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Hello Tranchan!
I'm seeking a little bit of help.You see, I'm a 16 year old pansexual male that really wants to have a more femenine look. I've got mid long hair and I regularly use choker collars.
Here's the deal: My family doesn't supports me on my change, and my mom, even she supports me, she overprotects me. Any ideas to change her mind and look more femenine? Like, some food that lowers my testosterone idk.
The photo is a little preview of my look.
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>>7112 i'm thinking more the part where he's a child with no parents. it's bad enough if a child is being raised by only his mother, the stats for everything that can go wrong with the person go way up, but without any parents, it's a done deal.
>>7105 hey you're 18 now how about some nudes?
>>7105hello from 2021 :)litussanton@protonmail.complease contact me I am curious about your story
First set in ages, also I am in Australia now.
24 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Nice off ya tree dress girl
Hah damn, why are all the cutes in other states and not in Melb :p
hot sets of sprinky on imagefap ...sprinky1985.
I never liked this trap thing until i found these pics. I surrender, i'm gay now. Do you fags have any idea who is this cutie?
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Here's some moar:
Don't be confused. Hot is hot.
And Ella is hot.
I would so be your sex slave and beg to rim that sexy ass
Anyone have any of TsKatieKatt01's stuff beyond what's publicly available?
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Did she get her sex change, or just a new profile?
>>5670I have some of her daily life pictures, but don't ask me how I got them XD Want me to post some?
eyyy i'm littlegoose on extralunchmoney, 9 months HRT with a B-cup, go see my dick you fucking nerds
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littlegoose has a great caboose
Yes please. I'll have some.
what a lushes ASS
Anyone know this trap's name or have any more pics of her? She is fucking cute.
32 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>6555He's literally a self-identifying dude, retard.What makes you think that you are important enough to enforce a language?No individual is that special or important.
You make yourself look like a fool.
holy crap thats the hottest trap ive ever seen,anyone got more?
13 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
wow your a goddess talk to me
I wish that was my cock you were sucking on in your pic.
Hi! new here...i'll be uploading time to timehaving time troubles so just wait for me;3
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>>6991 Very pretty. Would date. Gawd I wish I wasn't an old dude.
Gorgeous. Very sexy. Would love to chat. Contact me.
How do you get your hair like that?
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hi girl!
i know you, but someone told me that you only date with girls...
it's that true?
still missing you :(
this girl is bad, i'd pay her. have kik? mines blue2666
posting on /b/ last night
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she looks kinda like an ex gf of mine. what a beaut
I wanna be your BF. I'm prolly old enough to be your daddy.
hi tranchan <3
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Ooohhh muay!
I wanna fuck your ass
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It feels twitchy inside~
Oops! You came out.
I like unicorn .........keep posting :)
You have me torn between my Atheism and the undeniable fact that you need Jesus
Fuck you
Hi guys <3 i'm new to all this (i mean the Chan) i always loved traps (some can say that i love woman so much that i love even when they are actually boys kek) the thing is... i really working out to became a trap, and yes, it's me on the pic :P (i know i'm freaking disgusting but whatever). Here in Brazil this isn't too widespread and theres a lot of prejudice on this... i want to know how can i achieve this aesthetic... i don't know if i write everything right, english isn't my first language, i appreciate the help <3
try looking at the tips board
Hi everyone it's my first time posting in this site. I'm not sure if I would be considered a trap but I have been doing what I do for years now and hope I may be pleasing to someone's eyes at least.
>>7128 Wow you're really cute!
Hey yallWhat you think?
I think that you're so cute
been a long time for me.... this image isnt actually "fresh" but ill have more coming
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uuuuhgghhhh, anytime
Meh, alot of angled ass pics. im not saying you did that with purposebut thats just how it looks to me
its hard to not angle a phone taking selfies
I was told to post here if its okay?
41 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
You are so fucking sexy! We need more.
>>5771 super sexy :)
>>5769As everyone has, and will persist in stating. You are jaw-droppingly beautiful.It's refreshing to see someone so naturally attractive.Was wondering if you and AddiEve are friends/pen-pals. Seems you both have the Skateboarding in common. Just curious. ^_^
Curiosity got the better of me.
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