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So since I was about 12 or 13, I've been tying to find a way to change at the very least my physical appearance that wouldn't involve my family finding out. I managed to repress this pretty well (with the exception of the bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, and drug and alcohol abuse) until late last year when a friend came out to say that he was on HRT. I've known about MtF hormones for a little while at that point, but I was always scared that I would somehow fuck it all up. I just turned 21 last month and I honestly don't know what I identify as, my school's counselor does believe I suffer gender dysphoria, but he warns that is his inexperienced opinion. He recommended a clinic and associate of his, and I do believe that I would feel better if I started hormones, but I am also attached to my genitals. My friend says that there are varying shades of dysphasia and that's perfectly normal, but I don't want to go in there and have the doctor say no. Is my friend right or am I what because I'm honestly pretty worried about that situation. I am not worried about the emotional problems, nor am I opposed to the growth of breasts. or size loss and erectile dysfuction in my penis. From what little I've said, does hormones sound right? What are the risks vs. gains in taking hormones at my age? What exercise and diets will aid in my figure? I appreciate any help you can give.
Also, I live inbetween North Carolina and Tennessee, any advice on transitioning in red states?
Hi all. Big body of text: so after eight years of believing I was just something fucked up (from the age of twelve,) when I was nineteen, I discovered that people can be 'transgender,' and immediately and for fucking once believed I understood myself. However, through relationships and family matters and stuff I made efforts to deny my gender identity, even though the idea explained me so well, and so I've wasted years and da da da I'll cut out all the bullshit and skip to now.
I'm twenty-two and broke; I'll soon begin electrolysis, and with the cost of living and trying to save for a car and stuff I simply can not afford to go to a therapist. Not to mention the misery I've faced for so long is really starting to wring my neck and it's begging me to do something now. So I've decided to self medicate. Although I know it's risky, for me, so is waiting any longer. It's become a serious detriment to my emotional stability, and the quality of my life in general. I don't know if it was necessary to explain all of that, but there it is, for what it's worth.
The reason for my post is for some opinions on where I can acquire estrogen/androgen blockers, which ones I should consider, and how I should begin taking them (with regard to dosages.)
Your opinions are greatly valued. I can't express how much I'd appreciate any information you can send my way. <3 Picture related: me.
Also, I've perused a bit, and found some answers, but I'm hoping someone will be willing to go more in depth with me. jfyithx. <3
Hey. Go somewhere you can be happy and be who you are. that is all. <3
On a physical (not perceptive) level , how much of an impact can diet changes (alone) go? How much time does it take for a long term diet change to take effect and how long until the effects wear off after another change? How strict should you be?
If starting from a young age (say, 15-17) can the effects be permanent?
I searched around a bit and made a list for myself of which basic foods should probably be avoided and which would probably help, (pic related) how accurate is it? For packaged and processed products which chemicals/ingredients should i be looking for and which should i avoid? Thanks in advance
(sorry if this post was confusing , it's my first time posting anywhere in about almost a year)
Okay, so... This is one of the few times I've actually made a topic someplace like this and reached out, because responses from boards like these are usually all over the place, but this place seems pretty awesome, and YourTrainer's thread is full of awesome stuff but honestly it's a bit overwhelming.
I guess I'll start from the beginning. I've flirted with the idea of doing the whole MtF hormones and stuff thing since I was in my mid-teens. I just turned 21 and I now know that I DON'T want to go all the way, and that I DON'T identify as female. At this point though, I think that if I could have starter younger, and been gorgeous by now, that's another story. That being said, I still think about changing my body type and stuff a LOT. I want to be a trap. I'm bisexual, heavily into females, but I really really want to have a more feminine body. I'd love to have a better ass, hips, and do something about that godawful body hair. Maybe a little bit more of a feminine face. The picture I posted (Which I drew, by the way... a sort of fantasy.) should give an idea of what I'm after. Yes, it's an exaggerated, Poju-esque fantasy, but there are plenty of guys I've seen online, some who haven't even taken hormones that I would love to look like. I guess what I'm saying is that my expectations aren't quite that high.
So my question is, should I go on hormones? At this age, I don't really know what to expect from the results. I don't want tits, but I can lose them if other results are awesome (even if that means liposuction), and I'm prepared to deal with emotional stuff if it means pursuing what I want. What I am pretty scared of is size loss when it comes to my cock, as well as erectile disfunction, and difficulty ejaculating. Admittedly I don't know much about this, which is why I'm here, but I'm definitely concerned about sexual performance. I'm more concerned about the pleasure factor as opposed to my size and erectile performance staying the same, but I'm still worried about those, too. At my age, with my wants, it sounds like it isn't worth it, right? And I'm pretty confident no doctor will prescribe anything based on my purely-physical desires. Then again I know there are other ways of getting stuff. That being said, I'm not opposed to surgery, other than not being able to afford it. I also have weight to lose, and in the process have been dabbling with some exercise plans to look more feminine, nothing I've really committed to, yet. I take it this is probably my best course of action, though? I'm mostly just here to try and get some concrete answers about the risks involved in going on hormones for me, at my age, especially compared to potential gains.
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Shave with and against the grain of the hair.Use foundation to cover up the follices.If it really concerns you then go for laser hair removal, a few sessions (2-3) should be enough to reduce the follicle size and, thus, thickness of hair.
>>955you can use laser to reduce your facial hair by a lot, if you have the right characteristics. (dark coarse hair and light skin). alternatively you can try shaving really closely and then using a foundation makeup with a red tint to cancel out the "blue" that comes from shaven facial hair.
and for your OP, i'm in the same boat as you kinda. i'm trans but not really in the binary. sometimes i like to pass as a girl, sometimes, as a boy. i take hormones so my body is a more physical representation of what i am, which is more of a tomboyish girl than completely girly, but i am definitely not a boy. if that makes sense...
>Take them for what they're worth: their effects. Not whether or not you are trans.
something i've been considering but its hard to walk around sporting a rack as a male
Does anyone know who this is?
More pics below
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he's amazing!
>>817 i wish i knew
Hi, I'm new. I don't even know if this is the right place to ask, but here goes.I'm 20, overweight (just over 80kg), short at 165cm, with a "pretty" face although currently just beardy and dark brown hair almost down to my shoulders. In the last few years I've gotten into exploring myself I guess, and I've cone to terms with being bi for at least feminine traps/transgirls. I also live with a girlfriend-to-be-wife who doesn't know more than that I've toyed my butt a few times and that I'm bi.
Anyway, introductions aside, I've long been into the thought of trying to become a passable trap in a way - I still want to remain male and all, but I want to shape myself into as feminine as I could be. That's why I'm here.So 2014 I'm gonna start dieting and exercising. What are good things to go for? Assume that I have no idea - I just want to be able to crossdress/trap and whore myself in front of a mirror, or maybe even my girlfriend or a cam eventually. I guess I'm also a pervert.
But yeah. I sincerely apologize if I'm asking the wrong place, but you seem like a nice bunch. Thanks for your time.
Lurkerfaghere.Semi-passable here, I guess. I have the body and face to pass, but need more make-up tips.
Anyway, is there an essential guide, or website for tips? Make up, nails, speaking, walking, etc.
Also, while we're at it. I've been contemplating taking pharma to become more androgynous. I'm extremely comfortable as a man, I enjoy it, but I have the desire to be more feminine. Are there any HRT trap guides? Or can anyone suggest a slow regimen? I'm a closet trap, and have no intentions of coming out soon- but if it were a gradual change, over months, years, people would just... gradually notice- I wouldn't have to say anything, haha.
Please any all info on it.Does it work? Is it a scam? Any of you buy it?
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I don't think many people would have tried it. How much does it cost? What's the actual model #?
My girlfriend has one and it SEEMS to be working? I have no clue though
I decided to try this a few years ago. I'm not a trap in training or anything. Just a cis-gendered guy who doesn't grow a great deal of chest hair, and a clean shaven look suits me better. Using heat to burn the hairs, the No!No! claims this will shoot a quick zap of heat to the follicle and kill it. If nothing else, it claims it will reduce the thickness of the hair and regrowth time. After a few months of regular use with this, I gave up on it. I couldn't tell if a real difference was being made, and occasionally there was an annoying pain involved. The heat is conducted through a thin wire that runs close to the skin, but is supposed to be stopped by a barrier from touching you. Well, if you are cold due to removing your shirt as you use this, you'll get goosebumps and you may start running the wire into the raised bumps. You'll also experience some trouble getting around trouble spots, like your underarms, and the particular model in your op pic is not meant for use on the face. They have another version for that which I didn't try. It's also not intended for use in the pubic area, so forget about using it on pubic hair. That stuff is too strong for this device to work with, and those crevices are too hard to get to anyway.
In the end, I would suggest skipping this and going to a professional, or looking up other devices with user reviews on Amazon. You can also look at the user reviews on Amazon for the No!No! there, and you'll see many people are as unhappy with it as I am. Save your money for something more useful.
Check out this guy's review as well:
been here awhile.... thought i'd leave this
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Thanks for the work (and the legs!), Billi, it's been fun fantasizing :o)
Well, thank you very much... Life is but a dream....
Thank you so very much.....
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sure has a purty mouth
yesh, adorable, moar.
Hey! Yes! You're cute!
Hey guys, lurker here coming out to post for the first time!
I'm 22, 6" 1', 174 lbs, and planning on starting some DIY hormone treatments sometime soon.
Ideally, I'm shooting for general androgyny (not trans, just GQ) with some possible small (A cup) breast growth and/or bigger nipples. What would be an ideal way to start things off? Should I go with an low-dose estrogen/anti-androgen combo, or should I use just a low dosage of one or the other?
I'm seeing a lot of arguments for either of the above, and I'm having difficulty finding a definitive answer, both here and elsewhere.
I'm well aware of long-term effects (lowered libido, infertility) so I'm really only planning on using these for ~3-4 months, or at least until I achieve my goal.
Also, I've been trying to find a dosage chart to see what would be a good starting point (25mg, 50 mg, etc). Anyone know of any?
Hay tranchan. Wondered what you thought.
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New jacket get
this is honestly more creepy than anything
Hey tranchan. First time poster, thought I'd give some oc of me. If you want more let me know :)
6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Here's the last from the other night. I'll take some more pics soon :D
Looks delicious.
Smexy! Moar please!
can anyone help find moar of her?
So, i measured myself today. While i'm still slimming down, I'm 37,33,39 (C,W,H). Is there anyway (asside moans) that i can make this ration better (mainly slimming my waiste while keeping fuller hips, i know i can't do anything really for the chest)?
Corset training?
I'm not transgender, but I would like to maintain a young and androgynous look because I make a shitty lumberjack type. I know that there are many many ways to mitigate things like facial hair, body hair, etc., but since I figure I've put way more dangerous drugs into my body, I'd ask about hormones.
I've got no interest in estrogen because I don't want tits, but as far as I know, antiandrogens wouldn't give me any, they'd just cancel out the testosterone that keeps the miniscule amount of estrogen produced by all males from giving me tits, and that would take such a long time to kick in that I'd definitely see it coming and stop popping pills.
Can anyone tell me the effects of antiandrogens on the male body without estrogen added? I know what they do combined but I'm not sure what effects come from which drugs. I'd like to know negative side effects too, I'm sure there are some but depending on severity and prioritization they might not be a big deal.
For the record, I'm 21 and skinny, maybe 140 pounds. No medical conditions.
Hello there :) sounds like you need an anti androgen and perhaps incorporate a small amount of estrogen here and there to help prevent bone loss. inhousepharm. does the trick. spirotone is super cheap and I don't think mentioning shaving/plucking/waxing is something worth mentioning. Use lotion! 2x a day all over your body.
Hi Tranchan and anon lurkers :))So I have been taking yada yada for yada yada and it's becoming too obvious that im not a boy. I love the change and I feel comfortable in my skin and regular clothes. In fact, the only time I actually wear male clothes/try to act male is when I'm at work, in public or college. I have to use a brown thingy to cover up my growing boobies, I look fem and unfortunately live from paycheck to paycheck and im so damn scared that i will loose my place, job and be labeled a freak since I live in a small city in fl near alabama. Advice and luv from anon is super kewl and I would love a trans E-buddy or something. ty tranchan <3
I've been wanting to transition for years now and the opportunity where I can begin self medding has finally come at 23 years old. I ordered spiro and estrofem from inhouse, and plan to start ASAP because I'm terribly worried that if I don't start soon I'll be an unpassable hon monster, which I'd rather die than be.