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No.10181 : Anonymous [2014-08-31 12:45] [Report] 1409503539645.jpg (191217 B, 402x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
191217 B

Hey /b/...errr I mean tranchan, does anyone have a good guide for shaving legs and private areas?
I used to shave and actually make an effort to keep smooth but it got really annoying because I'd get all these ingrown hairs and stuff. Pic related, it's me.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10192 : Anonymous [2014-09-22 05:13] [Report] []

Take your time!

Your skin might feel like its handling it but you can flare up REALLY bad if you're to rough on your skin.

Use a five bladed razor to start off with and shaving cream, it might pay to soak in the bath first. good luck

and you're very pretty

No.10256 : Anonymous [2014-12-19 02:28] [Report] []

Use a loofah and scrub lots before shaving! Here's my routine while in the shower:

  1. Using a loofah/scrub brush and a gentle soap (lavender is the best! imo), scrub all over. The loofah is key for removing dead skin/opening pores and avoiding ingrown hairs/itchiness.
  2. Rinse and rescrub the area you want to focus on; I typically do a portion each day (lower legs one day, upper + butt the next, upper body on the third) and privates as maintenance is needed. Now I'm at a point where I don't need to shave every day and still feel smooth.
  3. Moisturize! Once out of the shower, pat dry and moisturize. Also before bed. Shoot for something with Vitamin E in it.


-start with shaving cream for your first few shaves; your skin might be too dry to take using soap to start, and irritation is more probable; it takes way longer but you won't need to keep doing it once you get into a routine
-shaving down the leg is the safest; you can also shave perpendicular to the direction of your leg to get a close shave but without the irritation you might get from pulling the razor up your leg (think of shaving your neck)
-when shaving privates, be sure to keep skin taut and use gentle strokes (shaving cream for the first few to avoid irritation)

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No.10257 : Anonymous [2014-12-19 20:02] [Report] []

Try hair conditioner instead of shaving cream. You don't need to use loads either.

No.10250 : Anonymous [2014-12-11 16:55] [Report] 1418334956646.jpg (47416 B, 500x617) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47416 B

Welp, it finally happened.

Been thinking about starting up HRT, and been doing things like nail art to help stay patient. Went to grocery store w/ gf, forgot I'd painted one hand last night, and I'm dressed guymode. We bought scarves, and as we were making our way to the register, I saw people laughing and pointing.

Her response, "Screw em."
My response, "Could you imagine being locked into a relationship where your roles were pre-written?"

I think I've just leveled up in confidence.

Still too nervous to post pics,
Not until results are noticeable, anyway.

No.9918 : Anonymous [13/03/06(Wed)09:57] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

is 25 years too late?

I've been seriously considering this for about... 6 years now. Only live once, right? I want to give this a 3 month try or so, but if it's not really going to have an effect, I don't want to waste the money. Most a doctor is going to be involved is for bloodwork and to explain hormone levels, I'll be grabbing meds off ihp.

Souhh, is it worth trying? In the least, I'd appreciate a more feminine body, reduced sex drive/erections, and wouldn't mind loss of muscle/can deal with depression well enough. I've done my research, but my age didn't occur to me just now. Anyone start this late?

I'll use this as a sounding board too, for if/when things get started.

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No.9937 : Anonymous [13/03/14(Thu)14:51] [Report] []

25 is not too late. I started at 26 and I turned out just fine. I've got a BF, a B-cup, and don't get harassed when I go in public! :P Seriously, if you're 25 it's time to start dealing with this and determine whether you want to transition, because the longer you put it off the higher your chances of having something happen that may hinder your ability to pass, e.g. hair loss. Good luck to you, and just know that if you go for it, it IS worth it, it DOES get better, and you WILL be a qt!

No.9989 : Anonymous [13/04/19(Fri)10:06] [Report] []

So yeah, just placed the order after much trepidation.

10-21 days ugggh shipping

Gonna do 100/day for 3 days on androcur, with 2mg estrofem

Try that out for a month, see how I feel, and go from there.

No.10247 : Anonymous [2014-12-03 22:55] [Report] []

Oh wow

I forgot I made this thread, but my typing style sticks out like a sore thumb.

Anyway, going to give this another go. I really wish I didn't wait two years. :(

No.10243 : Anonymous [2014-12-02 22:30] [Report] 1417577446556.jpg (130960 B, 610x531) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130960 B

Best methods for hair removal?

I hate shaving, it's so tedious, and I have very long legs. Has anyone tried hair removal creams? I'm looking at reviews on Amazon and people are saying they work wonders. I also would try self-waxing but I'm pretty sure I'll do it wrong and just end up removing too much skin.

No.10244 : Anonymous [2014-12-03 03:02] [Report] []

>>1214 my gf (who is trans) uses the hair removal cream Nair and it works really well. I'd say start with that

No.9074 : Anonymous [11/06/07(Tue)00:43] [Report] 1307421783061.png (39299 B, 604x586) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
39299 B

Posting trap guide photos. Feel free to contribute if you have some.

16 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10143 : Anonymous [14/03/17(Mon)10:08] [Report] []

has anyone tried this ?

No.10152 : Anonymous [2014-05-27 19:27] [Report] 1401233231262.jpg (521818 B, 1280x1706) [YIS] [GIS] []
521818 B

anything on herbal suppliments? exercises?

the suppliments is what I'm lookin for, idk what happened I tried to post something but it didn't register...

this is for an attempt of an hourglass figure, all I can find in terms of infographics

No.10239 : Anonymous [2014-11-29 20:58] [Report] []

does anyone have anymore of these? maybe a makeup guide or herbal hrt, exersize etc

No.9860 : anonymouse [12/12/16(Sun)06:11] [Report] 1355656285090.jpg (178140 B, 1200x991) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
178140 B

hey. curious new panty boy here.

How can i be hairless and smooth as a convincing trap?

Im a pretty hairy guy.
Whenever I shave, you can still see the hair follicles on my body. I can never get it to look feminine.

Is there a way to thin out my hair or something to stop it from growing back so thick and noticeable so quickly?

Pic related -> I know he is not hairless but I would like to look smooth like him.

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No.9870 : Tess V [13/01/04(Fri)15:58] [Report] []

As above, I'd have to suggest sugaring - it can be a bit painful, depending on how much hair you remove at once, and how large the follicles are, but way less painful than waxing.

No.10188 : Fabsi [2014-09-16 13:41] [Report] []

and Sugaring does the Trick that the (black hair rood holes) start to dissapear (or wont show) after i removed my hair with this method a few times ?

No.10238 : Anonymous [2014-11-29 20:50] [Report] []

does anyone actually have any helpful infographics?

No.8028 : Anonymous [2014-11-28 20:40] [Report] 1417225203574.jpg (23173 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
23173 B

Hey guys, just decided to upload some of my butt. What does everyone think of it?

Also yes, everything below my waist is really hairy, I'm not at the stage of shaving my body hair just yet, though I'm starting that pretty soon.

No.10154 : Curio [2014-06-04 18:19] [Report] 1401920359929.png (1550144 B, 1140x534) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1550144 B

I am new here. This is my first post. I'm a pansexual whatever who is finally tired of being forced to act masculine. My family was very abusive to me and because I was sensitive and thoughtful and this wasn't conducive to the unpaid farm labor they needed me for. I was raised home schooled in complete isolation and any deviation (especially sexual) was met with it being dragged out in front of my younger siblings where I was shamed and humiliated for it. My first year of college I finally got to try being myself and having real social interaction despite only being allowed to commute. Its taken be a lot of work since then to even be able to have a conversation with another person without having a panic attack. I am not flamboyant but I still get bullied, teased, and shunned for not being an alpha male and I'm weak in the knees at the moment with frustration at being this in-between punching bag of a human bitch person. I would rather be all out trap girly if I'm going to be treated like this. It feels right to me and I hope that for all this beating me down there I still something to build up.
All that being said, anyone have any advice on how I can tweak my appearance. I'm afraid to outright go on hormones because my mental stability is shaky at best. ;-;

No.10155 : Anonymous [2014-06-20 05:55] [Report] []

I'm in the same boat except my situation is urban, not rural. I immediately thought of how I would work my butt off and write sensitive but veiled poetry in a field on your personal hell they call a farm.

You should try take it smoothly you're not going to be a woman overnight, even non transwomen have to grow into womanhood from being a girl.

No.10237 : Anonymous [2014-11-28 08:04] [Report] []

To be honest, if you're not happy being a male/masculine etc and would rather be feminine/female/notmale and have thought about hormones alot, I'd just give it a shot. You can just stop if you're not happy with your mental stability, you're in control of the pills! And you'll know pretty quickly if it's not for you, from what I've heard (it was totally right for meeee so I'm not sure what hormones not working is like).

No.7626 : Sasha [13/08/07(Wed)17:12] [Report] 1375909974843.jpg (811895 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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Hello tranchan :)

I hope i'm posting in the right place, but whatever. My name's Sasha, i'm from germany and started to crossdress a few monst ago. i just want to hear your opinion how my body looks and if should continue crossdressing. Also i started a blog a few days ago where i'll post new stuff.
Pay me a visit :3


18 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7665 : Anonymous [13/09/21(Sat)14:29] [Report] []


any update on the new pics? ^_^

No.7696 : Anonymous [13/11/03(Sun)11:13] [Report] []

Oh wow...
I'm German too, can I pay you an actual visit? :3

No.8026 : Anonymous [2014-11-08 20:51] [Report] []

you look amazingly hot

No.8016 : blueberry slutcake [2014-10-21 01:35] [Report] 1413869730920.jpg (280289 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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No.8018 : Anonymous [2014-10-21 03:49] [Report] []

First pic is pretty nice.

No.8019 : blueberry slutcake [2014-10-21 11:47] [Report] 1413906420006.jpg (330459 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
330459 B

and this

No.10203 : TG in need of advice~ [2014-10-03 16:35] [Report] [SNAP] [Reply]

Firstly a small preface as to where I am in my transition and then a good load of questions that I am very concerned about! Also! If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Heh, I wish I could look good enough to post pictures here but I feel (despite being told otherwise, to an extent) that I am so far away from that it's not even funny.

Currently in the process of trying to train my voice (I am not doing great. It's sort of depressing) while also trying to get over 23 years of hard wiring and some worries about the people around me and their view on myself. I'm about a month or two out from hormones, and I have had little to no money and little to no clothes, even smaller amount of andro clothes, which makes me sad.

I see my doctor sometime next week I believe. Trying to get that all worked out as well as the checks to see I'm healthy and my blood work is saying I can start taking them.

So~ Questions!

Are there any supplements or hormones to increase breast growth or female curves(fat distribution) while taking estrogen?

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No.10183 : daimonin [2014-09-02 08:06] [Report] 1409659606590.jpg (64597 B, 900x372) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
64597 B

where is the trainer thread? is it still functioning in tranchan?

>Post-Op , approx 1 year,
>gained few kilograms
>still in the lower part of BMI
>more gain around stomach and thighs,
>tips to move fleshy parts to butt and hips.
No.10184 : Anonymous [2014-09-02 18:56] [Report] []

This the one you're talking about?

No.10185 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [2014-09-02 19:25] [Report] []


Lotsa dairy. Just as it'll add to the hips and butt normally, it'll do just the same to someone transitioning.

No.10186 : daimonin [2014-09-03 11:02] [Report] []

>>1155 and vanonymouse


No.7965 : Anonymous [2014-08-14 11:12] [Report] 1408029125258.png (2928405 B, 1527x1078) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.7979 : Anonymous [2014-08-27 16:15] [Report] []

pretty fucking sexy. Moar?

No.7823 : Anonymous [14/03/23(Sun)15:21] [Report] 1395602470607.jpg (88164 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
88164 B

Hi all! Just feeling a little exhibitionistic, so putting a pic out there.

Not really comfortable posting face pics, so I guess I belong over here.

No.7824 : Anonymous [14/03/23(Sun)17:24] [Report] []

Show me more beautiful!!

No.7977 : Virtualflow [2014-08-25 10:17] [Report] []

I for one, would love to see more photos of you. The red lingirie sets off your pale skin.

No.7589 : catss [13/07/07(Sun)02:49] [Report] 1373179748139.jpg (381944 B, 1200x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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hello, first post here. i'm trans but i'm not sure how i feel about showing my face in sexy photos. kinda paranoid about that i gess.
sorry for the shitty quality. i'll be taking some better ones in the future. and yes i will get naked :P
i have a mask that i use sometimes. i do camshows sometimes on chaturbate, username catss.
i'd love to find some other transgirls or traps to cam with... i would show my face of course in private.

i'll probably make another thread in /ts where i show my face but don't get naked. i guess if someone figures out who i am thats fine but i'll keep them separate just so its not obvious.

hopefully i'll be going on hormones sometime in the next few weeks. if not i think i'll be getting them online. ive been waiting like 5 years for gods sake

lets see what else. i am ~6ft tall, ~130lbs, 20ish and i live in the USA

i'm a virgin... gotten close but haven't had real intercourse with a girl... haven't really done anything with boys... but i want to. :P just not 100% gay ones.

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No.7641 : Anonymous [13/08/07(Wed)19:26] [Report] []

You're sexy as hell!
And your fetishes? My interest is piqued!
Do tell:)

No.7700 : MischaIsMischa [13/11/08(Fri)04:43] [Report] []

Would have liked to have seen more!

No.7971 : fredbox [2014-08-20 18:23] [Report] []

the things i'd love to do with your body.

No.9742 : Anonymous [12/09/06(Thu)16:42] [Report] 1346964122247.jpg (541412 B, 936x1283) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
541412 B

I'm in the UK. I'm a transsexual, I guess, but fell out with "the system" because I don't want to do the real life test and didn't like the way they were pidgeonholing me into being something I'm not, yada, etc, whatever.

I want a castration. I need a castration, really. I honestly think that without one I am going to seriously hurt myself. I repeatedly try to castrate myself in a sort of drunken like state and don't want to go through this any more.

What are my options?

Eunuchs exist, etc, how do they? Can a "guy" just go out there and legally and safely get castrated in/from the UK?

I know all the risks, I know all about it, etc. I just want to know if somebody will/can lop my balls off.

Gah I don't know. Hi again tranchan anyway.

I like how pedophiles and sex criminals can get paid to be castrated. :|

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No.10128 : Anonymous [14/02/05(Wed)22:56] [Report] 1391658990603.png (421012 B, 488x589) [YIS] [GIS] []
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make sure you eat the balls after they're removed
best pickled in brine

No.10156 : Anonymous [2014-06-20 06:00] [Report] []

then you can eat your own oysters

No.9832 : newFL20 [12/11/15(Thu)16:25] [Report] 1353014715509.jpg (32317 B, 300x300) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
32317 B

Ok so I have a prepaid debit card, I don't have a credit card and the site I was going to to get E and T blocker doesn't accept debit. Does anyone have a good source(s) for me? :)

No.9896 : Anonymous [13/01/30(Wed)11:57] [Report] []

If it's got a visa/mastercard/amex logo on it, you can use it as a credit card

No.10124 : Anonymous [14/01/19(Sun)04:08] [Report] []

Green dot from walmart works as a cc online and in stores. 3 bucks to load cash to.

No.10171 : Anonymous [2014-08-07 01:22] [Report] []

May I ask what source you're purchasing from?

No.10160 : Ella [2014-06-28 00:22] [Report] 1403929360250.jpg (322824 B, 1168x2788) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
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So... I'm awful at introductions etc so I'll sort of plunge into this:
My name's Ella, I'm 23, I don't have a family as supportive as all the teen-transition girls I keep seeing out there and I'm looking for any help/advice anyone could offer me on a variety of things.

Some things to keep in mind: I aim to look female, not androgynous, I am not concerned with virility etc, I live outside the US

The first struggle is hair removal. I have very thick, dark and stubborn hair and so shaving always leaves an awful shadow on my face (even when the skin feels silky smooth) and has a similar result on my chest. (Plucking my face takes days and brings me to tears)
Shaving with and then against the grain still does not resolve the issue. I get best results with a shaving gel.
I have tried wax on various parts of my body but the hair needs to be far too long in order for the wax to actually remove it.

I am happy with my ass and legs but have almost no chest to speak of (thankfully not tiny nipples) and I'm not pleased with my belly or feet.
I see a lot of posts and stuff floating around the net talking about diet and about exercise with regards to both of these.
Can diet actually make a remotely noticeable difference? (I already don't eat red meat)
I have also heard (a lot) that fat loss cannot be targeted and so you cannot exercise to only lose weight in a specific area. Which is true?

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No.10162 : Anonymous [2014-06-30 04:28] [Report] []
>>Can diet actually make a remotely noticeable difference?

For about 98% of people on the planet, yes having a healthy diet will make a difference over time.

>>I have also heard (a lot) that fat loss cannot be targeted and so you cannot exercise to only lose weight in a specific area. Which is true?

Yes it's true, targeted fat loss is a myth. As you change your diet and take on a cardio program (burn calories) and strength training (for definition) your body eats away at your fat reserves randomly and you'll be able to obtain a lean fit look.

>>Can waist training with corsets noticeably help with this? (without the corset?)

Haven't looked into it much but corsets sound unhealthy and should be avoided. Doing the above in a way you like and can stick with and doing some lower body strength training (squats work magic on your butt and thighs) can help with an hour glass figure.

I don't know about the rest. I'd imagine you can use make-up for the beard shadow, check to see if you have flat feet and if so if there are any treatments, and yeah you can probably sell sex for cash. I would love to help massage your chest and play with your ass, but I'd probably end up broke from twice a day visits.

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No.10164 : Anonymous [2014-07-10 22:38] [Report] []

Erm... Corsets are fine if you don't overdo it.

The general rule of thumb for corsets at your current stage would be for no more than 5 inches in waist reduction.

First, get a waist slimming shapewear and get used to wearing that for a few days. Then get 2 of the same corsets. Again, no smaller than 5 inches smaller than your current waist.

Wear your slimmer under the corset to prevent it from marking your skin, as well as acting as a slight barrier for the oils in your skin against the corset.

Then comes the long haul part, training your corsets:
The in order to put the corset on, loosen the back entirely, then close the first set of clamps on the front. Then tighten the back until it feels SLIGHTLY tight. Seriously, people overdo this part and go as tight as they can as fast as they can, this will hurt you in many ways.
Wear the corset for about 2 hours.
Taking off the corset is in the exact opposite order! Loosen the back entirely, then unclamp the front.

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No.10170 : Anonymous [2014-08-03 21:42] [Report] 1407116527226.jpg (86856 B, 470x638) [YIS] [GIS] []
86856 B

thanks for the replies



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