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tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥

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No.6060 : Anonymous [12/01/03(Tue)02:27] [Report] 1325575645746.jpg (112377 B, 700x933) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
112377 B

there seems to be a lack of a request board, so does anyone know this traps name? I know they've been on here before though

No.6083 : Glasgow Smile [12/01/03(Tue)22:20] [Report] []

Anna-chan. I've been hopin' for a return of her or Princess Pongo lately.

No.6090 : Anonymous [12/01/04(Wed)21:04] [Report] []

Oh my, she is sweet..

No.9441 : Anonymous [12/01/03(Tue)21:12] [Report] 1325643146780.jpg (22410 B, 700x700) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
22410 B

Show us your favourite toy?

This is mine. Nicely priced in the Christmas sale.

All my others are soft, rubbery. This is very hard, but it seems I like it that way.

No.1484 : Kat [11/05/24(Tue)14:11] [Report] 1306260713199.jpg (16350 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
16350 B

Hi !

Please be gentle :3

65 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.4864 : Anonymous [11/10/21(Fri)02:00] [Report] []

i went to xhamster but cant get the pleeeeaaaassseee

No.5952 : Anonymous [11/12/20(Tue)03:46] [Report] []

please! contact info!!1

No.6078 : ryohei [12/01/03(Tue)20:27] [Report] []

thats an amazing ly sexy vieo we definetly need more

No.9364 : Anonymous [11/11/20(Sun)14:47] [Report] 1321818448306.jpg (94948 B, 640x939) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
94948 B

I've been thinking about becoming a trap so what hair removal products are good?

What are some good makeup products to start of with?

(links to tutorials ect would help a lot)

13 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.9380 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)19:48] [Report] []


and I'm the Yellowhite character. lol

No.9381 : Raven. [11/11/22(Tue)19:55] [Report] []

Sure, noting in my inbox yet, but I check it all the time :)
looking forward to hearing from you :3

No.9439 : Anonymous [12/01/03(Tue)18:59] [Report] []

Delicious! Does your skin get all bumpy after shaving? mine does :'c

No.9436 : Yarbles [12/01/01(Sun)16:35] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Does anyone have any experience treating body acne/razor burn? I have it on my butt and get it worse when I shave. Very unsightly and makes it difficult to be the best trap I can be....

No.9437 : Anonymous [12/01/02(Mon)14:43] [Report] []

Gosh, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have had the same problem since i shaved over the weekend, on my tummy and pubic region.

I've heard that a) neosporin b) roll on deodorant c) aloe vera can help this, keeping in mind the standard bit about exfoliating first, using a sharp new razor while shaving and applying lotion after.

I literally have no idea how to stop it though. Sad times sister.

No.9433 : C-InSeattle [11/12/30(Fri)22:35] [Report] 1325302501587.jpg (31680 B, 550x366) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31680 B

Any advice...?

I'm a good looking guy who is smart, nice and independent. It seems impossible to find a really nice TS/CD/MTF to hang out with who isn't looking for money.

I'm looking for something real. Any advice for a non-scene "player".

No.9428 : Anonymous [11/12/26(Mon)13:57] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

there is some teen trap here in argentina? i would like to chat whit you :D and when i say teen i mean teen ?? gtfo old people!

No.9266 : Anonymous [11/09/19(Mon)21:45] [Report] 1316483118803.jpg (16146 B, 180x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
16146 B

Is there a chance I'll find a trap my age? (I'm 16)

8 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.9395 : Sweetie_chan [11/12/07(Wed)10:19] [Report] []

you're gonna have to disclose a general location before we can say for sure.
WA btw

No.9411 : Anonymous [11/12/17(Sat)05:09] [Report] []

In my country there are a lot of young transsexuals. I personally know about 40 in real life I think, equally distributed FtM and MtF.

Finding them will be harder because they pass excellently.

No.9416 : Anonymous [11/12/20(Tue)01:20] [Report] []

Probably not. But its not because less people your age want to be traps, per se. At 16, most traps are closeted. Once you're 18, your chances of finding a trap will increase exponentially for this reason.

Do remember though that the majority of traps want to be accepted as girls and not traps, so you are likely to encounter them without noticing they weren't born female. It sounds to me like you'd only be interested if you couldn't tell the difference 'till the panties came off anyway, which basically means you have to meet them online or something.

So, verdict:

Look online when you're 18. You'll have much better luck. As an underage kid you're pretty much boned.

No.258 : Bridget #xrXATc5X7c [11/05/06(Fri)19:40] [Report] 1304725236831.jpg (169956 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
169956 B

I'm just a /cd/ so sorry if you need traps.

28 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5809 : Bridget #xrXATc5X7c [11/12/07(Wed)12:02] [Report] 1323277368009.jpg (114682 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
114682 B

I should really start working out :p

No.5879 : Anonymous [11/12/13(Tue)14:28] [Report] []


Do you have an email or msg or skype or something, would love to talk to you about being your cameraman

No.5919 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)17:42] [Report] []


Cool, cool. I'll spare you the obligatory "cameraman" offer.

No.5227 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)14:45] [Report] 1320000331784.jpg (100581 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
100581 B

So yeah, Halloween, dunno what I was meant to be.. Bo peep gone wrong I think. haha

224 posts and 62 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5960 : Anonymous [11/12/21(Wed)17:52] [Report] []

You are honestly the most beautiful person I've ever seen Jess =)

No.6011 : Anonymous [11/12/28(Wed)19:09] [Report] []

hey cutie-pie!
I?ve got a question for you.
Are u into bondage? Are there any pics of u being tied up? I think it looks cute...

No.6106 : Anonymous [12/01/08(Sun)02:35] [Report] 1326008147664.jpg (75861 B, 640x425) [YIS] [GIS] []
75861 B


Girl, Y U NO make bed?

Oh, I know, you're waiting for me to force you to do it.

No.9208 : Anonymous [11/08/31(Wed)22:36] [Report] 1314844562697.jpg (261911 B, 1200x1568) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
261911 B

Aspiring Cross dresser here

I face one large obstacle. Other people live with me and if I want to order something online, how could I make it... discreet without getting a P.O. Box (if I can't make the packages seem discreet, I will get a P.O. Box).

What should I do?

Pic not me, just something from my trap folder.

9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.9296 : Anonymous [11/10/10(Mon)07:50] [Report] []

i go with my girl friends to shop half the time the emplyees think its for a girl friend, and if you dont have any girlfriends to go shopping with or even know you want to be one im sure the internet is easy to find friends near you who are fag hags

No.9348 : Anonymous [11/11/05(Sat)00:53] [Report] []

This. I've moved many times over the course of my degree (co-op, sigh) and I've always lived with other people, so I got really good at just buying stuff in person.

No.9406 : Anonymous [11/12/14(Wed)20:39] [Report] []

Many online stores have men's and women's clothes. If you order from them then nobody can tell what you ordered unless they open the box.

No.5880 : Anonymous [11/12/13(Tue)20:52] [Report] 1323827569361.gif (3945755 B, 240x180) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3945755 B

I thought this was quite hot. Possibly the start of a trap GIF thread?

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No.5883 : Anonymous [11/12/13(Tue)22:25] [Report] []

Kimber James

No.5884 : Anonymous [11/12/14(Wed)00:02] [Report] []

>>5883 thanks for the info!

No.5885 : Badfun [11/12/14(Wed)04:08] [Report] []

It is hot.

Shouts out

"Where are the traps!!!"

No.5388 : RoxyChan [11/11/07(Mon)04:41] [Report] 1320658903754.jpg (282611 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
282611 B

Hai there! Still room for me around here?

38 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5611 : RoxyChan [11/11/24(Thu)23:03] [Report] 1322193819986.jpg (100559 B, 704x563) [YIS] [GIS] []
100559 B

Sorree but I don't generally meet randoms from the internetz. Not down with meeting a possible rapist/murderer. No offense.

Been festive with the fam lately so I haven't had a chance to up any pics, but I'll take some tonight. Any requests?

No.5612 : Anonymous [11/11/24(Thu)23:29] [Report] []

>>5611 Ass, ass, and more ass! And no purple fuzzy balls blocking the shot this time. ;)

No.5876 : Anonymous [11/12/13(Tue)03:02] [Report] []

I know you're prob. busy but hopefully
during xmas break you will have a chance
to pop by. missing you and dat booty ^_^

No.9400 : Anonymous [11/12/10(Sat)06:39] [Report] 1323517177295.jpg (15936 B, 293x300) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
15936 B

does anyone know the name of the category where is lolis but they are traps?

No.9401 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [11/12/10(Sat)12:54] [Report] []




Next people will be asking for Trap JB.

No.9402 : Anonymous [11/12/10(Sat)13:10] [Report] []

>>371 futanari

No.9404 : Sweetie_chan [11/12/11(Sun)01:07] [Report] 1323583642228.jpg (110147 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
110147 B

shota? (young boys)
reverse-traps? (girls dressed like young boys)

No.4582 : Coochiezilla... [11/09/23(Fri)23:12] [Report] 1316833934337.jpg (1174028 B, 1552x2592) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1174028 B

Thought I'd get you started, what do you think?

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No.4624 : Anonymous [11/09/27(Tue)20:40] [Report] []

nice boobs :D

No.5858 : Anonymous [11/12/09(Fri)17:02] [Report] []

i think you all got got by a chick

No.5863 : Anonymous [11/12/10(Sat)16:24] [Report] []


Harry Potter hell yeah!

No.9387 : mc_law [11/11/29(Tue)18:27] [Report] 1322609238142.jpg (175227 B, 500x415) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
175227 B

Just came out as tran and im starting to transition. and im just looking for some tips to help really mostly with hormones any help would be appreciated.

pic unrealted.

No.9394 : Sweetie_chan [11/12/07(Wed)10:16] [Report] []

for hormones, you should consult a doctor, in all honesty most places will lie to you and try to cheat you out of your money. most herbs don't work, I myself am about to try pueraria mirifica, but I won't be able to say whether or not it works until a later date. Though I don't plan to go full trans.

No.9389 : Anonymous [11/12/03(Sat)15:47] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

I am thinking about buying panties for the first time and I need help with just about everything such as... I don't know what size I need (I am a 29 in men's) and What are some good styles and brands?

Any help would be awesome, thanks!

No.9393 : Sweetie_chan [11/12/07(Wed)09:29] [Report] []

the easiest for sizing women's underwear is to measure your hip size, then compare it on a sizing char you find the on google.
style's and brands are all personal taste, but like sporty underwear since it usually expands in the groin for physical movement, which allows your boys to rest easy while you strut your stuff.
Jockey's a good brand for this.

closed No.4362 : Jess [11/09/06(Tue)12:09] [Report] 1315325340241.jpg (78103 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
78103 B


102 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.4857 : K M [11/10/20(Thu)16:57] [Report] []

Damn it woman! Why couldn't you stay in London! I really want to suckle the milk out of your juicy cock. SIGH

No.5221 : Anonymous [11/10/29(Sat)18:33] [Report] []

Hey Jess, I wanna see your old boymode pics. I don't know how you feel about them but I want 'em <3

No.5652 : Martok [11/11/27(Sun)16:13] [Report] []

where are you now then Jess ? your pics are really nice



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