-crashes, numb the hunger and get some energy even though youre not eating shit.
Cigarettes: For the oral fixation and keeping your hands busy. Nicotine will further help with the hunger and cocaine side-effects.
Don't forget your ibuprofen and paracetamol, because you will costantly be in about 12 different kinds of pain all oof the time.
But you will look hot as fuck. /s
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Am i trap material yet? Tips welcome ;)
you are not a trap. before you can even think of becoming a trap you must already be a femboy.
How do I make myself look more femmine?? (This my recent pic) I'm 19 but a little obese too :(( Any tips and advice that i should follow immediately?
How do I tell my cis gf I want to become a woman?
you make sounds using your vocal cords. after that, she will make sounds with her vocal cords, and then you will be without a girlfriend.
If you seriously think she doesn't have a clue, I'd suggest intentionally having a series of conversations that lead up to that bit of information.
How can i get more feminine without hrt; tips on feminization. Looking for your thoughts and improvements
>>1400Here's a photo most of my figure
There's not much of a chance you'll see my reply months later, OP, but here are my 50 cents anyway because I'm just random guy looking for tips to be more androgynous who stumbled on your thread and got impressed by your photos:Nature gifted you quite a lot. If you do your part, I think you're going to achieve a level of femininity some trans girls would envy without ingesting a single synthetic substance. I think you're under 20 or around this age. In time, you're going to need to exfoliate, just as the (in)famous trap charts tell, maybe you can start gently. Pay attention to your feet, really, manly feet is a huge turn-off. Just exfoliate and put on some moisturizing cream as you should to your whole body.Nice pointy tits, IMHO you're way better as is in this matter, biological women who embrace their close to flatchest nature look way more feminine than ones using implants, though I hold a huge bias towards implants.Well, the most obvious to my point of view: you're missing the two main rooms for improvement: your hair and your eyebrows. Ask your hairdresser for some good products, cut off split ends, that kind of thing, as for the eyebrows, ask them to be cut in a thin womanly shape. Don't do fake eyebrows like painted ones. Just don't.Maybe some exercises to improve the already good butt? You would be truly a trap as far as "imageboardian" semantics goes doing all this, in the sense you're not transitioning or maybe just not transitioning in the biochemical way.Sorry for my english, not native. You're gorgeous and also have a lot of potential. I hope you pass by and read this.
>>1420Not OP, but do you need to put on cream after exfoliating? Like if I shower and exfoliate during the shower, whats the point of exfoliating if im in water?
Also, I know how to stay pretty femme for now, but how am I going to keep this up when I'm 20? 30? 40?? 50+?!?
Anyone knows this shemale?
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Hello people, I would like to know how many of you are heterosexual crossdressers? are the majority, any condition?I leave you a photo of mine as a girl, and my urges if you want to follow me I did it recently and I will upload more content <3
>>1668I love the pic that started this thread and followed it thinking it was me... Anyway, this IS me
>>1867The first submission I posted Anonymously which I did not intend to choose
Sweet sissy wants you.......
Is my ass sexy enough?
Sweet enough
'Sup. How to find a therapist for people who question their gender or a local trans community?Pic unrelated.
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>>1554You snap him hard. But seeing as this site moderation don't bother remove his post I can't stay here
Good taste, OP.
Well when I see it I make sure I don't let people fuck with our contributors.
As for opinions about issues. His (?) is kind of gross but I don't think moderating that opinion does anything. Maybe he's from another country and that thinking is tolerated. Maybe the undercurrent of woke American culture actually feels this way.
You should know that this thinking is out there.
I wrestle with this. I am in no way the same person that I was almost 20 years ago when imageboards really took off but I do think the there is still value to the shitshow.
>people who question their gender
just look in your pants stupid
During the month of July, I shall receive my first appointment with the doctor. So I was wondering the following. What are some good questions to ask on the first appointment? If anyone could answer and help thank you in advance