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No.10101 : Anonymous [13/12/01(Sun)17:43] [Report] 1385937835500.png (1750824 B, 1432x2020) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1750824 B

Hey i was just wondering if any of you have experience going from over weight to being a trap, and know what kind of workouts i should be doing. I'm also curious if this chart it accurate because I've been told that it's not. I would be really glad if you could help me out.

No.10102 : Anonymous [13/12/07(Sat)02:55] [Report] []

I'm curious about the mentioned supplement, Purera Mirifica. Searching for information about it just brings up a bunch of those shit sites hawking it as the best thing ever. Does anyone have legitimate information about this?

No.10107 : Anonymous [13/12/17(Tue)02:58] [Report] []

any more info pics like this?

HRT guides?

No.10116 : Anonymous [14/01/02(Thu)17:23] [Report] []

Grows breasts mainly. Plenty of information over at breast nexus forums.

No.10125 : Anonymous [14/01/23(Thu)21:49] [Report] []

/g/ made that image
What is wrong with everyone

No.10127 : Anonymous [14/02/03(Mon)23:02] [Report] []
>Alcohol decreases your testosterone

Well good thing I just busted out the vodka.

Though really, I see this image posted everywhere. Why is it so popular? Is "give a good read to ''" too hard?

No.10169 : Anonymous [2014-07-30 10:27] [Report] []

Not OP but that image is what lead me here, the whole not having to take drugs thing combined with encouraging a healthy lifestyle is what lead me to consider living out my dream of becoming a cute girl.

Of course you don't have to search for very long here to find loads of other good advice.

No.10173 : Anonymous [2014-08-08 18:06] [Report] 1407535563311.png (2670313 B, 1432x2164) [YIS] [GIS] []
2670313 B

Panty and myself on newfapchan decided to revise that shit guide. Enjoy!

No.10175 : marcysissy [2014-08-19 00:09] [Report] []

I hope eating my own cum will help ;)

any more tips?

No.10176 : Anonymous [2014-08-20 10:44] [Report] []

i'm curious, is it possible for someone to go from fairly built/burly to trap mode via dieting and a change workout? Is it also possible to retain upper body strength while still keeping the trap aesthetic?

No.10178 : Anonymous [2014-08-25 17:23] [Report] []

Does anyone have a good guide for shaving legs and private areas? I saw one before but I can't seem to find it.

No.10179 : Iamliterallyuncomfortableallthetime [2014-08-28 11:46] [Report] []


This is the image that really encouraged me to pursue wanting to be a pretty girl. Since september I lost like 20kg and currently I'm into week 5 of the that running guide thingy.

/fit/ said most of the diet stuff is absolute trash though which is discouraging but I assume the exercise stuff is more useful.


This is wonderful, thank you!

No.10242 : Phil-to-Lydia [2014-11-30 18:31] [Report] []

This is my fourth day of drinking 0.5 gallons of spearmint tea and 0.26 gallons of soy milk a day. (Am I drinking too much? lol)
And I also started out doing squats and other different exercises (might start running tomorrow if I have enough time; thanks university <_<).

When do you think can I expect some first signs of more estrogene?

No.10245 : Anonymous [2014-12-03 17:38] [Report] []

about drink semen, it's really? can i drink a lot of semen diary that it will help me?

No.10246 : Anonymous [2014-12-03 17:41] [Report] []

>>1216 WHAT?

No.10254 : Phil-to-Lydia [2014-12-18 12:19] [Report] []

Hey there, I just wanted to give ya an update.

So, this is nearly the end of my third week week of drinking 2 liters of spearmint tea and 1 liter of soy milk on a daily basis.

I have already recognized certain differences with my body:

-smoother skin
-slower facial/body hair growth
-a more positiv view on life (I happened to suffer from depressions a lot, especially this year <_<)
-and a reduced libido (at this point of time, I haven't masturbated for 5 days and I don't have the urge to it, at all!)

I also started eating flax seed yesterday, 3 spoons a day. <3

No.10266 : Anonymous [2015-01-14 00:01] [Report] []

spearmint tea and soy milk is a thing for estrogen?

You might find you're less depressed if you've been exercising regularly. The smoother skin and slower hair regrowth is definitely interesting though.

No.10267 : Anonymous [2015-01-23 17:56] [Report] []

So I have been following the revised guide as well as I can, but I cant get purera at the moment. But I did find Black cohosh and Dong Quai. So I was wondering if anyone knows how much I should be taking, I started at 500mg/day and after about a week I'm starting to up to 1000mg/day.

No.10276 : Phil-to-Lydia [2015-02-03 17:14] [Report] []

I just want to mention that after nearly four months of drinking a litre of soymilk a day, I stopped doing it. You see, I came to notice that I was under constant stress lately, so I searched the net and found out that overdozing with soymilk increases a stress hormone. So please, look out people.

And speaking of alcohol: Why would you ruin your liver with that crap? If your liver turns to shit, you can't do HRT anymore.

No.10295 : Anonymous [2015-03-17 12:36] [Report] []

Hey guys, I just started on the revised guide a few days ago. I haven't done any sort of exercise in well over 5 years but I'm not blindingly obese, just overweight. My entire body aches after just 2 days of following the sample workout + Couch to 5k and the muscles in my legs are in borderline agony. Should I push myself and go for the jog today or not? I don't even know if I can manage it.

No.10311 : Anonymous [2015-04-27 19:54] [Report] []

Y'all might be interested in this:

It appears to have a different objective from ours, but some of the information therein might be relevant.

No.10318 : Anonymous [2015-06-01 16:41] [Report] []

Regarding spearmint tea:

  • I presume it's sold in teabags. How many milligrams per teabag?
  • Where should I look for it?
  • Are there any special preparation instructions for "doing it right"?
  • I feel like swallowing a pill would be less work. Is there a way to do that?
No.10339 : Anonymous [2015-08-17 23:53] [Report] []


I started taking it two weeks ago.
I can't actually swallow pills due to never having to while growing up but I'm waiting for the effects from the powder to kick in sometime around the 3 month point.

No.10388 : Anonymous [2016-07-21 11:00] [Report] []

Same, I'm just starting a little now
I don't want to be fully feminine, just kinda borderline, so I'm starting off slow and just drinking spearmint tea a lot for now

No.10402 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 09:54] [Report] []


wait purera is 500/mg day?

No.10708 : Anonymous [2023-07-03 02:21] [Report] []

Drinking from BPA plastic is a meme, sure it is estrogenic but you'll also end up with late stage cancer and will go infertile if you drink it enough, especially if you leave BPA plastic bottles out in the sun.

No.10710 : Anonymous [2023-07-03 03:44] [Report] []


>Drink water from BPA plastic containers. They leach xenostrogens, wich simulates estrogen in the body.

Don't do this unless you want to die of cancer.



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