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No.10563 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 23:20] [Report] 1584501656255.jpg (680653 B, 1432x2164) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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I've seen this exercise and another one as well, however, this one takes around 1 hour and must be done three times a week while the other print says about a 5min/daily exercises.

Both are good? Anyone knows if one is better than the other?

No.10565 : Anonymous [2020-04-03 09:28] [Report] []

why are you even asking? so you can choose to be lazy instead of working hard toward your goal?
use common sense. though maybe you don't have any.

No.8575 : Anonymous [2020-03-24 18:44] [Report] 1585089843236.jpg (53066 B, 468x511) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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I'm a beginner cd

No.8576 : MischaMischa [2020-04-02 01:13] [Report] []

Always a good place to start!

No.9687 : Anonymous [12/07/12(Thu)01:05] [Report] 1342069522290.jpg (571919 B, 1125x1500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Any tips on stretching your ass?

Never had sex with a guy and just tried anal masturbation today, but couldn't even get a finger in without pain.

I was in the shower and used body wash as lube.

6 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.9753 : Adult industry expert [12/09/13(Thu)02:54] [Report] []

I work in the adult industry n agree dont use anything but lube for anal! Also may i add dont use water based lube as the lube will desolve quickly get yourself some silicone or lube that is designed for anal! There is an anal lube product that has a relaxing additive with it! With anal lube up loads! Also i suggest you douche yourself also clean ur insides out n when u do make sure the water comes out clear. Then use the lube! Lube up anus and also lube up ur fingers or whatever u use! BUT i suggest u get a toy that is flexible! And with all anal GO SLOW AND EASY if it hurts STOP. Pain is your body telling you something is going wrong! Slow n steady is the best thing! Also if u rush to stretch urself you may end up ripping urself inside which can only be fixed by surgery, so just be careful :)

No.9872 : Tess V [13/01/04(Fri)16:14] [Report] []


That's actually kind of what you need to do, a lot of the time. since what you are actually doing, as far as I can tell, is relaxing the anal muscles, or at least opening the sphincters.

The key is to practice getting control over those muscle groups. I can do that no problem, but other muscles groups in your abdomen can help you orgasm, which I don't have down yet.

No.10559 : Anonymous [2019-11-20 03:44] [Report] []

Lie on your side
Lube it good, then get a dildo like in the picture, put the end (20%) in your ass, then pull the dildo the same way you would make a lollipip pop out one corner.

No.10557 : Anonymous [2019-10-20 15:52] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Does fapping increase testosterone level?

No.10558 : Anonymous [2019-11-08 01:19] [Report] []

From what I hear fapping does not increase testosterone levels but abstinence can increase testoserone levels.

No.8361 : bisissy-by [2017-11-04 09:27] [Report] 1509802075124.jpg (151576 B, 418x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hi buddies..

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No.8394 : bisissy-by [2017-11-04 11:05] [Report] 1509807905477.jpg (439699 B, 873x1160) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8442 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 14:04] [Report] []


No.8566 : Anonymous [2019-09-16 13:39] [Report] []

MMMMMM Love to have you fuck my sissy mouth

No.8556 : anon [2018-12-23 04:48] [Report] 1545558537602.jpg (67982 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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No.8565 : Anonymous [2019-08-03 08:32] [Report] []

Well hey there cutie. You have such nice legs

No.10553 : Anonymous [2019-07-10 00:49] [Report] 1562734193659.png (274981 B, 400x414) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Okay so I'm going to university in 2 months in my home state of Texas to do tranny major of choice, compsci. I want to start on HRT but due to my parents that hasn't been possible although I'm going to be away from home now. What are my best options for getting the tit skittles? If it helps I almost got hrt once from a psych which was prevented by my parents. I've seriously considered applying for disability as I am literally autistic and then using money from that for transitioning. There's no planned parenthood although the university has provided a decently sized list of local docs that do hormone stuff for transexual purposes. Are there any options here that I'm missing?

No.10554 : Anonymous [2019-07-11 13:12] [Report] []
  1. it would be stupid not to leech from the government in every way you can, it'll only help bring the collapse closer and the beginning of the end of the jew reign over the west
  2. use the services of your pozzed daycare to get the drugs you need to transform your body into whatever thing it'll become
  3. continue to hate yourself because you didn't get any treatment for your mental illness (protip: people with autism already feel like they don't belong in their skin, you've just fallen for the jew propaganda that's telling you it's because you're "gender dysphoric")
  4. kill yourself like the majority of trans people do because they never get help either because the jew just wants you dead, not healthy and producing more healthy children

i feel sorry for your parents; they tried their best.

No.10555 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [2019-07-12 20:28] [Report] []

move over world cup, it's the 2019 tryhard olympics

No.10556 : Anonymous [2019-07-13 14:48] [Report] []

You should have health coverage at your university. Get a appointments with both a physician and a mental health professional to find out what your options are. (Almost) all medication is cheaper with insurance.

Also, start doing your research now about what trans or queer support groups there are at the university and in that city. They will most likely have good information for you to follow up on.

No.10551 : thetranscat [2019-06-29 05:06] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hey anons, I'm a trans girl hopefully going to start HRT soon. In the meantime i'm looking for tips on how to feminize my face, it's probably the one thing that I can't figure out right now. Thanks <3

No.10552 : thetranscat [2019-06-29 05:13] [Report] []

Sorry, forgot to mention something - posting at 5am before going to sleep :o
My hair is really curly so it's hard for me to make it do something other than what it wants to do by itself. I'd appreciate tips on that as well even if it might not be totally related with my OP. <3

No.10548 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 04:07] [Report] 1556784450546.jpg (3600366 B, 4032x3024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hey anons, I'm pretty into this.I don't want to get into HRT but want my body as close to feminine as possible. What could I do in order to achieve it?

pic rel is me

No.10549 : Anonymous [2019-05-06 14:07] [Report] 1557166023895.jpg (560954 B, 960x1354) [YIS] [GIS] []
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You could try this.

No.10394 : Anonymous [2016-08-26 06:09] [Report] 1472206193997.jpg (54945 B, 560x772) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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How the fuck do I self med without killing myself? I can get hormones over the counter in my country, but doctors won't recognize nor treat me because in my backwards country transgender people don't exist.

Dose 4 mg of Estradiol valerate and 200 mg of spironolactone seem alright?

I'm 25 years old, 5' 7", and 152 pounds.

Token unrelated picture.

No.10395 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [2016-08-26 09:16] [Report] []


Well, half your problem is handled by being able to get 'mones OTC. But yeah, dosing wrong can happen. Ask around, but also double check the meds online versus any other meds you take, or any health issues you have.

No.10535 : Anonymous [2019-04-05 02:08] [Report] []


>Estradiol valerate

What you want is 17beta Estradiol (the name brand is e-trace) if you can get it. Valerate should still work, but I know that normal estradiol is preferred.
The recommended dose for 17 beta-estadiol is 2-6mg. Valerate I'm pretty sure the dose is the same for valerate, but I'm not sure. Since this is a hormone your height/weight doesn't impact it. It has to do with your hormone levels and how your body interacts with it.
If you can take the 4mg in 2 doses because your hormones end up spiking with each dose.
Also take it sublingually (if valerate let's you do that of course)
***Watch out for deep-vain thrombosis since estrogen products increase the likely hood of it*** - a bunch of pain in your thigh is the usual sign
***DO NOT SMOKE as this will significantly increase the likelihood of deep vain thrombosis***


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No.10533 : Anonymous [2019-04-02 02:18] [Report] 1554185905830.jpg (566396 B, 1432x2020) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hello there, tranchan! I'm a 19 year old male interested in cross-dressing as a hobby and I was wondering; If I were to follow this guide and then suddenly decide that I'd rather be a Muscle Man than a trap, would I be able to return to "normal" or would my body be fucked? Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm very new to this.

No.10534 : Anonymous [2019-04-04 13:52] [Report] []

As long as you aren't taking hormones, it's reversible.

No.10524 : Anonymous [2018-12-25 19:55] [Report] 1545785753692.jpg (764143 B, 1000x1511) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Anyone have infographics for make up tips?? Like these but for make up...

No.10532 : Anonymous [2019-03-28 03:21] [Report] 1553757672244.jpg (528136 B, 1500x1930) [YIS] [GIS] []
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No.10530 : Anonymous [2019-03-23 11:08] [Report] 1553353705955.jpg (330697 B, 1200x2192) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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No.10528 : Saby [2019-01-31 21:47] [Report] 1548989252658.jpg (57481 B, 1024x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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My fast metabolism has sort of helped me to keep a somewhat healthy body shape.
I'm still small tho, so I thought I'd look good in girl clothes, Imo i sort of did.
however I'd like to look better and I thought of practicing some sports (plus my psychotherapist wants me to go outside more often since I wasn't admitted in college)
I'd like to do some box or combat based sports, but they seem to be expensive and it probably will give me a more masculine look.
so I thought of tennis or maybe soccer.
what should I do? Any sports you recommend?

No.10483 : Anonymous [2018-05-07 12:30] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hey i'm new, what should i do to get my ass widen for a dildo

No.10486 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 23:43] [Report] []

bump i guess

No.10521 : Anonymous [2018-10-17 04:54] [Report] []

i dunno, invest in a plug.

No.10522 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 16:30] [Report] []

I used my fingers and lube at first. once you can fit at least 3 fingers in you can start shopping for a dildo

No.10518 : Anonymous [2018-09-11 16:07] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hi all. i'm new here. i want to become a trap. but i don't know how begin to start this. and i need how to train my voice like a girl.
;~; sorry for my english not good.

No.9119 : Yourtrainer [11/07/21(Thu)05:01] [Report] 1311238871416.jpg (52452 B, 500x281) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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So, If I make a thread to help our girls to become more girly through training and dieting (I know some good shit about it), will I get banned?

If not... well, ask and ye shall receive!

note: you will probably be asked to post 3 pics of your body, 1 front, 1 side and a rear view photos, no flattering angles/lighting, I gotta know the painful truth to get on business, and please NO NAKED PHOTOS, with some intimate wear is more than enough.

note2: NO UNDERAGE, let's keep this stuff legal.

note3: I'm not browsing the internet 24/7, responses can get delayed by a day, more if I'm partying hard(which is not uncommon)

note4: I'm not a trap/cd/trans. In fact, I'm a rather athletic guy, I just know about training, and nutrition more than the average person (and more than the average trainee, and even more than many PT's you'll find in the average gym), which is why I think I can help a little on changing your body shape (In fact, I've already helped a friend).

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No.10224 : Anonymous [2014-10-31 12:25] [Report] []

Just read the thread, some of it at least. I'm currently 20 years old, weigh about 64kg and I'm 170cm (5'7''ish).
I've recently lost something like 10kilos while gaining 10cms in height, so I'm pretty new at this being thin thing. I have an issue with getting a properly thin apperance though. I'd like a flat belly, one of those you just want to touch when you see them because of how flat they are, but so far all I can seem to do is lose fat 'under' the skin. It's like I'm losing internal mass, but there's flabby skin on the surface which is kept 'thick', giving a malnourished look overall instead of a thin one, especially since there's this abrupt difference between my incredibly thin-looking upper half, and the flabby belly.

What kind of mistakes did I make in my eating to bring this on? Do I need some kind of specific exercise to obtain the perfect flat mid-section?

Also, I saw your other posts, and I see you advise against fruit as a snack. Since I pretty much relied on them to avoid junk eating in the afternoon, what are safe snacks I could still eat to get through the day?

No.10455 : Anonymous [2018-01-06 14:26] [Report] []

dead thread

No.10519 : Anonymous [2018-10-01 18:49] [Report] []

I also have an idea. Say you would want to go back to being a male after staying in it for 10 years or less.

I think it is possible and what everyone really wants.

No.8541 : Anonymous [2018-07-25 07:19] [Report] 1532517558197.jpg (27622 B, 341x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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No.8542 : Anonymous [2018-07-25 07:20] [Report] 1532517610091.jpg (24600 B, 326x550) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8543 : Anonymous [2018-07-25 13:50] [Report] []




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