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No.9624 : Anonymous [12/05/19(Sat)23:15] [Report] 1337483706632.gif (114909 B, 603x703) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
114909 B

I do experiments to try as many things as possible (trends,looks,food,places,sex,etc.)

a lesbian friend of mine told me to try transgender (I'm a guy) basically try´to go as a close to a straight female as possible (6 months of "feminization" and 6 months of womanhood)

since my sexual preferences are mostly straight she says that I will have to listen to "conditioning" files (which are basically audio files with sugestions on liking men and being femenine)

I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to go back if I try it
has anyone gone full transexual and back without any repercussions?

9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.9709 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)19:40] [Report] []


Don't listen to these people. They are oversensitive and pathetic, and can't comprehend the situation you're facing.

You're going to transition because you want to try it. Sounds like as good a reason as any, considering how BS most trans reasons sound in a vacuum (think about it).

If you can't detransition (that is, go back to being a man), then what's the problem? If you transition and find you're happier and more comfortable where you are, then haven't you done right by yourself? If not, then detransitioning shouldn't be hard.

If you're worried about commitments you make as a girl that make it hard to detransition, like, say, a job, just plan everything with your eventual detransition in mind.

I have not actually done this before, but I agree with you totally that people should do it. I would do it myself, but I would actually want to stay female.

No.9712 : Aspiragus [12/08/09(Thu)15:47] [Report] []

I just have to make this comment... I wish it only took 6 months for a body to become a woman (Physically not mentally that is... lol) if that were the case I'd be full-time in 2 1/2 months! Though you may be one of the lucky ones who can do that... YMMV

No.9744 : Anonymous [12/09/07(Fri)14:11] [Report] []

I'm in a similar boat to you OP, basicly, I don't really experience Gender Dysphoria but I'm very aroused and feel very comfortable when I act bi trans and want to transition but not go full-time.

As someone here said, if it feels good why not try it?

I've been crossdressing for years in secret and only now started my herbal feminization treatment. I've become very good at passable crossdressing and this is the first step.

None of my family know or (hopefully) will ever know, they are extremely conservative and religious and I would basicly be an outcast.

The plan is this, the herbal HRT isn't anywhere near as extreme as normal HRT but it does provide breast growth and a more feminine body, as well as other minor feminization features. Curves, and a A/B cup are fairly easy to keep hidden, there are many men who have "male breasts" and they just wear some kind of flattening support or loose shirts, also people won't pay that close attention.

Keep in mind, this will take over a year (up to 2, depending on your age/body/etc.). Make sure to have high exposure to people you DON'T want to know about your transformation, if they are exposed to feminine mannerisms and other body shape changes gradually, they won't think so much of it. It's sudden changes that will shock people.

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No.9708 : Anonymous [12/08/03(Fri)16:03] [Report] 1344024214287.jpg (356878 B, 1536x1152) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hey guys and gals, just got into cross-dressing and want to get some basic clothes.

However, I am more of a bear than a twink, and girl's/women's clothes do not fit me. Even their XL stuff, which is a 16-17 or so, is skin-tight and not to my liking.

I wear a 48-50 chest, 38-40 waist, and 11-12 socks.

Of course, if it's elastic-y it will help.

My question is: what do these sizes translate over to for female sizes, so I can get the proper-sized women's clothing?

Wal-mart, my preferred store, likely will not carry women's sizes in the male equivalent of XL. But if they do, please tell me which size or size number range I should get, based on my above measurements.

Alternatively, my second question is: Is a sex-shop/adult store a good place to find larger-sized women's clothes? I think it would, since they specialize in that sort of thing.

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No.9713 : Anonymous [12/08/11(Sat)06:44] [Report] 1344681874102.jpg (158490 B, 855x855) [YIS] [GIS] []
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You can't depend on size labels, gotta take your own measurements:

1 just under the armpits
2 chest at maximum
3 just below your chest
4 waist
5 hips at desired waistband position
6 relative front crotch
7 relative back crotch
8 trousers inseam
9 trousers outseam

You need at least these, I've taken over 40 myself.

I like to buy clothes through eBay, the better sellers include precise measurements. Commercial sites frequently have size charts. Sannas measure every piece of clothing separately.

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No.9717 : Anonymous [12/08/12(Sun)12:17] [Report] []

True, helpful advice. Thanks. I don't really wear "casual" clothing, just undies and socks and stuff. But I will still take measurements into account.

No.9637 : weeyjm [12/05/27(Sun)12:53] [Report] 1338137589031.jpg (6269 B, 340x340) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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anyone have much experience with prostate massagers? been considering buying an aneros or related item

i have definitely had some extremely powerful orgasms from anal play and i figure this is a way to possibly take it to another level

the above linked seems like a good option, thoughts?

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No.9640 : weeyjm [12/06/02(Sat)11:10] [Report] []


bit too rich for my blood, though they look nice..i went with an aneros, so we will see if i end up with this 'super o' orgasms that ive read about

No.9645 : Lollibone [12/06/09(Sat)12:12] [Report] []

I purchased the helix and the progasm, well worth the money. Even if you don't Experiance the "super O" theyre fantastic toys.

No.9716 : Anonymous [12/08/12(Sun)10:15] [Report] []

i bought the progasm and it blew my mind

first few times i used it i didnt really get any sensation but with practise it can be really intense

last time i used it i was dripping everywhere and going light headed and just completly loosing myself. Took about a month and a bit of trial and error but well worth it

No.9697 : Anonymous [12/07/25(Wed)04:19] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

This is a little long, but the backstory helps.

I haven't crossdressed in about 1.5 years, and I pretty much won't be able to for another 1 1/2, once I get my own place though (without a roommate obviously), probably will all the time. Only in the winter though, because when I crossdress I fully commit and I shave all my body hair, and that would be embarrassing if I did that during the summer.

Anyway, I have a decent collection of clothing right now, but I feel like I should start ordering more, but I really can't because I need to save $$, plus there's a risk of someone seeing the package contents.

So I'm gonna have to wait a while before I order more stuff. However I am worried - there are some really nice things I run into online, and I'm worried the items will be gone in a couple years when I wanna order them. :(

I don't have a lot of experience with buying clothes, but is it hard to find clothes that are years old (pantyhose, corsets, dresses, heels, etc)

No.9711 : Anonymous [12/08/07(Tue)00:04] [Report] []

There will always be pretty desirable clothing on the web for sale. Always.

Trust that the internet will have something equally nice in two years, because it will. What you want right now may not be available but I assure you it won't be difficult to find something you do want.

To address your actual question, some stores stock seasonally, so you can depend on them restocking this season. But, depending on what store you're looking at the things may still be available.

Stores that cater to transsexuals (which you could possibly be looking at) tend to not restock because their products are niche and don't stay with fashion. Same with other stores that pride themselves on one thing (for example, a corset store or a panty store). These stores will continually stock in a single product, and should always have what you want.

The only stores you really have to worry about are the ones that hold a general supply of fashion, because they tend to have a seasonal stock that changes as the weather does.

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No.9696 : Anonymous [12/07/22(Sun)19:50] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Alright, Im kind of nervous but I want to start Cross dressing for my own enjoyment. Not for public. I just need some tips to get started. I can get ahold of panties, stockings, but no bras/girly outfits. AIve always enjoyed shemales/traps (being able to watch multiple videos and bring precum with no stimulation) So please, tips? Really appreciate it.

No.9698 : Anonymous [12/07/25(Wed)22:13] [Report] []

What kind of tips do you need? A lot of it comes with experience imo, especially getting the right aesthetics (that includes stuff like shaving hair)

No.9682 : otakutrans [12/06/28(Thu)04:51] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Hey everyone, I been on hormones for nearly 7 months now and I haven't notice much growth in my head hair. I was wondering if anyone know of anyway I can encourge my hair to grow?

No.9684 : dunkelkreuz [12/07/04(Wed)08:11] [Report] []

i am feeling in mood for replying a lot on tranchan today.

What kind of blockers and mones are you on?

If there is no appreciable hair growth then ask you endo to provide you with some dutastride or finastreride supplement, these would prevent hair loss. If need be, you can pester for rogaine. Though i have to say, regaining hair loss is a lost cause, you might gain only a fraction of what is lost even after a year on strict medication regime.

No.9689 : Anonymous [12/07/12(Thu)12:59] [Report] []

My Hormone blocker is Spironolactone and my hormone is Progynova. I know i'm facing a losing battle and the only way I get my hair back is thorough surgery. But the since I can't afford a hair transplant atmo and regrowing what I can will bring the cost of the transplant down. I'm also trying to get the hair I have left to grow longer. Thanks a lot for replying

No.9693 : dunkelkreuz [12/07/16(Mon)09:17] [Report] []

girl, you are not alone in this. this is something most girls face, if you can't afford hair transplant get some extensions and avoid sweep back hairstyles. try to have it with bangs from the forehead to the side, it would cover most of the receding hairstyle. it's a common trick.

No.9601 : Mara [12/04/14(Sat)17:09] [Report] 1334437780425.jpg (150709 B, 562x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hi! I'm new to the site, and haven't found a thread for this, so I thought I'd ask: what makeup, fashion, etc tips would you give to an aspiring trap of color? I've found little to any info on the subject and was COMPLETELY shunned when I made a trip to Sephora.

TL,DR Black Trap Tips

No.9602 : Anonymous [12/04/14(Sat)20:08] [Report] []

i hear the MAC stores/counters in department stores are great with tips for anyone who wants to learn.

No.9685 : dunkelkreuz [12/07/04(Wed)08:24] [Report] 1341404682921.jpg (92930 B, 250x455) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Sistah, i hear you, Been having the same difficult with getting mine done. Went full time for half year without any makeup.

here is what i do these days:

For evening make-up foundation : I go with maC

for day: bobby brown or estee lauder. (estee lauder, a bit darker shade the skin tone conceals all those stubby hairgrowth well enough).

For eyeliners, i would go with black on top and blue crayon liners for lower.

hope this helps

Pic = after learning how to use makeup.

No.9465 : Dawn [12/01/22(Sun)23:10] [Report] 1327291850198.jpg (557814 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Well, I posted over on CD and was told I was 'not up to par'

Does anyone have any tips at all? I know I need to lose a lot of weight, and I am, slowly. As for hormones, I'm not entirely sure it's what I want, and I'm not sure they would actually do much with my frame. Anyway thanks for any help you can give.

Unless this gets deleted as well -_-;;

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No.9610 : Claire [12/04/25(Wed)15:23] [Report] []

Much better!
You're holding yourself a lot better and that's good and it does look like you've lost weight so well done :D

Normally I'd advise against halternecks as they accentuate your shoulders and given our biological genders, we normally have quite broad shoulders and narrow hips. To be fair though your shoulders don't look too imposing in these pictures, but as a rule of thumb - avoid halter necks and spagetti straps and opt for things that cover your shoulders, like wrap around tops. If you look at that dress, it has a flared skirt which will make your hips seem bigger - so well done on that front :)

Make-up wise, you need some practice (I'm rubbish at make-up too, but this much I've worked out). Unfortunately for you, you have quite a masculine jawline, but this can be fixed with good use of contouring powders.
Here is a video of a full time transwoman with a similar face shape to you, hopefully it'll help: . Also, good job not using that black lipstick again. As cool as black lipstick is, it's one of those things that really works on some girls and really not on others.

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No.9613 : Anonymous [12/04/30(Mon)21:31] [Report] 1335835886502.jpg (385798 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Some make-up practice :)

No.9673 : Anonymous [12/06/22(Fri)23:41] [Report] []

dresses suck. honesty you can improve appearance by staying away from almost all of them. even when they're color block the colors are flipped against you. even if you wear a dress match it with a top to get the light/dark mix to make hips bigger and shoulders smaller.

the halter top, i agree, does not work. the skirt of the dress is fine. you need to find some unique tops to hide shoulders. i see girls in dolman sleeve tops almost all the time and those might work for you.

No.9609 : Anonymous [12/04/25(Wed)02:50] [Report] 1335336630708.jpg (612915 B, 565x850) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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tips on shaving thighs, balls, and ass?

No.9657 : Anonymous [12/06/11(Mon)16:35] [Report] []

Use a gel shaving cream and a good razor. Soak in warm water to help loosen the hair follicles.Try not to go over an area more than once on the thighs or cheeks.

I use veet to remove the hair from my ass, especially in the crack. I used to squat over a mirror though, which worked alright.

As for balls I have yet to find a way to get all the hair. No matter how hard I try I always seem to leave some. So I just get it as close as possible. I actually find it easier to shave my balls when I'm cold and the skin is shriveled. That way the hair sticks out better.

No.9672 : Anonymous [12/06/22(Fri)23:34] [Report] []

shave down to short hairs with an electric razor, then shave with a venus razor. butt and balls i just use an electric. you have to hover it to trim stuff down. butt is tricky and still perfecting my technique. i found chemicals and wax pretty useless although i've only used them a few times.

No.9633 : BadgerGirl [12/05/24(Thu)01:14] [Report] 1337836489300.jpg (10143 B, 327x243) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Bi sexual guy, never had gender identity issues as a child, or even as a teen. It's just been like, the last 3 years I've really become interested in transsexual women and think I want to be one too.

I just hate masculinity, I always have acted straight for my family and such but, I don't like body hair, I don't like my muscles, and I just don't like the way my body looks.

My is surprisingly cool about it, she's kind of in shock because she's never seen it coming. Just have always been a normal boy, playing with hotwheels and riding bikes and such. But she has been talking to me alot and has started to create a lot of doubt in my mind.

If I could have anything, I really wish I could be a woman (or at least make my body more feminine, not just dress up) but, I start to wonder if it's not the best thing for me.

I'm going to see a psychiatrist next week to talk about this but in the mean time, I'm still turning it over and over in my head.

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No.9636 : Maya [12/05/26(Sat)03:36] [Report] []


Your experience sounds similar to my own. Don't worry about not fitting the often-told trans narrative about knowing from birth. People realize and voice at many different stages in their life.

As to having masculine interests as a child, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have a male gender identity. At a young age, social judgements about what is acceptable for us to do may mean that we never develop our interests in feminine activities. There is nothing wrong with a girl liking to ride bikes, playing with cars, etc and still identifying as a girl. Likewise, with a boy playing house, doing needlepoint, etc and still identifying as a boy.

It sounds like you are in a good place, having both family support and access to professional assistance. Take your time to explore your identity and presentation. It's important to discover what you need to be comfortable with yourself.

No.6271 : Scarlet [12/02/15(Wed)20:06] [Report] 1329354417922.jpg (30771 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hi, first time poster here :-) I hope you like.

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No.6789 : Ly [12/05/10(Thu)11:24] [Report] []

I actually liked the old style more but this is nice as well
Oh and although I'm the guy who mentioned the self facial/video idea first, I'm not that guy ^^

No.6800 : Anonymous [12/05/13(Sun)17:08] [Report] []

i would totally suck your asshole

No.6806 : Dallas [12/05/15(Tue)22:52] [Report] []

Hey, are you scarlet skye on imagefap?

No.6391 : RoxyChan [12/03/06(Tue)07:56] [Report] 1331038610279.jpg (45090 B, 448x358) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
45090 B

Guess who's back and camming again? Heh...

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No.6801 : RoxyChan [12/05/14(Mon)00:53] [Report] 1336971196797.jpg (59014 B, 544x408) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.6802 : Anonymous [12/05/15(Tue)01:37] [Report] []

i always miss the show :(

No.6805 : Anonymous [12/05/15(Tue)21:55] [Report] []

>>6801 Yes. Love it!

No.3864 : brandi [11/08/06(Sat)11:01] [Report] 1312642902634.jpg (58686 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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hello tranchan! im back!
maybe some of You remember me, maybe not, anyway, im goin to post some pics of me :) feel free on givin me some requests for pics. i love doin them :)

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No.6781 : Anonymous [12/05/08(Tue)05:15] [Report] []

I wanna see traps so I joined that room and noone is there D:

No.6790 : Anonymous [12/05/10(Thu)16:38] [Report] []

>>3926 Holy Hell! I can only take so much at a time! but of them, this may be my favorite so far. Impossibly sexy without even having to show. am impressed

No.6804 : Anonymous [12/05/15(Tue)19:48] [Report] []


No.3141 : Sweetie-chan [11/07/02(Sat)11:58] [Report] 1309622307915.gif (378239 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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well I guess that's my second thread to reach its limit XP.
anyways, My First Video is up and running for those who want to see it.(The GIF is not from it)

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No.6584 : Sweetie_chan [12/03/22(Thu)03:23] [Report] 1332401012244.gif (780235 B, 176x144) [YIS] [GIS] []
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I posted a couple of new videos, so check-em out?

No.6762 : Anonymous [12/05/05(Sat)22:37] [Report] []

Been a fan for a while sweetie_chan. Where ya from doll? :D

No.6803 : Sweetie_chan [12/05/15(Tue)07:06] [Report] 1337079967676.jpg (607146 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Washington, sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been kinda busy
on the plus side, I've got a job and have been saving up money for some new equipment. so expect some higher quality stuff in the future.

No.12 : Anonymous [11/05/03(Tue)11:28] [Report] 1304436532032.jpg (103675 B, 540x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
103675 B

Nice to see SOME of the site back up, but I still miss my traps. Any idea when it will be back up again?

I miss my Rayven.... :'(

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No.6689 : Anonymous [12/04/08(Sun)20:23] [Report] []

Really wish that tumblr was posted

No.6704 : Anonymous [12/04/11(Wed)19:48] [Report] []



No.6799 : Anonymous [12/05/13(Sun)01:21] [Report] []

Anybody know her tumblr?

No.4873 : Tina James [11/10/21(Fri)05:58] [Report] 1319191119713.jpg (81455 B, 449x588) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
81455 B

First an apology for keep disappearing I just get so scared that the more people that see me the more someone may recognize me. I just can't stop who I am though. If you happened to save any of my pictures could you post the in here. Thankyou :)

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No.6755 : Anonymous [12/05/01(Tue)00:24] [Report] []

Spread ur ass please

No.6795 : Anonymous [12/05/12(Sat)00:09] [Report] []

>>4947 You can use my face as a seat anytime you'd like :)

No.6798 : Anonymous [12/05/12(Sat)17:02] [Report] []

Damit Miss Tina, Where are you!

No.6767 : Octy [12/05/06(Sun)13:59] [Report] 1336327170875.jpg (112040 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
112040 B

if you guys think i'm cute i'll post more :3

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No.6791 : Octy [12/05/10(Thu)22:01] [Report] []

I'll try to take some new photos tonight but I'm not very creative so it's hard for me to come up with poses :<

No.6792 : Anonymous [12/05/10(Thu)23:23] [Report] []

Pictures of that hole would be creative enough. :3

I want to put my dick in it. Hurry with those pictures babe, I am fappin so hard right now lol you are really cute and that ass looks so inviting.

No.6794 : michael [12/05/11(Fri)10:27] [Report] []

wow incredible ass u never try to record this in a video u can put that in xtube but wow i love your sexy bodu

No.9617 : Anonymous [12/05/09(Wed)14:30] [Report] 1336588205550.jpg (47714 B, 416x300) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47714 B

Hi, someone looking to dabble into crossdressing just to say i've tried it really, i'm a firm believer in having a very long bucket list and crossing it all off! i have a very slim figure, quite wide hips, and my thighs are fine, my only issue's i've noticed i'll probably have is i have a very male haircut, a metrosexual male haircut, but one none the less :P long fringe, sides and back shaven, i also have fairly broad shoulders, and a very broad square set chin, any advice on how to disguise these features? Chins my main concern :(

Pic very much unrelated :P



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