
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.3702 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:06] [Report] 1351130810005.jpg (1031256 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1031256 B


No.3703 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:07] [Report] 1351130851723.jpg (1015578 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3704 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:08] [Report] 1351130880449.jpg (1048395 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3705 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:08] [Report] 1351130920723.jpg (980464 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3706 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:09] [Report] 1351130950477.jpg (992314 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3707 : TexiTrap [12/10/24(Wed)22:09] [Report] 1351130979575.jpg (982740 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3708 : Yuka [12/10/24(Wed)22:27] [Report] []

>>3702 Yay Texi is back! :) Looking good!

No.3709 : Jill [12/10/24(Wed)23:26] [Report] []

looks like I'm not the only T cop in town here... hehehe you look hot as hell, my beautiful Texi ;)

No.3710 : Rei [12/10/25(Thu)00:39] [Report] []

Whoa shit. You're hot!

No.3713 : Anonymous [12/10/25(Thu)06:56] [Report] []

I've been a bad boy officer Texi, I thinkj you should cuff me and beat me with your trancheon a while ;p x

No.3714 : Anonymous [12/10/25(Thu)09:24] [Report] []

That duct tape lamp is looking the wrong way

No.3716 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [12/10/25(Thu)12:51] [Report] []

Yay Texi's return

No.3745 : Anonymous [12/10/28(Sun)23:17] [Report] []

Sales must be down, time to do a publicity appearance.

No.3747 : Anon [12/10/30(Tue)07:36] [Report] []


No.3758 : Jake [12/11/01(Thu)16:15] [Report] []

OMGGGGGG who are u n where have u been hiding sexiness personified??

No.3862 : DFWGuy [12/11/18(Sun)10:58] [Report] 1353254332382.jpg (14706 B, 600x399) [YIS] [GIS] []
14706 B

why haven't I encountered you before! You anywhere close to DFW?

No.3994 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/02(Sun)14:50] [Report] 1354477827277.jpg (936672 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
936672 B

Aw, thanks you guys. I really appreciate all the compliments.

So I've been gone because I made the mistake of taking advanced Japanese this past semester. Long story short no one in there has had a life since it started. It's a miracle I'm putting my panties on straight.

I'm not talking about clip store stuff anymore as per Modzilla's request. If you want that info follow my twitter. My fbook got shutdown because of their new rules.

I am from the DFW area, and I plan to get out in Dallas more after this semester.

I am still single haha, but I'm not too upset about it.

And last but not least, I am finally seeing a Dr about my transition because I can afford it now. Feelsgoodman

No.3996 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/02(Sun)14:53] [Report] 1354478025387.jpg (952604 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3999 : pngbby [12/12/02(Sun)21:14] [Report] []

what is your twitter account?

No.4004 : Glasgow Smile [12/12/03(Mon)08:44] [Report] []

Fuck yeah.

No.4028 : Anonymous [12/12/07(Fri)17:28] [Report] []

>>3999 not exactly hard to find

No.4031 : Boy in Toronto [12/12/08(Sat)09:38] [Report] []

You are so hot..

>>3707 I have cum buckets to you.

Also - you should get out of Texas and come to Toronto.. a little cool right now, but I'll keep you warm.


No.4032 : Jaymi Marie [12/12/08(Sat)10:55] [Report] []

So great to see more of you! Keep em cumming PLEASE!

No.4043 : Anonymous [12/12/10(Mon)06:34] [Report] []

>>3996 You're always pretty Texi but every now and then you post a picture that is just astonishingly beautiful.

This is one of those times.

No.4050 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/10(Mon)16:49] [Report] 1355176163637.jpg (1044845 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
1044845 B

Thank y'all so much!

I'm really really flattered you cum to me>>4031 that's totally my goal. I hope when guys cum to me they feel better/more relaxed and more energized for the things they have to go about.

>>4004 I fucking love Scotsmen /ladyboner

>>3999>>4028 yup that's it!

>>4032 Since you asked I'll try my best :)

>>4043 that is really really flattering, thank you so much :) like seriously wow! I'm glad you enjoy my posts

I'll be on cam4 tomorrow night strip dancing to celebrate an end to finals, feel free to come and watch!

No.4051 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/10(Mon)17:14] [Report] 1355177670922.jpg (360414 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
360414 B

Sorry my room is such a wreck in all of these. Post finals that will change.

No.4052 : Anonymous [12/12/10(Mon)17:37] [Report] []

O lawd I'm going to Hell for this :3

No.4063 : Anonymous [12/12/11(Tue)13:04] [Report] []

Wowwwwwwwwww u definitely giving Viagra & Cialis competition with an ass and body like tht mama damn i would love to please tht body of urs until we both can't take anymore xxx

No.4064 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/11(Tue)15:30] [Report] []

I am SO sorry I gotta move this cam4 show, really really sorry. I'm in the middle of writing and essay right now and when I'm done I have to sleep/clean/go to the dr. BAha. Semester from hell.

I will get on and do this show though. Live, free strip tease. IT'll just be another day. Maybe friday? I don't know/am not sure.


No.4145 : Joss [12/12/26(Wed)06:51] [Report] []

Hey Texi
Since it has been long time no see, maybe in the festive mood you could show us a few pretty cock shots?

No.4158 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/27(Thu)18:09] [Report] 1356649765121.jpg (851233 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
851233 B

Word, I'll try to get something going soon. I totes do wanna do a free for all cam4 show. I just gotta figure out when.

No.4168 : rogue [12/12/28(Fri)12:50] [Report] []

Wait, DFW, you wouldn't be anywhere near Denton would you?

No.4169 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/28(Fri)15:03] [Report] []

Dallas county.

No.4170 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/28(Fri)15:04] [Report] 1356725066940.jpg (955808 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
955808 B

Hey I just got guild wars 2 for my b-day, any of y'all play ?

No.4171 : DJ [12/12/28(Fri)16:05] [Report] []

>>4170 Texi if it means I get to play with you I will go buy it!

No.4174 : Joss [12/12/29(Sat)03:50] [Report] []

Can you please ost some pictures here...

No.4181 : Anonymous [12/12/29(Sat)21:43] [Report] []

I use to, but I got bored and went back to wow... >.>

No.4185 : Anonymous [12/12/30(Sun)05:25] [Report] []

I love busting a couple of thick creamy loads to your videos and pics. Too bad you're not doing hardcore and interracial hardcore.

No.4187 : T3x1Tr4p [12/12/30(Sun)16:28] [Report] []

Haha thanks. Idk I'm just determined not to do hardcore or escort. I guess it's cause I've never had a boyfriend/lover or whatever and I don't want to give that part of myself up to someone who doesn't love me.

Haha don't buy a game just to play with me lol! I'm a straight n00b right now anyways.

Word I'm working on it. All I've got right now is some tease shots and I can post those if y'all would like.

I'm currently pouring all of my skill points into my tits, but I'll try to take a break in a hot minute.

No.4188 : Anonymous [12/12/31(Mon)02:01] [Report] []


Please post something new...even if it's just a tease shot. We just can't get enough of you!

No.4192 : Glasgow Smile [12/12/31(Mon)20:58] [Report] []

Happy Birthday. Name? (probably a dumb question)

No.4193 : Texi Lover [12/12/31(Mon)21:33] [Report] []

Texi, just found you and I'm already addickted (no '[sic]' needed there!) I just bought all 12 of your clips that are currently up and just watched "worship my cock" (which I do from afar!) Bet your cum tastes yummier than cupcakes and better for me too. lol Yes, your cock is bigger than mine, but I love girls whose cocks are bigger than mine, more to worship. ;) Do you like topping guys? I'd love to be on the bottom for you. <3 You're gorgeous and sexy and even more so when you cum. I came buckets for you and will be doing so tons, I can assure you! ;) Happy belated birthday and Happy New Year, pretty girl! Love your newest fan! <3

No.4197 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/01(Tue)16:35] [Report] []

>>4192 currently the only charactor I have which I haven't had nearly enough time to play is a large nord named "Paul Bum Yums" haha

Also, RAWR, glasgow boys

No.4198 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/01(Tue)16:42] [Report] []

Wow! Well first of all, thank you. Thank you very much. The money those earn pays for my transition, and buying all of them was extremely generous of you and I'll make sure to put it to good use.

However I have made a promise that I wouldn't discuss my clip store on here, as the purpose of this thread isn't advertisement or financial gain. It's just a place for me to post pics of by boobs butt and cock for those who like boobs butts and cocks, and enjoy talking to girls with them.

If you'd like to continue a discussion about that site please follow me on twitter. Otherwise I can talk to you about pretty much anything else on here! (books, movies, music, video games tv, the size of my cock, or how I transitioned)

And again, thank you!

No.4199 : Texi Lover [13/01/01(Tue)17:34] [Report] []

My bad, sweetie. I'm new here and didn't realize I was committing a faux pas. But I'll follow you on twitter (have to make one first!) lol Too bad you don't live closer, I'd put in my application to be your boyfriend because in addition to being cute and sexy as hell you seem sweet, smart, and cool. :)

No.4200 : Texi Lover [13/01/01(Tue)17:40] [Report] []

P.S. How big exactly is your cock? It's very pretty and I'd love to have it inside me, kind of making me crazy thinking of it. lol ;)

No.4208 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/02(Wed)13:22] [Report] 1357150945469.jpg (641519 B, 3264x1952) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4209 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/02(Wed)13:24] [Report] 1357151041359.jpg (1230245 B, 3264x1952) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4210 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/02(Wed)13:31] [Report] 1357151507755.jpg (1304689 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4211 : Anonymous [13/01/02(Wed)13:44] [Report] []

>>4208 god damn

No.4217 : Glasgow Smile [13/01/03(Thu)20:47] [Report] []

I'm not from Glasgow, just an obscure reference to the Cheshire Cat.

No.4218 : Glasgow Smile [13/01/03(Thu)22:25] [Report] []

Also, I was right, it's painfully obvious what your account name is.

No.4245 : DJ [13/01/06(Sun)12:25] [Report] []

Texi are you in Florida this week?

No.4246 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/06(Sun)15:14] [Report] []


The only time I ever left Texas was to shoot in LA...

Is someone pretending to be me? If so I hope it's an escort, because I totally don't escort lol.

No.4249 : DJ [13/01/07(Mon)00:08] [Report] []

>>4246 Yeah there was a Craigslist post in Orlando containing two of your pictures. I was going to send you the link but it is gone.

I was surfing around looking because I am going to be there for a week, first thought was wow may be I can get Texi to go to dinner. But the whole thing didnt sound right.

No.4250 : DJ [13/01/07(Mon)01:40] [Report] []

They are back: Texi in Florida

No.4253 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/07(Mon)14:16] [Report] []


That's hilarious. Yeah I've seen people use my pictures in some strange places. It's pretty weird, but whatever.

I wish that if I were so damn popular I could find a decent boyfriend. Oh well - tranny troubles.

No.4257 : Darby [13/01/07(Mon)20:00] [Report] []

Hi Texi, I am amazed at your lack of boyfriend! I was going to ask how high are your standards, but then again you do deserve the best. Sorry, that sounded incredibly cheesy, yet true...

No.4258 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/08(Tue)02:08] [Report] []

HEY! So I totally have no idea how to play hahaha I haven't even really fully figured out hot to respond when people are talking to me. I will soon though!!

I have like no idea what I'm doing. But I'm a level 5 or 6 now! YAY!

No.4259 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/08(Tue)02:20] [Report] []

I dunno I'm probably picky because I want to date a relatively attractive guy who is also smart and funny, and there are few enough of those to begin with and add in "is cool with trannies" and there are even fewer.

The shitty thing is I'm legit ultra pass in person so if some guy would eventually come along that was hot and into trannies on the DL he literally wouldn't have to tell ANYONE.

But I think lonliness and the search for a fun exciting partner near your number on the attractiveness scale is like the human condition. Maybe I only jealously notice all the happy little couples right now because I'm single and it's on my mind, not sure.

The shitty part is the extra level of an uber complicated game that happens because I'm a tranny. I get hit on at bars and I get asked out. Usually by pretty hot guys too, but I don't know if they're ok with trannies or not so I have to kinda talk to them and try to find out before revealing. That whole process makes me feel a little shitty because I don't like to feel like I'm lying to them. But at least when I go about it that way they've seen me in person, seen how I'm totally female sized, female proportioned, they've heard my voice etc. When I tell guys like that their immediate response is usually "would have never known".

IT's the guys I meet online that are really a problem. They won't give me the chance to hear and see me in person so they immediately put me in one of two categories. I'm either not even an option at all because "holy shit that's gay" or I am an option but only for sex. LOTS of guys want to fuck me and then go cuddle and hold a genetic girl.
Which pisses me off and kinda of kills me a little inside because I've never had someone set out to do something like that for me. I've never had someone be like "I want to hold you and keep you safe and I love".

TLDR relationships are hard when you're a girl with a cock and no one knows you have one. You gotta always have you fingers crossed. And in Texas, it hasn't worked out for me yet.

No.4266 : Anonymous [13/01/08(Tue)08:22] [Report] []


OMG - you look JUST like my cousin.. she's fucking HOT and so are you..

I love cumming to your pics in the morning.


No.4271 : Anonymous [13/01/09(Wed)02:50] [Report] []

You sound like you are really amazing person to get to know. I would so kill to have you as my gf, or atleast have your frienship.. Tough I doubt I can compete ;_;

No.4272 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/09(Wed)13:57] [Report] []

Lol I'm an alright person.

Getting rejected all the time keeps me pretty level. I'm definitely not as confident as the porn stars I'm beginning to be lumped in with.

There's not really anyone to compete with. I'm picky about who I'm attracted to (can't really help it) and all those people are attracted to me - until they find out I have a dick. So I choose to stay single instead of settling for someone I don't find attractive but accepts that I have a dick.

My friendship however is freely given/offered.

I'm really into guild wars 2 right now so you can play with me if you want. I dunno what server I'm on though, but my username is TexiTrap

No.4273 : SelinaK [13/01/09(Wed)17:58] [Report] []

>>4259 Man, I know how things can suck, and I dont even feel like i pass in public yet lol.

No.4274 : Darby [13/01/09(Wed)18:10] [Report] []

I would value your friendship beyond anything, I'm sure you're someone amazing to know in real life.

To have you as a girlfriend though would be a dream come true, and I'd definately want to hold you in my arms, tell you what a lucky guy I am and how much I want to keep you safe. There are lots of guys out there like me who see girls like yourself as more than sex objects, although I realise how difficult it is to meet us in bars. Imagine if we could wear t-shirts saying "I'm single and love transgender girls for who they are"?

If you can't find a man in Texas though no problem, just come on over to England. And if you can't find a man here then settle for me lol!

But seriously, do you have any plans for surgery on those downstairs parts?

No.4275 : Anonymous [13/01/10(Thu)01:19] [Report] []

alright. ^^ well what I mean by "I doubt I can compete" is because you talk about waning to have a "boyfriend".. and I nowhere near..
I am trans- ftm so yeah that's why I say that. and I have a long way to go.
also I would of like to play with you but I don't play video games at all.

No.4277 : Glasgow Smile [13/01/10(Thu)06:09] [Report] []

She's on Borlis Pass.

No.4278 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/10(Thu)16:24] [Report] []

>>4274 I'm actually about to start making and wearing shirts that say things like "I'm a trap!" And "some girls have d*cks get over it" to wear in the glbt clubs because everyone just thinks I'm a normal straight chick being obnoxious in their clubs. And I'd also like to get hit on by any trans seeking men out there.

As for surgery? Like idk. Life as a tg is such a crap shoot. Dr suporn or one of his understudies could very easily build me a vagina with at least 7 inches of depth that gets moderately wet and looks aesthetically perfect. And it would solve the problem in the short run, but I'd still have to tell any long term partner.

If I could find a person who was everything I was looking for and made me feel safe and loved and pretty but preferred I not get the surgery, then I wouldn't. I'd do the whole thing without it. Wedding kids etc. But it's alot more likely I'll get it done. Hell my state won't even let you change your "M" on your license to an "F" without it.

No.4279 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/10(Thu)16:36] [Report] []

>>4275 I actually had a conversation about this the other day. A friend was trying to explain to me that guys out here don't like me because they expect a vagina to be in my panties and he was like "what if you were talking to a really hot guy and you found out they were ftm?" And I was like "if they're everything else I'm looking for physically and emotionally I don't see why that should be a problem."

My preference is strong, somewhat muscular, physically fit, a little "macho", and confident. That kind of alpha can come in many many forms. I've met some slightly more butch lesbians that made my knees weak, and I've met very svelte dominatrixes that melted my butter just as well as the stubble faced captain of the men's hockey team.

What I'm looking for is just fit healthy mostly top alphas who are seeking a pretty little power bottom to constantly challenge and support them in the bedroom and out.

No.4280 : Darby [13/01/10(Thu)18:15] [Report] []

Strong, somewhat muscular, physically fit, a little macho and confident? I am so close on this one! Texas, here I come...

Love the t-shirt idea! Its a shame there isn't an app for mobiles - sorry, cell phones - so guys looking for hot traps and vice versa get a proximity alert or something in clubs. I think I'm talking rubbish again but it makes sense in my head lol.

Oh and if you were to get a vagina and I was with you, it would need to be deeper than 7 inches ;->

No.4281 : msssyuka [13/01/10(Thu)18:23] [Report] []

>>4280 LOL Trap LoJack.

Hang in there Texi <:( Good things take time, great things even more. <3

No.4287 : Anonymous [13/01/11(Fri)00:25] [Report] []

>>4259 awww man Texas, i totally wanna date a tranny not just fuck. but don't know where to find any. I'm from Oregon btw.

No.4295 : Anonymous [13/01/11(Fri)01:12] [Report] []

I can be there for a partner for emotional support I am a sucker for that. I would rather see and make my partner feel better than care for myself. I tend to fall deeply inlove, it kinda sucks. I kinda lol´d because I am nowhere close to being "macho" looking. I am some what fem looking, but I don´t like to be treated as a female especailly in a relationship I´d like to think I am the dominant one even if I don´t look like it. I know I am going to change because of hormones and my sensetive side is going to go away. I can´t wait for that. lol

No.4300 : Anonymous [13/01/11(Fri)03:21] [Report] []

You should seriously come out to the bay area sometime, I'd like to take you out

No.4317 : Anonymous [13/01/13(Sun)08:36] [Report] []

you look real pretty

No.4333 : Anonymous [13/01/16(Wed)20:21] [Report] []

Nooooo! Never get your penis cut off! Not just because I like it, but because it can lead to terrible things. Usually suicide. The United States is the worse country in the world to be transgender. They pretty much force you to get some kind of sexual reassignment surgery so they can keep the black and white line. Your either a girl or a boy chose one society is bullshit. Other cultures know this is bullshit and embrace their transgender members just the same as a girl or boy. They don't have doctors telling them they should have sexual reassignment surgery. There use to be a whole website of transgender male to female individuals who had committed suicide after being preached to by fucking "Dr's". about getting there dicks cut off. Then following through. and then killing themselves. Fuck that. You can find a perfect man who will willing take as you are.

No.4335 : Anonymous [13/01/17(Thu)02:01] [Report] []

You're beautiful. I'm from Texas, what exactly are you looking, physically?

No.4350 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/17(Thu)12:48] [Report] []

So like don't freak out, but I think I'm MORE likely to hurt myself if I don't. And no doctor is telling me to. The only thing they suggested was the orchie so I can get off spiro.

This shit sucks. IT would be one thing to just be locked up in my apartment all the time like a freak all the time battling depression from my complete lack of human interaction. But because I'm really passable I get hit on when I go out. Sometimes by really REALLY hot guys. And every time. Every single time, I get my hopes up.

I think really stupid things like "maybe I'll finally get to go on an actual date" or "maybe if he likes me he'll buy me flowers and cuddle with me while watching a movie" (these are things that have never happened for me)

But every single time I get the same two reactions. Either "uh no I'm not gay" or "Hey let's just hang out at my place" (which means lets fuck but I won't take you anywhere in public).

And it's really messing me up after two years of this.

Could I have all of that if I settled for a guy I didn't find attractive? Almost positively. But that sucks. That sucks so much. I worked so hard to be pretty, I want to date a guy I find attractive, and they find me attractive too - but I have a dick and that's a deal breaker.

No.4351 : Anonymous [13/01/17(Thu)13:33] [Report] []

So ignorant bigots won't date you... I'd consider that a plus personally. If it wasn't your penis it'd be something else, eventually. It really isn't an easy thing to find the right person, but you will... 'cause you're awesome.

No.4354 : T3x1Tr4p [13/01/17(Thu)17:33] [Report] []

Thanks. Yeah it's a blessing and a curse, but I think most things in life are like that.

I just wish I could find my decently handsome decently tall and fit guy who wants to do more with me then just use me like a hole. We'll see.

I know I'm asking for alot to want a good solid attractive man to like me though I'm a tranny, I just can't settle though.

No.4355 : msssyuka [13/01/17(Thu)18:22] [Report] []

Moving to a more open-minded area/society is an alternative to surgery Texi, just sayin'. Probably cheaper as well, but ultimately it is your choice. For all I know there could be other reasons to want it as well, and that's just fine. Some guys might not be to comfortable knowing you had guy parts to begin with, just another thing to think about. In the end I hope you don't hurt yourself, and wish the best for you.

No.4363 : Darby [13/01/18(Fri)16:18] [Report] []

I don't think you'll find many hot and macho guys who will also give you flowers and like to cuddle up with a movie. Sure we exist, but there aren't many of us! Maybe you need to date two guys? One macho for passion, one not so macho for romance? Just a thought!

And I really don't want you to think I see you as 'just a hole' but I must admit Texi that although I do love your cock, the thought of spreading your legs post-op and seeing a pretty little pussy there is mindblowing!

Of course I have that fantasy, as I'm sure everyone who comes here has, of bending you over and sliding my cock into your well-lubed arse, my balls banging against yours as I thrust into you...

But I now have this fantasy of you lying on your back, looking up at me as I slide my cock into your new vagina, biting your lip as I begin to slowly thrust in and out of you, slowly getting faster, harder, your legs wrapped around my waist, your fingernails scratching long lines up and down my back, watching your boobs jiggle and bounce as I thrust until finally I fill you with cum...

So whatever you decide to do, I'll still be a big fan ^_^

No.4372 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:34] [Report] []


Wow. Not only was that actually incredibly sweet it was also a pretty big turn on to read. That's essentially precisely what I'm looking for. I'd be so ok to stay pre op for a while if I could just have someone who wanted to make love to me like that. Getting pounded is fantastic but the thought of a cute sexy guy cuddling me after he mounts me because he actually likes me makes my heart flutter.

I really hope I find that someday. I day dream all the time about eventually meeting a guy that I can settle down with. It would be so fun to be some guy's live in wifey girlfriend - even if only temporary. I fantasize about him and I building a small little cottage love shack dream home and just having fun all the time (ok mostly him building and me helping mostly with lots of fresh home cooking, cleaning, tons of kisses and ready willing and eager love making sessions).

Really I'd take any form of decent relationship with any attractive man that I could fall in love with and would love me back. Anything over the reluctant distant glances of guys made uncomfortable of the way I draw their eye after being informed by half women at a party that "to like THAT girl makes you GAY because THAT is a GUY" (this happened again just last night).

But I know these things take time and I'll try to keep my chin up. I really REALLY appreciate the kind words though. I'm really glad there are people out there that don't think girls like me are freaks.

No.4373 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:35] [Report] 1358638525600.jpg (176201 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4374 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:38] [Report] 1358638731664.jpg (387361 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4375 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:41] [Report] 1358638913013.jpg (270170 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4376 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:42] [Report] 1358638978965.jpg (234097 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4377 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:43] [Report] 1358639016616.jpg (266298 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4378 : T3xiTr4p [13/01/19(Sat)18:46] [Report] 1358639202925.jpg (52271 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4381 : Anonymous [13/01/19(Sat)21:12] [Report] []

Hi first off I gotta say u are very beautiful and from what I have read in ur thread seems like u are also beautiful on the inside (cheesy I know lol) but what advice i can give u coming from a guy who has been on a few rodeos so to speak is when uh guy meets a smoking hott chick like urself the first thing he thinks about is thrusting his cock deep inside of whatever holes she has be it mouth cunt r ass falling in love n stuff like tht has to grow on us guys the more time tht is spent together the more natural feelings r garnered so it all comes down to u what do u want n what r u willing to give or not give to find tht special someone if u knw what i mean dont let anyone use u just as a hole n besides if u give it up easy to me u just might give it up easy to the next guy tht is how we think n u deserve so much more than tht n I am sure the guy for u is not too far away maybe even next door ^_^ lol

No.4382 : Ryan [13/01/20(Sun)14:21] [Report] []

You're beautiful. Don't give up hope of finding the right guy, and when you do he wont care what's in between your legs. We're out there for sure. There's so much phobia and bigotry in the U.S. when it comes to this type of thing, but I think that it's changing slowly.

No.4383 : Anonymous [13/01/20(Sun)16:14] [Report] []

If you've been single for 2 years in the prime of your life? Yeah, your standards are too high.

I don't want to sound like a dick, but seriously, your life is ticking away. Especially for a woman, this is the best time of your life. Things start to go downhill pretty fast around 27. I know you think you deserve better but...

Ah well. Good luck with all that. I've just known too many people who've held out for "something better" and let good shit pass 'em by.

No.4384 : Darby [13/01/20(Sun)16:30] [Report] []


Now THATS what I'm talking about! Glad you like my fantasy, and of course I'd hold you afterwards, wrap you up in my big strong arms, cover your neck and ear in kisses as I tell you I'm the luckiest guy in the world. No matter whats between your legs.

And I love your wifey fantasy! I'd build you a cottage ^_^ Or am I thinking of the barn-raising scene in Witness? Anyway, a nice little nest for us where we could laugh, make love, cuddle up, and then start all over again. I imagine painting the rooms while you bake downstairs. You come up to check on me, make a cheeky remark that I've missed a spot, so I put a spot of paint on your nose. You get me back with a great big blob somewhere else, and before you know it we're rolling around on the floor, covering it in arse-shaped paint splodges. Afterwards we lie back and talk about the future, you resting your head on my shoulder as I run my fingers through your hair, until you remember that you've left the oven on! I like a lot of detail in my fantasies lol!

As for those guys who are too cowardly to go up to and talk to you, well obviously they aren't real men so don't feel bad about them, feel bad for them. If I saw you, nothing and nobody would stop me going up and saying hi, even if you then said bye. So if you ever come to England, let me know...

No.4389 : Anonymous [13/01/22(Tue)23:20] [Report] []

I'm a tall handsome man who likes to cuddle. I just cant find the right girl. And by right girl, I mean one who has a penis. I find men disgusting, and have never been with one. I find women attractive and have been with plenty, but find something lacking. I guess we have the same problem on the opposite ends of the spectrum. I wish I could make you feel like a women.

No.4390 : Anonymous [13/01/22(Tue)23:43] [Report] []

4384 doesn't sound very macho dude.

I would ride in on a black stallion with a sword, and save you from this pusbag. Then I would would swoop you up onto my horse with my huge hulking arms. I would put you in front of me on the horse, so you could feel my big stiff cock sliding on your back as we ride off to my fucking castle, where I would then have you placed in the finest robes, only to be thrown off in a pile by my four poster bed surrounded by pictures of dragons, Then you would look at me with those piercing eyes, and I with my blazing blues. I wouldnt say a word the whole time, kind of like Arnold in beastmaster. I then would through you on the bed and proceed to suck your cock while I jerked mine off to full mast. I would then say "which way do you like it"? You would reply "on my back" I would then gratefully slide into your hole and begin to stroke you cock while I proceeded in pure ecstasy inside you. I would kiss you on your neck and whisper into your ear as I was inside you, then I would grab you legs and worship them and kiss the bottom of your soles, and then when I was done, and you were satisfied we could cuddle and smile, and stair into each others eyes as we drifted off to sleep, and in the morning I'll make you pancakes. And I will take you shopping and buy you black roses, cause I'm metal like that. And every girl would be jealous of you because of how happy we looked together at the mall, I mean medieval mall.

No.4393 : Anonymous [13/01/23(Wed)18:08] [Report] []

you should come to east texas, only an hour away from dallas

No.4394 : macho dude on the black stallion [13/01/23(Wed)21:58] [Report] []

I will be there in March. I've been trying to figure out where to go for my vacation anyway. Never been to texas.

No.4398 : daphneatx [13/01/26(Sat)18:54] [Report] []

Ive always thought you were gorgeous doll. Just thought id say hi to a fellow texan

No.4404 : PRinSA [13/01/27(Sun)14:29] [Report] []

Texi... I just want to say that you are gorgeous and if you were down here I'd love to take you out to a movie or something.

No.4405 : Anonymous [13/01/27(Sun)16:01] [Report] []

OMG I know you've ignored all 61 other guys who've asked, but I'm feeling lucky: Let's go see a movie together!

No.4408 : anonymous [13/01/28(Mon)20:37] [Report] []

this is why they created the internet.

No.4416 : Anonymous [13/01/29(Tue)10:06] [Report] []

Hey Texi, I saw your tweet the other day but since I can't remember my account password, I thought I'd respond here.

Chicago is nice and reasonably trans-friendly (I'm dating a transgirl and we've never had a problem). You should get in touch with @SmartAssJen (no, she's not my GF) for first-hand info. And if you are thinking of moving to Chicago, I'll just point out that this city is especially gorgeous in the springtime. Great time to visit or move here.

Your Mr. Right is out there. Peace.

No.4420 : Grift Mill [13/01/30(Wed)15:21] [Report] []


Are you transgender? Trans or not, you don't appear to have a clue as to what you're talking about. I've never talked to ANYONE that said they were pressured by a doctor into getting SRS. If anything, pretty much every doctor will advise you to think long and hard before going down the path to surgery (usually a 2+ year process). Most SRS surgeons require 6 months to 2 years of therapy and a sign-off from a psychiatrist and your physician before they will perform surgery on you. And if you're there in a session with your therapist and telling them you don't actually want surgery, you're just doing it because you're being "pressured" into doing it? You think they're gonna sign off on that? The other option in that case is to lie in your sessions and tell the psychiatrist that you actually want surgery even if you don't, which is so utterly fucking asinine I can't even

If you're investing all the time, money and emotional involvement and jumping through all the hoops and hurdles to get surgery because someone pressured you into it, you have a LOT more than just trans issues to deal with.

Apart from that, good-quality surveys show that 95+% of trans people that undergo bottom surgery are glad that they did. And surgery is NOT "getting your dick cut off". I'd tell you what it actually is, but I'm gonna let you do the legwork on that.

On the subject of depression/suicide and the issues trans people face post-op, most trans people commit suicide because society is shitty to us. We are a despised minority and people harass and discriminate against us in every area of human interaction. Post-op, what happens is a big hole opening up in your life. You look forward to surgery for years, pining for it, praying, hoping, and then hustling to plan it out and make it happen. You go through all the steps, you make everything happen, and then, one day, you achieve your goal. You get bottom surgery. Then a big "Now what?" appears. This huge thing you built your life around came and went, and now you have nothing that drives you, and your life needs a new purpose and doesn't have one.

Sorry for the rambling response, but I'm not gonna let shit like that go unchallenged.

No.4421 : Grift Mill [13/01/30(Wed)15:23] [Report] []

Rant aside, you're gorgeous, texi. Hope my pics are half as hot as yours ;)

No.4858 : Anonymous [13/03/28(Thu)18:06] [Report] []

Hey I am also in the DFW area and would love to hang out some time. You are beautiful! Anyways if you are interested send me an email.

DFW guy 2013 @ ymail

No spaces

No.4859 : Anonymous [13/03/28(Thu)18:07] [Report] []

Hey I am also in the DFW area and would love to hang out some time. You are beautiful! Anyways if you are interested send me an email.

DFW guy 2013 @ ymail

No spaces

No.4872 : Anonymous [13/04/03(Wed)09:49] [Report] []

I'm funny, getting a degree in mechanical engineering, and I am into traps. Oh, and not bad looking either. Whatever u decide, best of luck to someone that is committed to something more than most would dream of.

No.4876 : Anonymous [13/04/05(Fri)00:14] [Report] []

marry me!!!

No.4908 : hurronius [13/04/13(Sat)17:58] [Report] []


No.4956 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/23(Tue)18:41] [Report] 1366756892508.jpg (1127597 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
1127597 B

Well looky here

No.4957 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/23(Tue)18:42] [Report] 1366756949631.jpg (1071653 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
1071653 B


No.4958 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/23(Tue)18:43] [Report] 1366757029182.jpg (1215732 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
1215732 B


Sorry for teh bruise...I was naughty...

No.4959 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/23(Tue)18:44] [Report] 1366757089395.jpg (1088326 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4960 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/23(Tue)18:45] [Report] 1366757116323.jpg (1144782 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4961 : Anonymous [13/04/23(Tue)21:39] [Report] []

Would fap but too cute; and for once I'd say that's a good thing.

No.4965 : Glasgow Smile [13/04/24(Wed)11:58] [Report] []

Tits lookin' great.

No.4966 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/24(Wed)12:32] [Report] []

So here's a textual update.

I'm no longer in the hellish nightmare that was Advanced Japanese and that professor is under watch now. It did however burn me out pretty bad and I'm having to relearn how to school.

After a winter filled with ciswomen tearing down every shred of self confidence I could muster I'm out of all of those social circles and in a much friendlier much gay-er one. It sounds like such a "plight of the tranny" to bitch about cis women, but I'll guarantee you: they hate successful passable trannies. When I was less passable they were my friends in pity just like fag-hags, but as soon as they felt threatened - things got nasty.

But it's over and I'm with better people. I've even met a few guys, which has been fantastic. I have to say I really really like guys. I love the way it feels when a guy holds me, in any way. I love the way it feels when they kiss me, it knocks my socks off. Their stubble, their deep voices, their firm hands - it all melts me. And I love how sexy I feel when they peel my clothes off, carry me off to a couch or bed, and when I unbuckle their belts. That's the sexiest of all unbuckling a man's belt while playfully nipping at his pants and boxers with my grinning mouth. LOVE it.

I'm both more in porn then I've ever been, and more outside of it. It's funny to me, I don't know that grooby is really that interested in shooting me again. I think they're a tiny bit upset that I took matters into my own hands with the clip store. And that's fine. At the same time I actually talk to industry people fairly regularly, and am followed on twitter by some of them. That blows my mind, I'm being followed by Amy Daly, that's fucking crazy to me.

Finally I've got a ps3 now. I got it as a valentines day gift to myself because I thought I might be alone. I ended up being pleasently surprised by a guy friend who bought me the most beautiful roses I've ever seen. He didn't know I was trans at the time, and I don't know if he would have bought them knowing so - but I still love them. They're the first flowers anyone has ever bought for me, I dried them out and saved them.

Anyways the important thing is the PS3 lol My PSN ID thingy should be t3x1tr4p just like it is here. I play Tekken 6 and DOA5. I'm ok at Tekken, and better at DOA. Feel free to add me and play though.

<3 <3 Texi

No.4967 : Glasgow Smile [13/04/24(Wed)18:11] [Report] []


>cis-women being mean
No.4981 : Anonymous [13/04/27(Sat)21:18] [Report] []


Who did that?

No.4983 : T3x1Tr4p [13/04/28(Sun)02:23] [Report] []


>>I was being a naughty naughty tease
>>taking all my clothes off one item at a time
>>No attempt to relieve him
>>I bent over to grab something I dropped
>>sticking my ass out like a complete fool
>>he took his chance while I was vulnerable
>>before I know it I'm on my hands and knees
>>the corner of the laundry hamper had stabbed me in the ass
No.4986 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/04/28(Sun)11:33] [Report] []


Gotta be careful. Laundry hampers will stab a bitch at a moment's notice.

That's why it's always safer to hang out with kitchen barstools. They never judge.

No.5013 : ry bristol [13/05/07(Tue)08:04] [Report] []

daaaaaamn :D stunning

No.5014 : PeteSlow [13/05/07(Tue)20:05] [Report] []

Howdy 2U, too!



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