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Ummmmm hi. I'm a 20 year old male and this is my first time posting anywhere ever please be nice. Anyway, to the point, ever since i have contemplated the idea of what i identify more as in terms of gender in the 7th grade i discovered the gender i identify as is rather fluid, though showing a strong tendency toward female. I have noticed that i am very effeminate in terms of what id like to wear, how id like to look, and how i feel i should be deep down even when i identify as male and so i want to achieve an androgynous body type. and before i just go ahead and see anyone (doctors, psychologists, or whoever you see when you identify as male or female at different times) about the issue, i thought id come here because i'm 6'1"-6'2" and doubt i could ever achieve the look with any amount of work or hormones. i also want to know if there was a way to take hormones that would allow me to stay male with minimal major problems but allow me to become more androgynous so i can express myself whether i identify as female or male and feel like wearing a skirt or something cute or jeans and a t-shirt. Again, please be kind to me and if you need me to clarify something please ask and I'll try my best to explain what i meant.