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No.10348 : Anonymous [2015-09-15 16:35] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

So I've been interested in transitioning for over a year; but don't know where a 14y/o would start. Any tips?

No.10360 : Anonymous [2015-11-19 04:45] [Report] []

Can I see pics nothing dirty cause your age but just modeling

No.9833 : Casseh [12/11/18(Sun)00:34] [Report] 1353216848097.jpg (61656 B, 222x333) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61656 B

Hey has anyone here used Puerera Mifrica? If so can yew tell me about your experience with it?

Fanks xx

No.10358 : Anonymous [2015-11-08 14:57] [Report] []

I start today.
I will take measurement everyday to see if it is effective or not.

Obviously, I will forgot to do it in about a week...
And thus, all measures will be useless.

Plus, I will forget to post results.

But, hey, if I succeed, I will post breast size here.

No.10264 : Self-Administering: Where to begin? [2015-01-07 23:00] [Report] 1420689630371.jpg (251041 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
251041 B

So I decided that I'm going to start buying hormones for myself. Where do I start? I have a general idea; I need estrogen and anti-androgens.

Do I start taking anti-androgens before estrogen? and if so, how long do I take them without estrogen before I start estrogen? What dose level should I use? What's the best place to buy them without an online prescription?

Thanks so much for any replies!! I've been waiting so long for this moment and it's finally here and I need some help :)

No.10357 : Anonymous [2015-11-08 14:29] [Report] []

Hello there.

I'm neither a trans nor a trav, but I have read a lot of stuff here and there and their is a thing that pops out again and again when it comes to mones.

Don't do it like this.

Don't just go on china's website and buy an hormone cocktail.
At best, you wont take too much and nothing happens.
At worst, you take too much and fuck up your body's hormone balance.

If you feel ready for hormones, please, go to your doctor and have an hormonal check.

At least, you will know your current levels and could decide what to do, at best, the doc is supportive and will give you the right amount of everything.

No.10355 : Anonymous [2015-10-29 19:32] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

im 20 years old and im thinking about transitioning the only doubt i have is that i get aroused about being female my doubt is do i only want this for the arousal

No.10356 : Anonymous [2015-10-29 19:57] [Report] []


No.10343 : Anonymous [2015-09-10 11:19] [Report] 1441898397199.png (571941 B, 906x457) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
571941 B

Hey guys,
I'm a straight (I think) male that is a bit bicurious, that's the question, in fact. I had a girl but we broke up some time ago. I always had stockings / pantyhose fetish that through online porn escalated to pegging and traps (it was also femdom for a while). You know, in porn it's always traps and like that wear the hottest outfits, the lingerie, they have amateur pictures, that's what I liked about it. So I got a bit into trap porn and now that I am through with my girlfriend I bought myself some stockings, a vibrator and anal beads, I also have few pairs of pantyhose and panties that I got in the past. In the past I found out that porn was bad for me, I used to waste too much time and energy - so I destroyed my stash, all my things. As I have said now I bought new + anal play stuff, because I enjoy fucking my ass from time to time.
The question is I am puzzled, is that normal? Lol, I know normal is relative, but what shall I do? I had/have poblems with my dick getting hard in front of women - with my long time gf I conquered it (ofc it gets hard to porn or at home) but on a one-night-stand few nights ago I didn't feel that, I didn't want that woman so much (I wanted to fuck her but the animal-like lust wasn't there). Should I worry about it? Should I pursue my career as a crossdresser, should I give up? Or should I just go ahead and fuck my ass and take some pictures?
I'm 21 and a bit confused. I know porn has bad impact for me, yet I bought the things listed and I damn love fucking my ass. Yet my friends being all right wing and straight, I feel uncomfortable doing all that stuff. I mean in the heat of the moment it's all good, but later sometime come the reflections and I am puzzled.

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No.10347 : Anonymous [2015-09-12 07:28] [Report] []


Some traps' cocks' look delicious but as I've said, I think that'd be rather repulsed by it in real life

No.10349 : Anonymous [2015-09-17 05:22] [Report] []

Have you considered that you're a lesbian? I don't mean like how douches will say that. I mean that you're more comfortable in women's clothing, feel alive, hopeful. And I'm guessing you get not just turned on by women but jealous of their bodies. Look into what transwomen are saying and see if it resonates with you.

No.10354 : RexCockatrice [2015-10-13 23:16] [Report] []

I'll give you this tip: it's helpful to drop the cultural constructs and break things down to core human nature. You're something of a feminine man, but not attracted to masculine men. That's one side of "gayness" but the straight/gay paradigm is just one culture's way of looking at this.

What about other feminine men or even masculine women? I suspect the last one may be better for you as a masculine woman would more likely peg/domme you and enjoy it. Keep in mind the difference between masculine/feminine people. And realize emotional and physical connection are very different.

Dump guilt for things that are not harmful to you or others. But if you truly feel porn is harming you then you should stop it. Porn can't make anyone something they're not deep inside. Ask yourself if being sissy/CD is hurting other areas of your life and will become unmanageable. Or are you just fearing what others might say?

No.10353 : Anonymous [2015-10-07 03:01] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Is there a chance for a >182cm male with wider shoulders and UK 9.5 / US 10.5 shoe size to ever become a passing trap? Even thin I'd need large clothes due to body width and shoes are always too small. =(

No.8151 : Anonymous [2015-10-03 11:17] [Report] 1443885470210.jpg (159779 B, 1000x690) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
159779 B

Does anyone know this beauty?

No.8152 : Anonymous [2015-10-04 21:20] [Report] []

That someone called CoCoCumbunny on fetlife.

No.10350 : Anonymous [2015-09-20 01:18] [Report] 1442726322186.jpg (15467 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
15467 B

I'm 15 and interested in becoming a trap. How do I begin and how do I keep it secret? Plus, based on my attached picture, will I make a good trap? I'm also overweight, and want to know how to burn fat fast. Anything helps! Thanks!

No.8135 : Anonymous [2015-08-30 19:53] [Report] 1440978805982.jpg (119696 B, 2322x2694) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
119696 B

Oh hai thur

No.8136 : Anonymous [2015-08-31 05:26] [Report] []

>>1222 please continue

No.8137 : Anonymous [2015-09-01 00:41] [Report] 1441082476107.jpg (50608 B, 1184x2216) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8138 : Anonymous [2015-09-02 03:15] [Report] []

>>1224 Wow. You've got a great ass and beautiful lips. it would be awesome to see more of that sexy body of yours! Maybe we could see the rest of that beautiful face? Whats youre name btw?

No.10251 : saata_2 [2014-12-12 05:14] [Report] 1418379280280.jpg (10137471 B, 2017x4756) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
10137471 B

Hey !
I've got 2 questions for you today.

  1. Where should I buy Purera Mirifica ? I live in France, and I'd like a safe / cheap way to find some. Internet or IRL (drugstores ?) accepted. Paypak would be a plus.

(I'm a bit afraid, don't want to buy some weird mix).

2. I think I'm in the /cd/ tier now. What do you think ? Any personal tips for achieving the /trap/ tier ? I'm already following the updated infographic on achieving trap-mode aesthetics.

Good advices will be awarded new pics. Nice messages will be awarded by my love. Messages unrelated to my questions will be ignored (we're in /tips/, not /cd/ remember. If I get answers and some ppl are interested, I'll consider opening a thread in /cd/)

No.10253 : Anonymous [2014-12-15 19:35] [Report] []

Definitely would like to see you in /cd/

No.10271 : Yunae [2015-01-26 11:56] [Report] []

Tu peut acheter de la PM sur BIOVEA j'ai déjà acheter 2 bouteille de 100 caps

Mais la je vais essaiyer d'acheter sur le site d'ainterol UK.

bonne chance :p

No.10275 : Anonymous [2015-01-28 05:02] [Report] []

I just really wanted to see more of you in that maids outfit

No.10328 : Anonymous [2015-07-06 15:53] [Report] 1436212427555.jpg (83919 B, 665x569) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
83919 B

Anons, can you guys please recommend me a diet without testosterone to become more feminine?
Which veggies should I eat?
Which fruits should I eat?
Which soy products should I eat?
Which foods shouldn't I eat?

No.10338 : Anonymous [2015-08-17 23:44] [Report] []


I've been on my diet for roughly two months now but I'll throw it in since I'm semi confident in my research ability.

With veggies you can generally eat anything green in color.
Soy is both kinda obvious and kinda stupid, beans beans beans?

That's all I've got for soy anyway.
I don't know about fruit but to help drop your testosterone don't eat any big game, red meats, no beef and no pork. I personally dropped eating meat altogether.

No.7707 : SheriseNoble [13/12/01(Sun)22:27] [Report] 1385954853984.jpg (135822 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
135822 B

Anyone online tonite?

13 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7819 : pngbby [14/03/16(Sun)14:36] [Report] []


does that toy actually go into your anus? or just ride in between your cheeks?

No.7820 : SheriseNoble [14/03/16(Sun)22:38] [Report] 1395023891012.jpg (304100 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
304100 B


No.8126 : Anonymous [2015-08-03 03:52] [Report] []

where are you baby?
show us more of that ass plz

No.8125 : Anonymous [2015-08-01 14:41] [Report] 1438454470710.jpg (127062 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
127062 B

Anyone for cam?

No.8121 : anonymous [2015-07-28 12:42] [Report] 1438101739963.jpg (15990 B, 575x386) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
15990 B

Does anyone like it?

No.8122 : Anonymous [2015-07-29 01:31] [Report] []

I would suck on those tits all day

No.8119 : CaseyD4u [2015-07-09 04:46] [Report] 1436431594018.jpg (174054 B, 379x1207) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
174054 B

Hey everyone =) Back again just to show off a little hehe ;p
What do you think?

No.8120 : cola [2015-07-12 14:34] [Report] []

now that's an ass I could get behind! :)

No.10303 : black [2015-04-20 15:05] [Report] 1429556708743.jpg (130543 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130543 B

how do i go about making my shoulder width/ upper body seem smaller naturally? if my upper body seems bigger now, will dieting make it seem smaller as i get skinny?

pic is my lower half, what do you think?

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10324 : Anonymous [2015-06-30 02:40] [Report] []

Cardio Cardio Cardio.

Run Jog Run Jog Run Jog.

It's the only way my friend.

No.10327 : Anonymous [2015-07-05 16:22] [Report] 1436127762962.jpg (142325 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
142325 B

back after about a month of squats i think im seeing some progress, still gotta update with another progress pic right about now tho.

No.10329 : Anonymous [2015-07-06 20:46] [Report] []

Take another pic more like >>1274

No.9271 : Blondey [11/09/24(Sat)09:59] [Report] 1316872749826.jpg (821516 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
821516 B

Just got turned down by the girl I absolutely adore because I'm still a guy and she's a lesbian. I was really hoping to death she'd be able to look past that, because she knows I identify as female and that I'm transitioning, but she told me she's "not attracted to guys".
Any tips for dealing with dysphoria? Kind of feeling like a stupid pile of shit for thinking anybody could think of me as a girl. I'm so fucking pathetic >.<

Pic related, me but super old.

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No.10314 : Anonymous [2015-05-20 12:03] [Report] []

Some lesbians want ciswomen. It's not a judgement on them or you. Don't try and tell someone else what their sexuality is though.

No.10323 : Anonymous [2015-06-30 02:39] [Report] []

There's nothing wrong with her not wanting to date or get involved with a trans person. That said, it also means that you shouldn't be too worried about her opinion either. She's just not for you if she can't accept who you are and be okay with that in a relationship. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with her, you two just aren't compatible.

No.10326 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [2015-06-30 12:00] [Report] []


To convey that by saying "I'm not attracted to guys" though. Fucking disgusting.

No.10194 : Anonymouse [2014-09-27 22:31] [Report] 1411871468868.jpg (86115 B, 537x804) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
86115 B

Hey y'all. I'm a 23 year old married male. I have an obsession with transexuals, crossdressers, ladyboys, etc. I want to hook up with one and possibly create a relationship on the side of my marriage. Does anybody have any advice on going about this? Any good dating sites? Any advice would be appreciated.

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No.10296 : Anonymous [2015-03-17 20:44] [Report] []

She is more manly than I am, and she has a thicker mustache.

No.10301 : Anonymous [2015-04-11 20:41] [Report] []

why don't you just get her to peg you?

No.10325 : Anonymous [2015-06-30 02:41] [Report] []





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