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Trap or not yet?
10 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I trap I would fall for
First time for everything... Have a butt shot!
Small perky titties and a nice ass.
Wing tattoos though...... as long as you aren't Mid-Atlantic professional wrestler Lance Lude, I support this.
((Don't ask, long story.))
Nope, I'm in Southern California, and definitely a non-wrestler.
Ok then. ;)
The wing tats are pretty cool though.
Was told to I belonged here/moved here. So.... here's some more pics!
89 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>6677 :D shit happens
love the pictures, thanks for posting more
It's her yearly return!
ver nise
Is that it?
Hello there. How are you? I am fine.
15 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I am much better after seeing your post. Thank you for asking. :)
^only me again, from above
Do you have an email or anything to talk to you? If you even fancy talking?! I am from the UK too! Represent!!! :P
Looking very very hot. Would love to have you as a special friend.
Hey guys! Long time no see. Seems old thread died soooo.
Hi. Im Clover!
47 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Wow, amazing girl ;)
London? Are you going to the comicon in October?
Anyone know anything about her? A name, a photoset? Anything?Cos I need Moar.MOAR I TELL YOU
26 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>Because she doesn't want to shoot sperm on camera for you at your beckon call?
Wow, you really grasped the point in my post there didn't you? Or perhaps you just couldn't afford a one second's thought before typing up that retarded response of yours.
>>6544You can grasp the point of my dick bitch, bickering little faggot fuck off
Anyway.Does anyone know where she webcams at?
>You can grasp the point of my dick bitch, bickering little faggot fuck off
That's so gangsta. You're the baddest dude in the hood, son!
Hope I qualify. <3
31 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
omfg where did she go and why did this just endstep your game up tranchan!
Hmm. A year later.
Thanks for sharing and you look marvelous.
you are 2 gorgeous!!!! thank you for posting!!! and keep it up id love to see more of that smile and sexy body.. =) deffinetly made my day a lil brighter seeing this thread.
I hope you guys can show me love, life has been overwhelmingly unfortunate lately. Looking to create smiles and happiness that is all I ever wanted.
25 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Get more Cotton Candy on Cam 4 peeps! Bring yer tokens!
MERRRRR your to fucking cute for your own good!!!
TrAp or nawh...?Used to post on 7chan but bleh idk fuck that place
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Hot body. May be see more of you? Please?
Would love to see more of you. I love those bedroom eyes. Email me.
im pretty sure i seen you one 7chan, ur really fucking gorgeous.
Do i have to get naked? , am i even fit for this thread? I haven't posted any images in ages, and last time was a closed tumblr account so i'm pretty sure none of you have seen me before. So lets get introduced here'mh. I'm rochet, rochetae, or mouse, thats my aliases, even maybe micamentia because i'm a bit crazy (or not, but yeah i am). Anyhoo, i'm posting the oldest picture i have, most of them are gone due to lack of confidence but i promise not to remove this one unless everyone wants me to gtfo, which i hope not ofc.
I am currently pre hrt but i plan to start treatment soon. I'm gathering confidence and motivation to move forward:)
I am definitely lacking in makeup skills and stuff, but i personally prefer not wearing makeup unless i plan to look exstra prettyful.
So, am i fit to be a woman? Do i pass? I'm kinda tired of my own face and can't really tell anymore if i'm feminine or masculine, so could need a second set eyes (or more)
Can i post imgur links here? Or is it restricted? Because i realized now i can only post 1 picture per post.And i apologize for typos, i'm typing from my phone and its seriously painful x)
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24 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
you are NOT happy with your butt? you should have a look on my tummy right now after watching your ass-pics for a while. VEERY happy about your butt!
Gorgeous. Would love to see so much more of you. You can email me if you would like to talk more. Send photos.
I think you have a hot body. I would really like to see more of you. You can send me all the photos you want.
Okay. Here I go! The gals at /cd/ thought I looked super cute. Wondering if I'm good enough for here!
Feel free to be honest!
43 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
bump. Are you still around, Gwen?
sexy as hellshow off some ass baby
I tried to purge, but ultimately my need to trap was too great. Be gentle.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe you...
I want to cuddle you
Does anyone have any information, or more pictures of this trap?
27 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
He's really cute. I hope we can get more pictures of him.
>>3499all i found was one gallery called 'blonde trap' that had a couple more but not "loads more"
can anyone help us find more?
I haven't posted in a while but Hello =3 waves
11 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Marry me... :3
That pose is so sexy...
So hot. how about the I'm ready pose?
Hey I'm new here sort of, let me know what you guys think :3
1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Recreate your thread on the cross-dressing board
I just made my first Introduction video on Youtube, I hope you guys enjoy! ^_^
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Love you Ashley~
her name is melanie she lives in ohio
8 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>>5679where in ohio?
>>5685Melanie! I live in Ohio too!When you get this you should kik me :)Somedudeguyman