
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.3160 : Jess [12/08/05(Sun)21:54] [Report] 1344218063338.jpg (60219 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60219 B

New piccie, new hair, 6 months on hormones today so new post :D


101 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5561 : Anonymous [13/11/26(Tue)04:00] [Report] []


You've gone from a 10 to 11.

No.5624 : Anonymous [13/12/17(Tue)07:14] [Report] []

You're astonishingly gorgeous.

No.5649 : Raharu [13/12/24(Tue)18:37] [Report] []



Spinal Tap is wondering where they can get an amp that goes this high. She makes 11 look like a factory setting.

No.5622 : Anonymous [13/12/17(Tue)02:19] [Report] 1387264795306.jpg (63449 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
63449 B

Anyone know anything about this girl?

No.5630 : Anonymous [13/12/17(Tue)19:29] [Report] []

Pretty sure that's not the same person. face and hair loo too different.

No.4882 : Anonymous [13/04/08(Mon)11:14] [Report] 1365434098024.jpg (78787 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
78787 B

need a name, please

13 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5021 : Anonymous [13/05/11(Sat)03:05] [Report] []


It's quite common to change your surname when marrying. I suggest we do that and you take my surname after the wedding.

No.5083 : Anonymous [13/06/01(Sat)01:57] [Report] []

yeah it's ava zara i think. i met her on omegle. she's soooo cute and nice. she makes music or something too

No.5507 : scottalian [13/10/07(Mon)23:12] [Report] []

You remind me of this girl I had a serious crush on and never made a move only to find out years later she did as well...the girl that got away. Damn you are a sexy girl.

No.5022 : drugtrap [13/05/11(Sat)14:59] [Report] 1368298789892.jpg (81935 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
81935 B


was posting on 4chan yesterday... didnt really have a girl name yet but they called me drugtrap (apparently I'm on meth in the picture :/ haha)

Comments appreciated! Love!!

14 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5399 : Anonymous [13/09/02(Mon)04:28] [Report] []


You are very cute, only downside to the name Drugtrap is some might think that your bending over or blowing someone for your next hit.

No.5435 : Anonymous [13/09/20(Fri)02:31] [Report] []


thats wats so hot about it =P

No.5500 : Anonymous [13/10/04(Fri)00:26] [Report] []

hey drugtrap, any skype name or email to contact u on?

closed No.5485 : UndeadTrap [13/09/30(Mon)21:59] [Report] 1380592787773.jpg (26264 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
26264 B

What is the point of getting posts approved when they just get deleted in the end.

No.5492 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [13/10/01(Tue)05:58] [Report] []

What's the point of having a Trap board if it's going to be bombed by unpassable subpar crossdressers?

No.3295 : becca darling [12/08/16(Thu)00:12] [Report] 1345090329441.jpg (192257 B, 700x466) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
192257 B

hi! long time lurker. new thread!

70 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5252 : Anonymous [13/07/22(Mon)19:05] [Report] []


If that's how you look blurry (smoking by the way) imagine when the picture is not.

No.5265 : Anonymous [13/07/27(Sat)07:50] [Report] []

wow, thanks for sharing Becks you're looking gorgeous.

No.5414 : Anonymous [13/09/12(Thu)22:07] [Report] []

You're great. Love to see more of you ;)

No.5253 : Anonymous [13/07/22(Mon)22:19] [Report] 1374545963492.png (114269 B, 272x192) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
114269 B

Who is this beauty?

I saw her vid but don't have a name, just this pic!

Plz Plz Plz find out !<3

No.5262 : Anonymous [13/07/25(Thu)07:57] [Report] []

yeah she's hot
keeping my eyes peeled, anon

No.5288 : Anonymous [13/08/06(Tue)10:02] [Report] []

Not a trap. That's an old picture of cam girl "Chloe Lamb."

No.1804 : JS1212 [12/02/05(Sun)13:24] [Report] 1328466249138.jpg (93430 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
93430 B

So am I allowed to post here?

52 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5132 : Anonymous [13/06/18(Tue)13:48] [Report] []

y cant i find girls like THIS in Pa.???

No.5133 : Anonymous [13/06/18(Tue)22:40] [Report] []

You live in pa?

No.5219 : Anonymous [13/07/17(Wed)22:36] [Report] []


No.4525 : AlexTrap [13/02/25(Mon)16:06] [Report] 1361826366934.jpg (1120263 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1120263 B

Oops! Deleted my thread by accident so here we go again!

14 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5107 : Anonymous [13/06/12(Wed)12:35] [Report] []

We need more!

No.5108 : Anonymous [13/06/13(Thu)18:27] [Report] []


No.5126 : Anonymous [13/06/17(Mon)10:50] [Report] []

what an ass

No.3702 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:06] [Report] 1351130810005.jpg (1031256 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1031256 B


119 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.4986 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/04/28(Sun)11:33] [Report] []


Gotta be careful. Laundry hampers will stab a bitch at a moment's notice.

That's why it's always safer to hang out with kitchen barstools. They never judge.

No.5013 : ry bristol [13/05/07(Tue)08:04] [Report] []

daaaaaamn :D stunning

No.5014 : PeteSlow [13/05/07(Tue)20:05] [Report] []

Howdy 2U, too!

No.4150 : Anonymous [12/12/27(Thu)02:57] [Report] 1356595062107.jpg (41439 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
41439 B

Who is this trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????

I've seen only two pics of her, but I don't WHO she is or WHERE to find her. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.4311 : Anonymous [13/01/12(Sat)02:06] [Report] []


Kinda looks like Ryo.

No.4314 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/01/12(Sat)14:14] [Report] []


Def not Ryo. Not exotic enough or long enough hair.

No.4401 : Anonymous [13/01/26(Sat)19:44] [Report] []

I want to know who that is too.

closed No.3848 : Princess Pikeru [12/11/16(Fri)19:09] [Report] 1353110963233.jpg (79879 B, 545x471) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
79879 B

Hi lurker, coming back since 3 years


56 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.4161 : Anonymous [12/12/27(Thu)18:53] [Report] []


delicious stomach is delicious

needs moar bulge plz :3

No.4164 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [12/12/27(Thu)20:48] [Report] []


>Mod can you please delete and block the post No.4142

Why don't I fucking delete you for always asking people for money, having goofy ass English, and posting half assed content? Jesus christ, No one here cares what some dude said in Portugese you thin skinned parasite.

No.4165 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [12/12/27(Thu)20:49] [Report] []

Oh ha ha, right. 'Cause I already did.

No.1831 : TexiTrap [12/02/06(Mon)20:20] [Report] 1328577628345.jpg (249865 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
249865 B

new thread GO

259 posts and 59 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.5421 : tango [13/09/14(Sat)17:04] [Report] []

Rumor is that she died.

No.5422 : Anonymous [13/09/15(Sun)06:40] [Report] []

>>5421 cool

No.5444 : funguy [13/09/21(Sat)13:05] [Report] []

leave her alone. i say if u got; flaunt it! and if u u can sell what u flaunt...all the power to ya! you go texi! ur only young for a while and if u can cash in a little...why not!

No.495 : Aimee [11/09/02(Fri)09:43] [Report] 1314971014103.jpg (257784 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
257784 B

First time posting here, been a 420chan user for about a year and half. Just seeing where this goes...

89 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2686 : Anonymous [12/06/21(Thu)01:04] [Report] 1340255052337.jpg (155500 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
155500 B

Just a shot in the dark if you want to chat. skype: ideeditbam

No.3285 : Chris [12/08/15(Wed)15:41] [Report] []

Aimee, you are really beautiful!!!

No.3342 : Anonymous [12/08/20(Mon)22:04] [Report] []

damn.. your are sexy as hell! would love to see more of you!

No.1937 : Jess [12/02/18(Sat)09:45] [Report] 1329576320444.jpg (80754 B, 375x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
80754 B

Hiya :) kinda new here, hope this is right place to post this :) will post moe piccies soon xx

97 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.3082 : Tiffany [12/07/29(Sun)06:30] [Report] []

whats ur email jess?

No.3119 : jackofthehook [12/08/02(Thu)23:36] [Report] []

hotness is all I got to say...

No.3136 : myndzai [12/08/03(Fri)21:51] [Report] []

Hey Jess! Firstly gotta say I love the look, you're absolutely stunnerific and I don't think you need me telling you that!

Secondly, why did I have to move to Guildford?!?! I lived in Winchester which as you know is a mere 10m min train ride away! D'oh!

Thirdly, if you're on tvchix (which I believe you are, I think we spoke on there before) then add me, I'm myndzai on there too :)

No.1805 : sinikki [12/02/05(Sun)14:14] [Report] 1328469276490.jpg (3316063 B, 2592x3872) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3316063 B

starting hormone treatment on tuesday hopefully..
my goal is being an actual girl, so i dunno.

dying for attention towards my feminine me.

24 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2653 : Nordicculous [12/06/16(Sat)16:56] [Report] []

if its me you're referring to, you are correct..:)

No.2678 : Anonymous [12/06/18(Mon)19:47] [Report] []

umm.... I take good pics... << >>

No.2704 : Anonymous [12/06/23(Sat)19:24] [Report] []

Still trying to find out how he found out you were Norwegian.
Never seen any traps in Norway anyhow

No.2317 : Anonymous [12/04/24(Tue)16:36] [Report] 1335299779629.jpg (292146 B, 800x1353) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
292146 B

You are all probably going to hate me for this, it's a request!

I think they used to use the name Sibel, not sure if its the same person though. I'm just asking you friendly folks if you know who the hell this is?

I know you're probably sick of people requesting stuff but I've searched for ages and come up with nothing, so any help we be greatly appreciated!

No.2318 : Anonymous [12/04/24(Tue)19:06] [Report] []

she goes by naughty_amanda on xtube ;)

No.2474 : Anonymous [12/05/15(Tue)16:41] [Report] []

What a figure.

closed No.2231 : Anonymous [12/04/14(Sat)08:40] [Report] 1334407234112.jpg (243021 B, 750x1000) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.2234 : Anonymous [12/04/14(Sat)08:42] [Report] []

Is their any more of her?

No.2247 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [12/04/14(Sat)21:34] [Report] []

Christ you fucking faggots there's like 8 Noise pictures in existence. You probably have them all. Shut the fuck about it.



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