
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.3160 : Jess [12/08/05(Sun)21:54] [Report] 1344218063338.jpg (60219 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
60219 B

New piccie, new hair, 6 months on hormones today so new post :D


No.3161 : Jess [12/08/05(Sun)22:19] [Report] 1344219568772.jpg (39242 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
39242 B

Nother one :) x

No.3162 : Anonymous [12/08/05(Sun)23:58] [Report] []

Lookin' great hun! ;) Request moar full body shots.

No.3166 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)04:56] [Report] []

More of anything.
You are so cute.

No.3168 : Jess [12/08/06(Mon)09:10] [Report] 1344258602643.jpg (81172 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
81172 B

Okies here's a full body one :)


No.3169 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)09:16] [Report] []

>>3168 That's the stuff

No.3170 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)09:32] [Report] []

i want to fuck you

No.3172 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)16:22] [Report] []

nice bb, i've fapped to your shemaleyum stuff

No.3175 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)18:15] [Report] []


what did she go by on shemaleyum?

No.3176 : Anonymous [12/08/06(Mon)19:11] [Report] []


no but you probably wasted time looking :3

No.3179 : Jess [12/08/06(Mon)21:09] [Report] []

I'm on shemaleyum? News to me haha link?


No.3219 : Anonymous [12/08/09(Thu)12:00] [Report] []

You are so gorgeous, do you have any idea how cute you are?

No.3240 : Jess [12/08/10(Fri)18:46] [Report] []

Nope because I have gender and body dysphoria haha sucks to be me :p


No.3278 : Anonymous [12/08/14(Tue)17:11] [Report] []

At least you let others enjoy how nice you look. (-.o)b Very gorgeous eyes btw

No.3280 : Anonymous [12/08/15(Wed)03:27] [Report] []

if u get naked we will jerk off to it. thats how good you look.

No.3281 : TimeLordThetaSigma [12/08/15(Wed)03:33] [Report] []

If you get naked, I will pay for it. And maybe even some clothes for you. <3

I think I have a crush

No.3282 : Anonymous [12/08/15(Wed)09:20] [Report] []

Awesome punky/scene goodness. Faptastic =D

No.3300 : Nick [12/08/16(Thu)16:14] [Report] []

how tall are you babe? you're cute as fuck!

No.3311 : Jess [12/08/17(Fri)02:46] [Report] []

Aww thanks :D Don't think I'll be getting naked for money just yet, gotta keep something private for any future boyfriend :P

I'm 5'11 btw :3


No.3349 : vyncrntvega [12/08/21(Tue)23:50] [Report] []

Hi Jess you 're so cute I like your style and your feminine shapes. I think I could fall in love with you if I could know you I'm upset about the fact you don't live in France T-T sniff

No.3351 : Raz [12/08/22(Wed)03:50] [Report] []

Very cute :3

No.3353 : Jess [12/08/22(Wed)13:39] [Report] 1345657179050.jpg (21878 B, 500x350) [YIS] [GIS] []
21878 B

New piccie, think the hormones are doing their thing? :) plus had first laz00rr session today :D x

No.3354 : SelinaK [12/08/22(Wed)15:40] [Report] []

>>3353 Looking smashing hun! great hair btw

No.3355 : Anonymous [12/08/22(Wed)16:52] [Report] []

>>3353 naked?

No.3356 : Raz [12/08/22(Wed)18:50] [Report] []

Gorgeous, I'm jelly

No.3358 : VincentVega [12/08/22(Wed)22:16] [Report] []

Jess Your 're a gorgeous and ravishing emo, scene girl. I'm in a punk rock attitude too.We could be in contact if you 're interested ? give you my email? kisses

No.3386 : Nick [12/08/25(Sat)05:10] [Report] []

you are so very cute

No.3438 : Aussiebloke2006 [12/09/02(Sun)08:22] [Report] []

>>3353 beautiful, they're working great

No.3481 : Jess [12/09/09(Sun)15:44] [Report] 1347219880192.jpg (74080 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.3492 : Raz [12/09/09(Sun)23:46] [Report] []

So jelly

No.3505 : Jess [12/09/16(Sun)10:42] [Report] 1347806557994.jpg (26863 B, 488x648) [YIS] [GIS] []
26863 B

Fringeyness ^_^

No.3506 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ [12/09/16(Sun)12:56] [Report] []

Dear UK,

"Scene" has been dead for at least 5 years.

The World

No.3507 : Jess [12/09/16(Sun)13:00] [Report] []

Dear ☆Robertagrammaton☆,

I don't give a shit I like the look :)


No.3508 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ [12/09/16(Sun)14:30] [Report] []

Okay but, does no one else know? It's not like you people live on a secluded island.

No.3509 : Raz [12/09/16(Sun)18:38] [Report] []

I actually think the scene look is cute, then again I'm a goth and my scene has been dead for over 30 years apparently so wtf do I know :P

No.3510 : Raz [12/09/16(Sun)18:41] [Report] []

Btw this is fucking adorable :3

No.3511 : Anonymous [12/09/16(Sun)20:18] [Report] []

>>3506 Not in my heart, it isn't!

No.3512 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ [12/09/16(Sun)23:10] [Report] []


Coldwave and gothy-post punk is on the radar right now, actually. But I mean, all that homo theatrical 45 Grave shit... yeah. Thank fuck for that.

No.3513 : Jess [12/09/17(Mon)10:58] [Report] []

Homo theatrical? I'm sure there's some irony in there considering where you posted this haha xD

No.3514 : Anonymous [12/09/17(Mon)14:32] [Report] []

marry me Jess X

No.3532 : Anonymous [12/09/20(Thu)02:39] [Report] []

do you have skype? i really want to meet you (:

No.3542 : zoid [12/09/21(Fri)11:21] [Report] []

I've never been a trend setter, never will be, but I just think the new genre names are getting hilarious, I cant wait to see the pre-post apocalyptic punk-accordion rock scene.

No.3543 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ [12/09/22(Sat)04:08] [Report] []

"Goth" is not an actually clearly delineated "genre"--more of an ethos that covers a wide variety of (typically) established styles.

Goth post-punk
Goth new-wave
Goth rock

The specificity helps--if you were just to call it all "goth" it'd be pretty fucking confusing as bands like Fields of the Nephilim sound nothing like 4Fag Grave.

No.3545 : NeverKissedABoy [12/09/22(Sat)09:38] [Report] []

In case you didn't know, "goth" is dead, people aren't listening to Bauhaus and not giving a fuck anymore, they're just dressing up like clowns and labeling themselves.

No.3546 : Jess [12/09/22(Sat)18:38] [Report] []

OMG is that actually conversation my thread and not just random guys telling me they want to fuck me? :O shocking times haha x

No.3548 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ [12/09/23(Sun)03:08] [Report] []



Soft Kill. Cold Cave. Soror Dolorosa. It's out there happening, but like anything good you have to search for it.

No.3552 : Anonymous [12/09/26(Wed)12:21] [Report] []

If it helps... I just want to make sweet, sweet love to you.

No.3568 : Anonymous [12/10/05(Fri)03:47] [Report] []

I agree with everyone saying that scene and got are dead. Personally I think you look your best here >>3481 since it isn't completely scene.

Really cute pictures Jess.

No.3576 : Raz [12/10/06(Sat)15:23] [Report] []

I really don't think that a scene being dead should matter :P
Clothes are clothes. If you like em, wear em.

No.3608 : Jess [12/10/13(Sat)18:25] [Report] []

Thank you :) I agree I'll wear whatever I like as long as I look good in it :) x

No.3609 : Jess [12/10/13(Sat)18:27] [Report] 1350167246588.jpg (72992 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
72992 B

Ps new piccie :) x

No.3610 : Anonymous [12/10/13(Sat)20:08] [Report] []


>as long as I look good in it

Mission Accomplished

No.3632 : Anonymous [12/10/15(Mon)12:04] [Report] []

seconded x

No.3667 : Anonymous [12/10/19(Fri)21:16] [Report] []

moar please

No.3698 : Jess [12/10/24(Wed)03:13] [Report] 1351062832626.jpg (294013 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
294013 B

A no makeup except leftover eyeliner piccie for ya, this is what I look like before bed :) x

No.3699 : Anonymous [12/10/24(Wed)07:35] [Report] []

beautiful x

No.3700 : Steveros [12/10/24(Wed)14:36] [Report] []

>>3698 Now having seen you without makeup, I can honestly say you are beautiful. Interested in being a trophy wife? lol jk, but seriously you are trophy wife hot in my opinion.

No.3701 : Anonymous [12/10/24(Wed)14:58] [Report] []

=D what does Jess do for fun?

No.3730 : Anonymous [12/10/26(Fri)13:09] [Report] []


I wouldn't mind seeing that in my bed.

No.3735 : Jess [12/10/27(Sat)00:56] [Report] []

My first vlog, I want warn you it has bad miming haha

No.3736 : Anonymous [12/10/27(Sat)08:20] [Report] []

cool gl with that hun, btw looking fine as ever ;) x

No.3748 : VincentVega [12/10/30(Tue)17:27] [Report] []

Hi Jess you're ravishing with or without make up and whatever you're dress in you're very attrative. xxxxx

No.3966 : Anonymous [12/11/28(Wed)02:55] [Report] []


I would love to wake up, look down, and see this in my arms. You should do the no-makeup look more often. Beautiful woman.

No.4033 : Jess [12/12/09(Sun)03:04] [Report] 1355040292458.jpg (160190 B, 720x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
160190 B

Haven't posted for a bit so lets get some more up :) 10 months hormones now hehe x

No.4036 : Anonymous [12/12/09(Sun)13:43] [Report] []

>>4033 Yes, let's! ;)

No.4044 : Anonymous [12/12/10(Mon)08:48] [Report] []

agreed, moar please you beautiful thing you x

No.4055 : Anonymous [12/12/11(Tue)05:32] [Report] 1355221973654.jpg (226179 B, 417x447) [YIS] [GIS] []
226179 B
> gotta keep something private for any future boyfriend

Not exposing your body for money makes you so much more attractive.

No.4056 : Jess [12/12/11(Tue)07:40] [Report] 1355229635695.jpg (161840 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
161840 B

Thank you, would like to think I'm more than just someone's sexual fantasy hehe :) x

No.4059 : rakehell [12/12/11(Tue)10:39] [Report] []

You are cute!!

No.4062 : Anonymous [12/12/11(Tue)12:15] [Report] []


Too bad you're never going to be anything more in my case.

No.4065 : Anonymous [12/12/11(Tue)21:47] [Report] []


I be your boyfriend, k?

No.4083 : tylah [12/12/13(Thu)10:50] [Report] []

mmm you're cute i'd love to talk to youu

No.4084 : rakehell [12/12/13(Thu)10:50] [Report] []

I'll fight you for the privilege :P

No.4086 : Jess [12/12/13(Thu)18:56] [Report] []

Now now bois hehe

No.4094 : Anonymous [12/12/15(Sat)01:47] [Report] []


Great, attentionwhore. Get the fuck out if you're not posting nudes.

No.4096 : Jess [12/12/15(Sat)08:48] [Report] []

Ohh looks like I've touched a nerve.... Can vote on it.... Who wants me to go and who wants me to stay? Doesn't bother me either way just thought you all appreciated the piccies :) x

No.4098 : Anonymous [12/12/15(Sat)17:07] [Report] []

>>4096 Don't let one person spoil your thread. It's still open, so it's obviously fine.

No.4113 : Chris-Anon [12/12/18(Tue)20:14] [Report] []

Hey Jess, just wanted to ask what area you are from. Please stay around you are the girl from dreams.

No.4122 : Jess [12/12/22(Sat)06:08] [Report] 1356174524098.jpg (114187 B, 530x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
114187 B

A piccie from yesterday's photoshoot :) x

No.4125 : Anonymous [12/12/23(Sun)12:29] [Report] []


Id prefer you left considering all chan's are generally a "expose or GTFO"

No.4126 : Anonymous [12/12/23(Sun)13:34] [Report] []

You look gorgeous Jess. :B


I'm sure everyone would prefer that you, your cunty attitude and your non existent contributions stfu.

No.4128 : Anonymous [12/12/23(Sun)19:00] [Report] []

wow, gorgeous pic Jess, any more from the shoot?

No.4175 : Anonymous [12/12/29(Sat)13:40] [Report] []



shouldnt have posted those myspace angled pics

No.4178 : Jess [12/12/29(Sat)16:41] [Report] 1356817264038.jpg (171413 B, 530x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
171413 B

Ouch? Haha

No.4179 : Anonymous [12/12/29(Sat)17:18] [Report] []


No.4201 : Anonymous [13/01/01(Tue)17:42] [Report] []

sexy pic, you're very lucky, you have nice girly hands! x

No.4215 : ANON [13/01/03(Thu)12:41] [Report] []

just want to say you look amazing and have the most fabulous eyes - the without make-up shot - OMG!!

No.4315 : Jess [13/01/13(Sun)07:10] [Report] 1358079045405.jpg (106763 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
106763 B

Updated piccie :)

No.4316 : Anonymous [13/01/13(Sun)08:28] [Report] []

Looking good :)

No.4318 : Anonymous [13/01/13(Sun)10:58] [Report] []

do want

No.4329 : VincentVega [13/01/15(Tue)21:28] [Report] []

Hi Jess ;) I wish you an happy new year. you're brave n ravishing. kisses

No.4410 : SecretSinner [13/01/28(Mon)21:58] [Report] []

ANy more from the photo shoot? Things look to be coming along very nicely for you.

No.4434 : Anonymous [13/02/03(Sun)12:52] [Report] []

hey Jess, what ever happened to the Trans Stamp thing you had going on youtube? It seemed to dissapear just after you started with them?

No.4443 : Jess [13/02/07(Thu)18:48] [Report] 1360280889004.jpg (142819 B, 960x648) [YIS] [GIS] []
142819 B

Some dickhead hacked the account and deleted all the vids, I got the account back but it kinda killed morale :(

No.4578 : Kayla Kill [13/03/03(Sun)14:42] [Report] []

>>3481 damn your cute.

Wish I had your hair :)

No.4819 : Nope [13/03/20(Wed)12:12] [Report] []

Quel age as-tu ma belle?

No.4949 : Anonymous [13/04/22(Mon)20:20] [Report] []

muuuuuuuh diiiiiik
is ready to commence homosex abberation.

No.5029 : ry ukk [13/05/13(Mon)22:13] [Report] []

:) wowwwww love your look

No.5540 : Rakehell [13/10/23(Wed)13:03] [Report] []

Where did you go!?!? We miss you!!!

No.5546 : MischaIsMischa [13/11/08(Fri)05:18] [Report] []


No.5556 : Jordan Lee [13/11/20(Wed)23:08] [Report] 1385006917846.jpg (92754 B, 453x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
92754 B

Hello Jess!! I'm Jordan, you're extremely beautiful and I'd love it if you added me on Facebook :)

No.5559 : Jessica [13/11/25(Mon)16:25] [Report] 1385414749444.jpg (69100 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
69100 B

Must be the first time I've checked this site in almost a year n I'm still on first page haha I'm just getting on with my life as myself these days.. not much new, 22 months on hormones now, have I changed much....

No.5561 : Anonymous [13/11/26(Tue)04:00] [Report] []


You've gone from a 10 to 11.

No.5624 : Anonymous [13/12/17(Tue)07:14] [Report] []

You're astonishingly gorgeous.

No.5649 : Raharu [13/12/24(Tue)18:37] [Report] []



Spinal Tap is wondering where they can get an amp that goes this high. She makes 11 look like a factory setting.



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