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tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥

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No.5227 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)14:45] [Report] 1320000331784.jpg (100581 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
100581 B

So yeah, Halloween, dunno what I was meant to be.. Bo peep gone wrong I think. haha

No.5228 : Anonymous [11/10/30(Sun)15:03] [Report] []

So cute! I've always been jealous of you :)

No.5229 : Anonymous [11/10/30(Sun)15:16] [Report] []

ghhhh you are just too precious

No.5230 : Anonymous [11/10/30(Sun)15:45] [Report] []

I would love to take you out. Too bad I live on this side of the big pond... :(

No.5231 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)17:19] [Report] 1320009543983.jpg (211314 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
211314 B

Thanks all. Sorry abotu the crappy wig, I ordered a nice one but it didn't arrive in time so I had to quickly buy a cheap one :'(

No.5232 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)17:20] [Report] 1320009600709.jpg (224765 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5233 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)17:20] [Report] 1320009638798.jpg (205750 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5234 : Jess [11/10/30(Sun)17:21] [Report] 1320009713480.jpg (236329 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
236329 B


No.5237 : Lion [11/10/30(Sun)17:59] [Report] []

Are we gonna see some more naughtier pics of you Jess? You truley are something to behold.

No.5238 : Jessica<3 [11/10/30(Sun)21:43] [Report] []

I would love to be your friend. I don't really have any support coming from my family and I was told that the first thing you need is a decent support system. Plus I don't have anybody to teach me all these new things. Where did you learn them? Any tips or resources? the name is chris btw but I really like Jessica. Kudos to you in your beauty and courage. Hopefully we can become the best of friends. Bye!

No.5247 : <3femboys [11/10/31(Mon)10:23] [Report] []

i don't think you couldn't be cute even if you tried. XOX

No.5258 : Jess [11/11/01(Tue)19:00] [Report] 1320188422615.jpg (61074 B, 650x940) [YIS] [GIS] []
61074 B

Uhh.. You wanted naughtier? Dunno if I can pull it off, but here you go anyways~

No.5259 : Anonymous [11/11/01(Tue)19:02] [Report] []

>>5258 I've seen you do naughty. Very naughty. :-P~

No.5261 : Anonymous [11/11/01(Tue)19:13] [Report] []

>>5258 Jess with that cute face and hot body you could oull off much naughtier poses! Could you please do full bod shots? From what ive seen quite irrestiblie

No.5262 : Jess [11/11/01(Tue)19:13] [Report] 1320189232239.jpg (353498 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
353498 B

Oh really ;o

No.5264 : Lion [11/11/01(Tue)19:28] [Report] []

Very nice Jess. I would have to agree with the full body shots. Love to see you naked in all your glory.

No.5265 : Anonymous [11/11/01(Tue)19:51] [Report] []

yeah your face is the cutest but there's a million pictures of it by now

No.5272 : Jess [11/11/02(Wed)03:56] [Report] 1320220564013.jpg (397666 B, 1944x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
397666 B

Full Body pics, eh? Maybewithin the next couple of days when I recover from this fever x_X

No.5273 : Jess [11/11/02(Wed)04:10] [Report] 1320221411134.jpg (2761360 B, 2736x3648) [YIS] [GIS] []
2761360 B

Also, people keep asking for guy mode pics, and this is the last time I'm posting them, as I've posted them several times already~

No.5282 : chris [11/11/02(Wed)11:35] [Report] []

OMG i've finally found you i saw your pic on tumblr a month ago and i've been trying to track down where your posting sinse then. You look like a girl i used to like except you have a penis which is so much more awesome and why i'm so obsessed

No.5283 : chris [11/11/02(Wed)11:42] [Report] []

i to would love to see some full body shots especially if the had your penis i've only seen one pic where you show it before. Also whats your orientation btw are you straight or bi and with guys are you top or bottom casue i would let you take my anal virginity if you wanted it:)

No.5284 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)11:58] [Report] []

What I'd like to see is a couple of shots of you in your panties... you're looking cute as always.

No.5287 : chris [11/11/02(Wed)12:26] [Report] []

in a earlier post you say you have a sex story on mg what is that and where can i find it i would love to read it

No.5288 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)12:47] [Report] []

wow that is a very pretty face i'm stunned at you beauty which side of the pond do you hail from? cuz you look like a brit to me (pleas say yes)

No.5289 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)12:56] [Report] []

>>5272 you need to do more camwhoring or they'll move you to the crossdresser section. cause your pictures are hot but you need more skin

No.5291 : Lion [11/11/02(Wed)14:52] [Report] []

I'm waiting with anticipation for the fb shots. You're a stunner Jess. Btw what was the name when you were on mg. Anybody?

No.5293 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)15:23] [Report] []

>>5291 what is mg?

No.5294 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)16:58] [Report] []

Aww, sorry to hear that love. Get well soon!

No.5296 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)17:28] [Report] []

>>5293 Male General. Link up top.

No.5301 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)20:15] [Report] []

different guy. i click male general and it just made tran chan greeny grey what does this mean? how do i find this male general you speak of?
ps. im retarded so make it clear lol

No.5302 : Anonymous [11/11/02(Wed)20:18] [Report] []

never mind

No.5307 : Jess [11/11/03(Thu)15:16] [Report] 1320347810337.jpg (1062109 B, 1944x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
1062109 B

Sup all~ I came back from Uni today and had a nice surprise waiting for me! New wig!

No.5308 : nawnmus [11/11/03(Thu)15:39] [Report] []

Sup Jess~ We came back from our various, individual day-to-day activities today and had a nice surprise waiting for us! New picture!

And what a picture. You're seriously so pretty :3

No.5309 : Jess [11/11/03(Thu)15:44] [Report] 1320349447191.jpg (1177002 B, 2592x1944) [YIS] [GIS] []
1177002 B

D'aw, thankyou so much <3

No.5310 : Jess [11/11/03(Thu)15:46] [Report] 1320349593367.jpg (970458 B, 1944x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
970458 B

'Kay, guess I'm a camwhore now. Here is my cock.

No.5312 : DJ [11/11/03(Thu)15:54] [Report] []

>>5310 You just get more and more sexy with each pic! So please continue to post :)

No.5313 : Jess [11/11/03(Thu)15:55] [Report] 1320350119956.jpg (467869 B, 1460x1784) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5314 : Anonymous [11/11/03(Thu)16:28] [Report] []

epic that is hottness if i ever did see it you got skype or an email i could have?

No.5315 : Anonymous [11/11/03(Thu)16:34] [Report] []

what uni do you go?

No.5317 : James [11/11/03(Thu)16:59] [Report] []

I live just off the oxford road!

I'd love to see you about? or can we purposely run into each other...

No.5319 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/11/03(Thu)18:53] [Report] []

>>5313 :O

No.5320 : Anonymous [11/11/03(Thu)19:28] [Report] []

>>5310 my jaw just hit the floor

No.5321 : Anonymous [11/11/03(Thu)19:30] [Report] []

>>5310 epic hotness would love to see a side on shot and maybe you playing with some toys

No.5323 : Kirill [11/11/03(Thu)19:59] [Report] []

Woah, that wig = sexy mode (the others were more cute)

No.5325 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)01:18] [Report] []

>>5313 Damn. That's a nice shot.

No.5326 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)03:53] [Report] []

>>5310 now your a camwhore can we see more of your dick and and you show us your ass with your cheeks spread

No.5327 : Lion [11/11/04(Fri)09:08] [Report] []

Now we're talkin Jess. Stunning. Yeah if you are doing pic requests I'd love to see you stood up with your hard cock.

No.5328 : Jess [11/11/04(Fri)12:54] [Report] 1320425684451.jpg (342150 B, 1944x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5329 : Isaac Clarke [11/11/04(Fri)13:38] [Report] []

jeez jess why you gotta be so hot but not add me on skype lol. so so hot yo

No.5330 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)14:15] [Report] []

>>5328 nice

No.5331 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)17:46] [Report] []

>>5310 moar pics of that cock! You've got an amazing body!

No.5332 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)17:46] [Report] []

>>5310 moar pics of that cock! You've got an amazing body!

No.5333 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)18:00] [Report] []

SO hot.

No.5347 : robbie75 [11/11/04(Fri)23:30] [Report] []

Wow, you are so damn HOT! I would love to see you in a tight little dress and stockings!

No.5366 : Jess [11/11/05(Sat)12:19] [Report] 1320509959613.jpg (324946 B, 1944x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
324946 B

Thanks all, I'ma take some more naughty pics later. Here is a pic with less make up ._.

No.5367 : Anonymous [11/11/05(Sat)12:57] [Report] []

>>5366 really cute can't wait to some more naughty pictures would love to see somemore of your dick and your ass:) Are you a top or bottom btw?

No.5368 : Anonymous [11/11/05(Sat)12:59] [Report] []


OMG baby, u made me cum so quick. i think i love u:)

No.5369 : nawnmus [11/11/05(Sat)13:15] [Report] []

Just as superlovelykawaii as ever :D

Are you often on messenger or no? I would be interested in some idle chitchat with yourself if is okays :)

No one seems to go on messenger these days >_>

Keep it cute :3

No.5378 : <3femboys [11/11/05(Sat)23:32] [Report] []


I still wanna cook you breakfast someday, and pretty sure dying to make you mt wife. Just sayin. sigh.

No.5383 : Anonymous [11/11/06(Sun)11:23] [Report] []

Your wig looks amazing! <3 Also you look super cute in boymode, just my type ;P fappp

I tried adding your Skype but it didn't work :( Do you have MSN or anything else?

No.5391 : Anonymous [11/11/07(Mon)09:19] [Report] []

>>5366 you look fapping amazing

No.5393 : Anonymous [11/11/07(Mon)12:46] [Report] []

>>5366 could we see you with pig tails at some point. my fantasy would be you just with pigtails long sock and one of your lollypops nothing else

No.5394 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/11/07(Mon)17:01] [Report] []

>>5393 Haha, thats something I've thought about too :D

No.5463 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)11:39] [Report] 1321202347197.jpg (469054 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
469054 B

Sorry for the wait, everyone~ It was my Birthday this weekend.. I can't believe I turned 20 already ;_; Anyways, my party was really fun, the best part was that I was in girlmode the whole time!~ We even went clubbing afterwards to a 'straight' club and I passed! Guys were grinding against me and calling me hot, haha. Felt good!

No.5464 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)11:41] [Report] 1321202493731.jpg (192533 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
192533 B

Hehe, as usual, thanks for the nice comments. I do have MSN, I posted it in an older thread. I'm not on much nowadays though as I'm kinda busy ;_;

No.5465 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)11:43] [Report] 1321202601083.jpg (481159 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
481159 B


No.5466 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)11:45] [Report] 1321202736803.jpg (73780 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5467 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)11:55] [Report] 1321203332124.jpg (100034 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
100034 B

Look really pale here.. not sure why, haha

No.5468 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)13:46] [Report] []

oh my god hottest story ever

No.5469 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)14:38] [Report] []

>>5463 happy birthday my present to you is a blowjob which you can call in anytime. So did you get any loving for your birthday

No.5470 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)16:44] [Report] []


no offense here but in this pic you look like the standard evil girl from a horror b movie

No.5471 : Jess [11/11/13(Sun)17:35] [Report] []

Haha! I do look a bit gothy in this picture I thought.. :P

No.5472 : Lexxstrum [11/11/13(Sun)20:27] [Report] []

Why are you pretty gurls always surprised when you pass? You're cute in boy-mode, and stunning in girl-mode. I think you are going to have to get your hands on more girl clothes if you're going to keep this up!
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Jess.

No.5473 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)20:46] [Report] []


Are you ever gonna get back on MSN or FB?
PS You're hawt ;_; dauym wish id meet you in a club

No.5489 : Anonymous [11/11/14(Mon)14:49] [Report] []

>>5471 could we see some more nudey ones

No.5494 : Anonymous [11/11/14(Mon)18:15] [Report] []

>>5466 can we get some pics of you with your dick out please it's my birthday

No.5496 : Anonymous [11/11/14(Mon)23:28] [Report] []

I'd like to see one of those wide open ass shots you did before, but looking back with the wig and makeup.

No.5498 : Anonymous [11/11/15(Tue)04:49] [Report] []

>>5496 agreed show us your ass with your cheeks parted

No.5499 : Anonymous [11/11/15(Tue)05:14] [Report] 1321352096627.jpg (0 B, 1024x687) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

>>5496 yeah could we see you like this and could you tell us some stories about your sexual experiences we would love to hear

No.5500 : Anonymous [11/11/15(Tue)05:21] [Report] 1321352489428.jpg (0 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Or this which would very hot as well couldn't find any trans people doing it so sorry but the principle is still the same

No.5501 : nawnmus [11/11/15(Tue)07:14] [Report] []

Happy birthday for the other day Jess! Nice to hear you enjoyed it; only wish I could have been at that club >:3 haha

Looking amazinggg in your new pics?, as always of course :D

No.5514 : Jess [11/11/16(Wed)17:07] [Report] 1321481247103.jpg (53290 B, 720x540) [YIS] [GIS] []
53290 B

D'aw, thanks for the nice Birthday wishes guys ^^

I'm a bit busy at the moment to take pic requests, but I should be able to do them sometime next week. In the mean time, I'm afraid more pics from last week will have to do ><

I really like this pic~ I feel feminine :3

No.5516 : Dollface #EzbyRtJDZY [11/11/16(Wed)17:12] [Report] []


i love the lace trim on that dress, you look wonderful

No.5519 : Jess [11/11/16(Wed)20:19] [Report] 1321492784912.jpg (26362 B, 871x211) [YIS] [GIS] []
26362 B


Thanks so much~ You too <3

Trying to improve my make up skills.. practicing with eyeliner, haha!

No.5520 : Anonymous [11/11/16(Wed)21:31] [Report] []

>>5519 Gorgeous!

No.5561 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:23] [Report] 1321997037670.jpg (395540 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
395540 B

It's Jessica, Bitch~

No.5563 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:34] [Report] 1321997675245.jpg (488097 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5564 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:36] [Report] 1321997792859.jpg (427831 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
427831 B

lol wat.

No.5565 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:38] [Report] 1321997901869.jpg (369764 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
369764 B

Big thighs ._. sigh

No.5566 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:44] [Report] 1321998247030.jpg (343858 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
343858 B

Yay for Skyward Swords~

No.5567 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:46] [Report] 1321998392749.jpg (399182 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
399182 B

Got quite a few games for my Bday.. which one to play first?!

No.5568 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:48] [Report] 1321998492191.jpg (371907 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5569 : nawnmus [11/11/22(Tue)16:48] [Report] []

You never fail to amaze :)

is madcute, i love it ^^

and psssh, what you talkin'? Your thighs are lush, silly girly! :3

Shame you is so busy; how's Uni going btw? :)

P.S. Nice Winnie the Pooh bedspread thumbsup

No.5570 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:54] [Report] 1321998847903.jpg (343888 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
343888 B


<3 Thankyou. And yesyesyes, soo busy with uni. Literally no time to dress up ;_;

And yeah, the Winnie sheets my mum brought as she couldn't find any other bed sheets >.>

No.5571 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)16:55] [Report] 1321998944774.jpg (404593 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
404593 B

wild penis appeared!

yeah, I'll upload more pics later, guys~ friend coming over now ><

No.5572 : nawnmus [11/11/22(Tue)17:10] [Report] []


Looks wild alright :O

I could make some 'great ball' jokes here but... well just no. >_>

No.5573 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)18:02] [Report] []

i want to dig that picture but you look like a ghoulish midget.

No.5574 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)18:08] [Report] []

>>5567 whats your psn i would love to play you at something some time

No.5575 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)18:11] [Report] []

>>5571 can we see some with you on all 4s showing us your asshole dick while looking back at us

No.5578 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)20:33] [Report] []

Well the one good thing about getting Sonic Generations is now you know who secretly hates you.

No.5579 : Jess [11/11/22(Tue)22:04] [Report] 1322017485896.jpg (404012 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
404012 B

Huh? Sonic Generations is a good game so far, man. Having fun blasting through the classic levels. Sky Sanctuary, ohmygod! chidlhood. haha

No.5580 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)22:26] [Report] []

I'd have fun blasting through your ass. Ahh Adulthood

No.5581 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)23:45] [Report] []

>>5561 Nice nails!

>>5563 Cute expression. <3

No.5582 : Anonymous [11/11/22(Tue)23:59] [Report] []


Is it? I've fallen for the Sonic Cycle one too many times, and now I just do my best to ignore all releases that don't have 'Rush' or 'Colors' in the title.

How's Skyward Sword look? I haven't really seen anything since E3 besides a terribly compressed Quick Look of it. I'd really like a reason to turn my Wii on again.

No.5583 : peitr hardt (havahardt) [11/11/23(Wed)00:05] [Report] []

Dear Sweet Jess,
I must declare, you thrill me like no other. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

No.5584 : Jess [11/11/23(Wed)00:16] [Report] 1322025396698.jpg (441082 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
441082 B


Well I haven't actually properly played a Sonic game since Sonic Heroes back in 04 when I was like 13-ish maybe? Guess I grew out of it. Didn't look like I was missing out on much, anyways! haha. But yeah, Generations is a solid game! Brings the series back to its roots (partly) Really fun, and even the 3d parts are decent (in my opinion, anyways). I think it's quite short, though..

Oh, and about Zelda: I haven't played it much yet, but I've heard nothing but praise for it. From the 30 minutes I've played so far it seems like a really fun game. Love how they actually seem to be fleshing Zelda out to be more than just a one dimentional Princess this time, too~

>>5581 Thanks! I like my nails, too <3

No.5585 : Jess [11/11/23(Wed)00:35] [Report] 1322026511595.jpg (378228 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5586 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)00:47] [Report] []

wish i was that friend

No.5587 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)02:44] [Report] []

>>5585 sexy

No.5588 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)02:46] [Report] []

>>5585 did you get any sexy time for your birthday btw

No.5590 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)08:29] [Report] []

>>5579 you really have a handsome dick you should show it more

No.5595 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)10:49] [Report] []

>>5227 could we please some pictures of you completely naked with just your wig and makeup on nothing

No.5596 : AnonyMouse [11/11/23(Wed)11:01] [Report] []


Boy did you get off the Sonic train at the right time. Haha. It's good to hear it's good for the most part. From all of the reviews I've read, it sounds like it's a 5 hour game, if you just stick to the main quest. You should try Sonic Colors for the Wii. It's what Sonic 4 should have been.

Zelda, along with many other Nintendo IPs, has always been at it's best when they do crazy shit to it. Wind Waker being the shiny example of that with it's amazing story. I hear Skyward Sword's story makes you look at the other games in a whole new light. My interest is piqued, but man, I don't know if I want to buy a Motion+ for it, especially when Skyrim is out.

No.5597 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)13:08] [Report] []

>>5595 seconded that would be so hot

No.5598 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)15:03] [Report] []

wow best jess thread yet please keep the nudes coming

No.5599 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)18:57] [Report] []

You need heels and boots I think.

No.5600 : Anonymous [11/11/23(Wed)19:17] [Report] []

>>5579 moar of that cawk please! Preferably hard!

No.5624 : anonamoose [11/11/25(Fri)23:31] [Report] []


haha omg you make me so hard ;)#
wanna hook up?

No.5631 : Claire [11/11/26(Sat)16:13] [Report] []

Jess, can I like get in contact with you or something? I'm also at uni in Manchester and I think you're pretty cool.
Email me?
darkbutnotevil (at) gmail (dot) com

No.5649 : Anonymous [11/11/27(Sun)05:50] [Report] []

what happened to the jess thread about the DJ you made out with?

No.5653 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/11/27(Sun)16:28] [Report] []

I deleted it. This one hasn't auto-sage'd yet, so having 2 threads of 95% face shots on the front page is just inconsiderate to all the other posters with 95% face shot threads here in Camwhores.

No.5676 : Anonymous [11/11/28(Mon)04:17] [Report] []

>>5653 that means you need to post more nudes

No.5680 : Jess [11/11/28(Mon)09:31] [Report] 1322490684127.jpg (338681 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5682 : Anonymous [11/11/28(Mon)11:26] [Report] []

>>5680 love it that picture makes it look like you have cleavage

No.5683 : Anonymous [11/11/28(Mon)11:27] [Report] []

>>5680 could we get some more cawk and ass pics today. Pretty please?

No.5696 : Anonymous [11/11/28(Mon)23:00] [Report] []

Fulfill my request, please. :)


No.5710 : Peitr Hardt [11/11/28(Mon)23:34] [Report] []

I would be a complete liar if I said I didn't want to see "more" of you. Sorry to jump on the bandwagon here, but please please please give us a little more to lust after. You make this man's heart go pitter patter.

No.5715 : Anonymous [11/11/29(Tue)12:16] [Report] []


there must be something wrong with my eyes, it looks like to me that that beautiful girl has a thick cock

No.5723 : Anonymous [11/11/29(Tue)18:12] [Report] []

That feel when you never see any traps this convincing anywhere near where you live :(

No.5724 : peitr hardt (havahardt) [11/11/29(Tue)18:55] [Report] []

Oh, Jess. I am hanging on for every new post.

... I fear I am becoming more and more pathetic by the minute.


No.5732 : anonamoose [11/11/30(Wed)19:24] [Report] []

That feel when you live in the same city, but will probably never meet them :(

No.5749 : Anonymous [11/12/01(Thu)06:35] [Report] []
>Webcam pics.

Please consider investing in a real camera. I'd love to fap some Jess in glorious high res.

No.5752 : Anonymous [11/12/01(Thu)13:10] [Report] []

please, consider stop being asshole, buy a real camera for Jess

No.5775 : Anonymous [11/12/02(Fri)19:26] [Report] []

That feel when Jess doesn't post for a few days at a time and you don't know what to do with yourself D:

Jess you're such a tease! ;P

I wish to please you with gifts, such as aforementioned camera :3

No.5789 : Anonymous [11/12/04(Sun)12:37] [Report] []


I would luv to see a jerk off vid that looks just like this. or more of dat ass. thankyou!

No.5790 : anonamoose [11/12/04(Sun)13:32] [Report] []

Come back jess :(

No.5791 : fuzzywumwum hot mail [11/12/04(Sun)15:15] [Report] []

I think I posted my yahoo or MSN in a thread that got deleted of yours, but I remember singing in and seeing an accept/add from someone who I thought was you, but now I cant find it, and I'm not sure which yahoo it was on, or msn for that matter, and Im worried I clicked decline on accident half awake =/

No.5793 : nawnmus [11/12/04(Sun)23:33] [Report] []

I added her sweetness on messenger just over a month ago and haven't seen her on since so don't get your hopes up I'm sorry to say. Or I was never accepted and blocked BAWWW! ._.

Shame cause she seems awesomecool.

Jess be less busy! come play with us! :D

No.5796 : Anonymous [11/12/06(Tue)11:05] [Report] []

>>5749 i think this dick scared off jess :(

No.5799 : Anonymous [11/12/06(Tue)18:36] [Report] []

Come back to /soc/, Jess. We miss you.

No.5801 : Anonymous [11/12/06(Tue)20:24] [Report] []

She's probably too busy banging that cute DJ.

No.5803 : Jess [11/12/07(Wed)07:33] [Report] 1323261189100.jpg (340950 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
340950 B

He banged me. he was good, but meh.

Went to London last weekend Slutting it out in the club because I can, I'll tell you the story if ya'll like.

May post some more pics later. Lotta people have been hating lately, though. Wont let it get me down, though~

No.5804 : three-gow [11/12/07(Wed)09:38] [Report] []

loving how feminine you look. I'd have no hesitations to call you a girl if i happened to run into you.

No.5805 : <3femboys [11/12/07(Wed)09:59] [Report] []


stories with details please :)

and pics of what you wore or visual aid would be the coolest.

No.5806 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)10:00] [Report] []

Can we have the story please? Thanks :)

No.5807 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)10:02] [Report] []

I saw your reply on /soc/. I was kinda posting your pictures and talking about you. Don't hate me please :[

  • Fan.
No.5808 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)11:37] [Report] []

>>5803 was that the dj nice going jess would love to here all the naughty details also ignore the haters the rest of us love you

No.5811 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)21:18] [Report] []

>>5803 The love/hate ratio for you here is 10/1! Don't worry about the bitchers.

No.5812 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)23:14] [Report] 1323317657635.gif (0 B, 400x457) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Sup Jess? Any idea why quite a few faggots on /soc/ seem to hate you? After someone posted your pics in a trap thread a shit storm ensued.

One recurring complaint seems to be that you use too much makeup, which I happen to agree with. Even in boy mode you're cute as fuck.

Anyway, you seem nice and cute to boot, and I was wondering what all the rage was about.

No.5813 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)23:32] [Report] 1323318775795.png (0 B, 340x248) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


I feel bad for causing all the rage now. I had a folder full of Jess' pictures, and I thought it might have been better to add them to my posts when I spoke about her.

They were all "Jess is ugly, Jess is etc, too much make up bark bark."

I still think Jess is the most adorable person around here. I apologize again for posting your pictures on /soc/, Jess.

No.5814 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)00:45] [Report] []


Don't worry about it too much. I saw similar rage not long ago browsing a trap thread in /soc/. I believe Jess had participated, but it had fallen to a later page and I didn't feel like bumping it.

I honestly don't know how anyone could say Jess is ugly. But /soc/ is dominated by namefags and their minions, sooo... well you know, fuck those faggots.

No.5815 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/12/08(Thu)01:57] [Report] []

Yo this isn't a board for vanquished chan dorks to come and convene in your knitting circle. Everytime I see this thread I have a new reason to ask "why haven't I deleted this yet?"

No.5816 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)04:28] [Report] 1323336514885.jpg (374352 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
374352 B


Well just to close this 'drama' up, I'm fine, to whoever posted my pics, I'm not angry at you~ Haters gonna hate, afterall.

And to the people who are sick of me and my make up, I've made some minimal make up shots for you guys, as well as heavier make up.

Starting off with cock~

No.5818 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)07:45] [Report] 1323348304711.jpg (294659 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5820 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)07:49] [Report] 1323348599495.jpg (320052 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5821 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)07:52] [Report] 1323348724393.jpg (348834 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5822 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)07:58] [Report] 1323349130640.jpg (338106 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5823 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)08:00] [Report] 1323349218942.jpg (302120 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
302120 B

Er.. i feel a bit bare without make up, actually.. haha

No.5824 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)08:05] [Report] 1323349544017.jpg (350102 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5825 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)08:11] [Report] 1323349910238.jpg (333227 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
333227 B

I came.. on my face~

No.5826 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)08:13] [Report] 1323349998229.jpg (298067 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
298067 B

more minimal make up and shit.

No.5827 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)08:18] [Report] 1323350339438.jpg (259875 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
259875 B

moar cum

No.5829 : Isaac Clarke [11/12/08(Thu)09:21] [Report] []

holy moly dat is hawt. now that uni has broken up we gonna see more of this super hotness?

No.5830 : Isaac Clarke [11/12/08(Thu)09:25] [Report] []

jezz i swear you could trap in guy mode your face is soo damn pretty. loving the mineral makeup by the way

No.5831 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)10:30] [Report] []

Make up doesn't make you look any bad by the way. Don't force yourself to stay all bare because some faggots told you that you apply too much make up.

No.5832 : Jess [11/12/08(Thu)13:01] [Report] 1323367306264.jpg (324095 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
324095 B

Yeah, I dunno. I'll just do what I like I guess!

No.5833 : anonamoose [11/12/08(Thu)13:43] [Report] []


Jess, Y U no MSN? :(

No.5834 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)14:15] [Report] []

>>5832 wow you are so cute blue really suits you. WOuld really love to here that story if you would be willing to tell Also love the ass shot

No.5835 : robbie75 [11/12/08(Thu)18:28] [Report] []

Jess, you are Hotter than hell!! You need to show off some more legs! More in pantyhose shots, pretty please.... And the minimal make-up work well too, No.5823.

You said that "He banged" you. Love to heard more details, if you feel like sharing? My first experience with a guy was liberating...

No.5836 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)18:43] [Report] []

I love how thick your thighs are. More place to hold on during sex, so you should be lucky. A little bit of thickness is better, so don't worry about your thighs.

Saying this since you were complaining a while ago about how thick your thighs are.

No.5840 : R-kun #Vh6EfN5Kbo [11/12/08(Thu)20:10] [Report] []

so fucking gorgeous, wow.

No.5841 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)20:11] [Report] []


Thanks. You look great. You have natural beauty, no reason to feel uncomfortable with less makeup. Also, I'm loving the pantyhose. Moar pics showing off your great legs and, dare I ask, feet would be awesome.

No.5844 : Anonymous [11/12/08(Thu)21:33] [Report] []

you could make a video for us

No.5845 : ml4p [11/12/08(Thu)21:35] [Report] []

>>5832 That is the only way you will ever be happy. Be yourself and don't worry about what the rest of us say, especially haters.

No.5846 : nawnmus [11/12/08(Thu)21:36] [Report] []

Fuck. I just can't get over how beautiful you are? :3

Apparently too busy, hopefully not so much over the holidays ey Jess? ;P But I reckon she also probably tends to stay away from it as I'm sure she gets utterly bombarded with lust whenever she signs in haha >_>

no joke.

No.5847 : ml4p [11/12/08(Thu)21:43] [Report] []

>>5827 Sweet jesus that is hot! How would you like someone to do that to your face?

No.5854 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/12/09(Fri)01:10] [Report] []

Are you already going out during the day in girl mode? I'm currently trying to get myself to try it at least once and I think you shouldnt have any problem at all so I'm kinda curious ;P

No.5855 : Anonymous [11/12/09(Fri)01:16] [Report] []


Requesting video of this in action

No.5857 : Anonymous [11/12/09(Fri)11:21] [Report] []

Congratulations on turning a straight guy most certainly curious.
You're bloody gorgeous.

No.5859 : Anonymous [11/12/09(Fri)18:49] [Report] []


No.5868 : Zena [11/12/11(Sun)17:29] [Report] []

Hey Jess. Have you been posting on 4chan recently? If not then you've been impersonated alot..

No.5870 : Anonymous [11/12/12(Mon)09:07] [Report] []

I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking, "I wish that were my cream on that gorgeous face..." <3

No.5871 : Anonymous [11/12/12(Mon)09:29] [Report] []

>>5868 what pics were being posted

No.5877 : Anonymous [11/12/13(Tue)08:34] [Report] []

You're the most incredibly beautiful girl!!

No.5882 : Marissa [11/12/13(Tue)22:21] [Report] []

Cute! Where did you get the wig if you don't mind me asking?

No.5886 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:21] [Report] 1323926461547.jpg (466919 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
466919 B

SO, it's been awhile since I posted here. Sorry guys.

Umm, let's see.. I went out today in girlmode during the day and no funny looks! Yay~ :3

No.5887 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:22] [Report] 1323926537243.jpg (502750 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5888 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:22] [Report] 1323926569771.jpg (385175 B, 1280x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
385175 B


No.5889 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)00:23] [Report] []

>>5886 Congrats!

No.5890 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:24] [Report] 1323926644831.jpg (53903 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
53903 B

Feel like showing a bit more skin than usual~

No.5891 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:25] [Report] 1323926742077.jpg (51211 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
51211 B

hehe, thanks~

No.5892 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)00:26] [Report] 1323926799686.jpg (59003 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5893 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)00:26] [Report] []

i just had a cuteness overdose :3

No.5894 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)00:29] [Report] []

braless pics or it didnt happen :3

No.5895 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)00:37] [Report] []

Let's see dat ass from the side again, a la >>5313

No.5897 : nawnmus [11/12/15(Thu)00:49] [Report] []


Well done! And of course no funny looks (Maybe some stunned faces!) You look as head-explodingly fantastic as always :D

What are you doing up so late anyway? GET TO BED. my bed plz<3 Q__Q

No.5898 : MichelleCD [11/12/15(Thu)03:21] [Report] 1323937300141.jpg (0 B, 576x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


I know you must hear this all the time, but you are really beautiful. You have such a cute face, i love your make up, and you have and amazing style! Oh and your wig is amazing.
I've been a CD since i was a kid and it's people like you that aspire me to be the prettiest i can be.
I offer you a picture of me... with my face blurred :P

No.5900 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)03:57] [Report] []

Do you prefer to top or bottom in bed?

No.5901 : marchioro [11/12/15(Thu)07:42] [Report] []

Thanks for all the pics Jess! Glad to see you're playing Skyward Sword, I'm only about 5 hours in right now but I've got a good feeling about it. I like that Zelda is actually on a sort of parallel quest to you, not just captured and waiting the whole game to rescued. Would be good to hear what you think of it if you've had a chance to play it more since you last posted. I also look forward to more pics!
Best wishes.

No.5902 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)10:55] [Report] []

>>5892 it's always a good day when i come home to new jess

No.5903 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)11:43] [Report] []

>>5888 best jess picture ever

No.5904 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)13:51] [Report] []

would still love to hear the dj story if you would be willing to tell it

No.5905 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)13:52] [Report] []

also you should do some christmas pics

No.5906 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)16:05] [Report] []

So rare to find a cute trans girl in the UK.
You are beautiful, shame you're all the way in manchester though!

No.5907 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)17:39] [Report] 1323988751997.jpg (65793 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
65793 B

Threesome time.

No.5908 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)17:47] [Report] 1323989253031.jpg (86872 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
86872 B


No.5909 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)17:59] [Report] 1323989955618.jpg (84138 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5910 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)18:02] [Report] []



No.5911 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)18:06] [Report] 1323990411795.jpg (77175 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
77175 B


No.5912 : Jon [11/12/15(Thu)18:42] [Report] []

I'm a student in Manchester and I'm always hoping that I'll bump in to you. I can understand wanting to keep your tranchan life and real life somewhat seperate, and I'll probably never see you. However, part of me still hopes I will. And I really hope it won't be creepy and awkward if I do xD

No.5913 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)20:23] [Report] []

dooooo eeeeeeeet

No.5914 : Jess [11/12/15(Thu)22:22] [Report] 1324005751733.jpg (921720 B, 1952x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
921720 B


Sorry for the late reply but good luck with this Julie!~ <3

Went to the shop earlier.. brrr it's cold :(

No.5915 : Anonymous [11/12/15(Thu)23:19] [Report] []


Nobody gave love here: this is my favorite pic of you ever. Plz more. Plz.

No.5916 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)02:19] [Report] []

>>5906 There have been a few of them here. Zara, sugartrap, the other Jess off the top of my head.

No.5917 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)02:48] [Report] []

>>5907 you should borrow the middle ones outfits it's hot

No.5918 : Zena [11/12/16(Fri)10:53] [Report] []

Getting hotter and hotter and hotter

No.5920 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)18:09] [Report] []

Totally agree - you look amazing in just a bra.

No.5921 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)18:47] [Report] []

That feel when you live in scotland and there are no traps that are anywhere near this convincing, or any at all apparently.

No.5922 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/12/16(Fri)19:33] [Report] []

>>5914 Haha dont worry about it ;P

No.5923 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)19:51] [Report] []

if you made a site i would pay

No.5924 : Anonymous [11/12/17(Sat)02:07] [Report] []

primark alert? i have that same jacket i think :)

No.5925 : Anonymous [11/12/17(Sat)04:20] [Report] []

>>5803 please tell us the story

No.5926 : Anonymous [11/12/18(Sun)16:36] [Report] []



No.5927 : City Hobgoblin [11/12/19(Mon)01:48] [Report] []

Dear Jess,
I would just like to join in with the others and say that you are absolutely beautiful. I too would like to see more nude pics of you....I must admit.

No.5953 : Anonymous [11/12/20(Tue)04:02] [Report] []

Second ^^

No.5960 : Anonymous [11/12/21(Wed)17:52] [Report] []

You are honestly the most beautiful person I've ever seen Jess =)

No.6011 : Anonymous [11/12/28(Wed)19:09] [Report] []

hey cutie-pie!
I?ve got a question for you.
Are u into bondage? Are there any pics of u being tied up? I think it looks cute...

No.6106 : Anonymous [12/01/08(Sun)02:35] [Report] 1326008147664.jpg (75861 B, 640x425) [YIS] [GIS] []
75861 B


Girl, Y U NO make bed?

Oh, I know, you're waiting for me to force you to do it.



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