
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.4468 : WiseOwl [13/02/19(Tue)21:37] [Report] 1361327829207.jpg (224650 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
224650 B

Hi, hello! I am the Wise Owl of the North my brothers and transisters. Oh shortly Cameron :p I give life 1000% percent, have to live it. Id hope we could be bestie mc awesome buddies. P.S down and dirty is my specialty and well a few other things.

Love. Peace. Harmony. xoxoxo

No.4470 : WiseOwl [13/02/19(Tue)22:30] [Report] 1361331008365.jpg (156228 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
156228 B


~ Daym girl alright :p A new splash of color is in my hairs future very soon bby dolls.

Like I'm doing this right huh?

No.4471 : Anonymous [13/02/20(Wed)01:32] [Report] []

>>4470 Dear god... YES!!!! MOAR!!!! You sexy!

No.4473 : Anonymous [13/02/20(Wed)10:15] [Report] []

very pretty! I approve!

No.4477 : w [13/02/20(Wed)13:23] [Report] []

>>4470 would love to get on my knees before getting dirty

No.4478 : WiseOwl [13/02/20(Wed)14:55] [Report] 1361390141183.jpg (177787 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
177787 B

You and I are 2 different things my love. All kinds of predicaments I find myself everyday. To love and live baby doll is my legacy.

No.4479 : WiseOwl [13/02/20(Wed)14:57] [Report] 1361390273452.jpg (137570 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
137570 B

Rear View Mirror.

No.4480 : WiseOwl [13/02/20(Wed)15:05] [Report] 1361390739332.jpg (186824 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
186824 B

Oh ok my computer messed my message cool. But in short live to the fullest baby it's a tough world out there drop me a line frostycam put 1 and 2 together and find me in the region of the s k y per nets. I hope you don't mind me throwing that out there, because well the more human contact I have the better. Anixty is such a hinder on life but finding the proper way of dealing with such is important. Love. Live xoxoxo

No.4481 : WiseOwl [13/02/20(Wed)16:11] [Report] 1361394678293.jpg (152840 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
152840 B

I'm a dork most days.

No.4483 : WiseOwl [13/02/20(Wed)16:14] [Report] 1361394845549.jpg (453829 B, 3200x1800) [YIS] [GIS] []
453829 B

Well I just double posted like an idiot nicccce. Toootles people much love.

No.4486 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:17] [Report] 1361423857393.jpg (161153 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
161153 B

Just completely in the mood for such an occasion of such a profound site I adore.

No.4487 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:20] [Report] 1361424009597.jpg (134282 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
134282 B

So like yea. Tralala

No.4488 : Anonymous [13/02/21(Thu)00:24] [Report] []


No.4489 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:24] [Report] 1361424294871.jpg (136587 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
136587 B

You said sexual right? I mean at the end of the day we are just multicellular mammals. So the jungle fever continues. Figured id contribute to such a holy cause.

No.4490 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:26] [Report] 1361424399363.jpg (128080 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4491 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:28] [Report] 1361424530038.jpg (124650 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4493 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)00:29] [Report] 1361424592473.jpg (138150 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
138150 B

I hope you're ok with these pictures :p

No.4494 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)01:05] [Report] 1361426723385.jpg (183534 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
183534 B

Tootles xoxoxo

No.4495 : Anonymous [13/02/21(Thu)02:17] [Report] []


You're very cute.

No.4498 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)16:54] [Report] 1361483686269.jpg (154573 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
154573 B


No.4499 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)16:57] [Report] 1361483860062.jpg (174644 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
174644 B


No.4500 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)16:59] [Report] 1361483997278.jpg (208714 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
208714 B

;p Kaaaaachow.

No.4501 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)17:02] [Report] 1361484176081.jpg (105535 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
105535 B

Simple foreplay. I suppose I just enjoy sex but like you know living only happens once so ;3

No.4502 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)17:03] [Report] 1361484230207.jpg (206076 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4503 : Anonymous [13/02/21(Thu)17:07] [Report] []

And you live where?

No.4504 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)17:10] [Report] 1361484625805.jpg (236630 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
236630 B

Peace and harmony bby dolls : ). Don't be afraid and say hello or whateva I'm a little mysterious but that's A' o' K', I love people! Though being shy is certainly not a good way to project it normally but like meh people be scary yo, I keep my head down. Though keeping it up more often is important :) I'm not sure if this is just "show me your titties site" or a site with real people who talk things and chat and whats more. But either stay beautiful beauty's.

No.4506 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)17:15] [Report] 1361484941944.jpg (76321 B, 960x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
76321 B

I am from the pine tree state Maine :3 Absolutely lovely in the summer here. "That's a lake I went to last summer with my mum and her skanks." Can't wait to do all kinds of fun stuff when the snow goes away!!!

No.4507 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/02/21(Thu)18:57] [Report] []


"Do fun stuff when the snow melts away".

Are you kiddin'? Go have fun in the sno while it's still arround. I know you people in the north kinda don't care, but for peeps like me in Virginia (where we've barely gotten snow to stay on the ground for longer than 18 hours), that's just loads of fun that could be had.

For instance: Snow angels with penises.

No.4508 : WiseOwl [13/02/21(Thu)19:21] [Report] []


Well I suppose more heat would be irritating figures why I like this state so much, down key I dig it. I just seem to find more things todo in the summer :p Winter is difficult for running and what not. Seasons are fun.

No.4509 : Anonymous [13/02/21(Thu)22:03] [Report] []

You are so pretty and smoking. I'm hooked.

No.4510 : WiseOwl [13/02/22(Fri)00:45] [Report] 1361511900093.jpg (137382 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
137382 B

Thank you kindly ;3

No.4511 : WiseOwl [13/02/22(Fri)00:51] [Report] 1361512299964.jpg (185754 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
185754 B

COAT ~ fur me sweet cherry blossom of the sun. Peering to the night. Fuk I'm to high for this $hit. Peace. Love. Happiness. Get down with your bad self.

Toootles xoxoxo

I'm dying my hair tomorrow! Well if UPS doesn't fuk up x3

No.4514 : AlexTrap [13/02/22(Fri)22:41] [Report] []

hey buddy i am also from the north! how about this snow?

No.4517 : Anonymous [13/02/23(Sat)11:00] [Report] []

Totally almost came when I got to that one. Sweet mother of vishnu, I've never wanted to kiss my pc so badly.

If this is what you looked like at our wedding, I would marry you as quickly as possible.

You are terribly attractive, and your mouth and eyes make me want to start humping my pillow.

No.4535 : WiseOwl [13/02/25(Mon)20:04] [Report] []


It was crazy Alex! I was driving all around too my car is horrible in snow, not very cool when you slide uncontrollably towards a snow band x3 but I'ma boss driver so I got that on lock down. Did you hunker down? It's pretty much all melted now.

No.4536 : WiseOwl [13/02/25(Mon)20:06] [Report] 1361840813427.jpg (202482 B, 1200x1600) [YIS] [GIS] []
202482 B


Your flattery made me smile thank you :3 I've worked very hard for my current form.

My hair changed though! Check it out! :> Kinda just shot this quickly most likely will put something more worth while soooon!

No.4537 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [13/02/25(Mon)20:36] [Report] []

Definitely a cutie. What's this scar business about?

No.4538 : Anonymous [13/02/25(Mon)21:16] [Report] []


With this picture I have fallen in love.

No.4539 : Wintermoot [13/02/26(Tue)20:28] [Report] []

Just had to say, you have to be one of the cutest people I've ever seen around, and I've been a lurker for a long, long time.

No.4540 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:03] [Report] 1361937787343.jpg (153341 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
153341 B

Thank you for you kindness "Kissie's" :3 Oh and the scars wrapped around my body is from a life of many many internal and external scars. But to enjoy the positive's of life is what I want to do and spread love as much as I can! We are a product of our environment.

Sweet thoughts my loves xoxoxo ~ owly

No.4541 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:05] [Report] 1361937908669.jpg (201924 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
201924 B

Yaaaay Internet!!

No.4542 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:18] [Report] 1361938716020.jpg (159617 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4543 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:20] [Report] 1361938805450.jpg (156416 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4545 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:21] [Report] 1361938909394.jpg (159525 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4546 : WiseOwl [13/02/26(Tue)23:23] [Report] 1361939007902.jpg (156463 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4547 : Anonymous [13/02/27(Wed)00:04] [Report] 1361941486481.gif (175207 B, 500x280) [YIS] [GIS] []
175207 B

So Cute

No.4548 : Anonymous [13/02/27(Wed)00:31] [Report] []


Really beautiful, the purple looks great on you.

No.4551 : Anonymous [13/02/27(Wed)15:04] [Report] []

you're not in the bangor/orono area by any chance are you? please say yes.

No.4554 : Anonymous [13/02/28(Thu)08:34] [Report] []

I can't get enough of seeing ur cute face bb u r very easy on the eyes certified hottie thats for sure definitely worth getting to know u! ^_^

No.4557 : Tim Quagmire [13/03/01(Fri)02:33] [Report] []


Buy underwear 1 size larger, pics are still 10+

No.4561 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)14:08] [Report] 1362251290621.jpg (201254 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
201254 B

No.4548 --->thank you sweeties

No.4551 ----> Bangor Maine? Yes! I go to Bangor like twice a week every week actually lol It's pretty boss and not as scary as Portland!

No.4554----> Awh It makes me feel really awesome to hear such thing's I've had more than a hard time with life so getting myself into where I need tobe is been a work in progress but I'm looking better than ever <3

Homemade pizzza in the oven omg I'm such a good cooook I really want to upload when I take pictures I am actually happy with lol and like my computer is giving me junk about how it's to slow for my awesomeness so that's a problem annnywhooo you are all dolls and I love you tooootles

No.4562 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)14:41] [Report] []

No.4557 ---> Surgical scars. Not the undies bby doll.

I will be looking forward to speaking with everyone of u peoples out there :p

No.4564 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:10] [Report] 1362280256696.jpg (177717 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
177717 B

Because ThunderCats.

No.4565 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:11] [Report] 1362280283039.jpg (142082 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4566 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:13] [Report] 1362280434352.jpg (164766 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
164766 B

Head tilted unrealistically downward blaah but w/e :p

No.4567 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:14] [Report] 1362280495533.jpg (186941 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
186941 B

Purple is such a fun color.

No.4568 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:15] [Report] 1362280526493.jpg (151251 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4569 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:15] [Report] 1362280548614.jpg (151567 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4570 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:16] [Report] 1362280618441.jpg (163783 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
163783 B

Yaaaay! Hug and love people, I dare u.

No.4571 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)22:19] [Report] 1362280743026.jpg (155261 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
155261 B

Ok I'ma just chill on this space foam bed thing and listen to downtempo music.

No.4572 : Anonymous [13/03/02(Sat)23:13] [Report] []


Mind if I cuddle up with you?

No.4575 : WiseOwl [13/03/02(Sat)23:31] [Report] []

No.4572---> Most definitely. Top shelf act cuddling is.

No.4576 : Anonymous [13/03/03(Sun)00:19] [Report] []


After we cuddle how about some spooning and soft kisses.

No.4579 : Frank [13/03/04(Mon)15:49] [Report] []

Wow! You look great! Please keep sending us photos, and your thoughts!

No.4580 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)17:27] [Report] []

As i said before very easy on the eyes after a long day at work seein ur beautiful face n tht cute smile of urs everyday would make all the stress aches n pains fade away

No.4581 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)20:25] [Report] 1362446755464.jpg (237930 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
237930 B

No.4576 kisses and snuggles are the best meds!

No.4579 and

Thank you ever so much! I think one of my main goals in life is to make people happy in any way I just dislike how much hate is in the world so staying positive and loving baby ;p I think it would be the only thing I never had normality, id most differently relax you after work and such.

So today was eventful here's a picture to sum it up! But after this smiles and good vibs

No.4582 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)20:27] [Report] 1362446868561.jpg (170956 B, 1200x1600) [YIS] [GIS] []
170956 B

Love is my only Weapon.

No.4583 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)20:44] [Report] []

>>4582 It better be with a face n smile like tht i have no doubt btw did i mention how very desirable u are ^_^

No.4584 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)20:50] [Report] 1362448248094.jpg (154130 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
154130 B

No.4583 Well thank you very much :3

No.4585 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)20:56] [Report] []

U just made my favorite body part grow a bit u naughty girl i guess this is the right page cause i think i am trapped

No.4586 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)21:14] [Report] 1362449661406.jpg (134295 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
134295 B

Capturing all that youth up baby, Oh and if you're wondering how old I am x3 I'll be 21 on April 20th of this year.

No.4587 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)21:18] [Report] 1362449911071.jpg (156662 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
156662 B

Be a individual.

No.4588 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)21:24] [Report] []

How can i contact u other than here btw where do u live if u don't mind tht is

No.4589 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)21:26] [Report] []

btw i forgot to mention how smashable tht booty of urs is definitely bootilicious

No.4590 : WiseOwl [13/03/04(Mon)21:47] [Report] 1362451645484.jpg (161650 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
161650 B

Oooooh gooood lighting :) Yooou can contact me on skype ---> frostycam. ;p You know this body isin't quite 100% if you ask me still work tobe done and will be done. It is going tobe a interesting year may I say.

No.4591 : Anonymous [13/03/04(Mon)22:02] [Report] []

Are u kidding r just being modest gorgeous? ur hotttt straight up n very seductive i might add tht silky smooth skin n those curves around ur rearend mmmmmmm definite dick :))))))))))))))))))))))))))) riser

No.4592 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)00:41] [Report] 1362462106514.jpg (182092 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
182092 B

Natural goods are always goooood goods ;p

No.4593 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)00:51] [Report] 1362462671456.jpg (173203 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
173203 B

I have tattoos to be drawing so I bid you farewell.

No.4594 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)00:52] [Report] 1362462752594.jpg (179719 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
179719 B

Kissssses all over ur face and such! Ahhaaah sweet dream intenetwebbberrrs

No.4595 : tsfan [13/03/05(Tue)05:22] [Report] []


No.4596 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/05(Tue)09:26] [Report] []


Yay a 4/20 baby!

So do you have any plans of ever leaving Maine?

No.4597 : Anonymous [13/03/05(Tue)12:24] [Report] []


So pretty it hurts.

No.4598 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)12:54] [Report] []

Thank youuu 4595 and 4597

4596! Well I like to keep an open mind for opportunities living to the fullest as possible so I let the wind take me to where ever that might be :p

No.4601 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/05(Tue)13:25] [Report] 1362507957608.jpg (31721 B, 267x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
31721 B


I like this answer...

No.4605 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:40] [Report] 1362541218694.jpg (160677 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
160677 B

Perfection is a silly word. . . CONTRIBUTION. <------>

No.4606 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:40] [Report] 1362541252262.jpg (157063 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4609 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:44] [Report] 1362541450214.jpg (152695 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
152695 B

Keeping positive no matter what the outcome.

No.4610 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:45] [Report] 1362541513998.jpg (131009 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
131009 B

fUN iS wHAT i Do Normally.

No.4611 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:45] [Report] 1362541554810.jpg (138393 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
138393 B

Princess Bubblegum Bitch.

No.4612 : WiseOwl [13/03/05(Tue)22:47] [Report] 1362541633335.jpg (186425 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
186425 B

I bid you adieu, adieu my good friends.

No.4613 : Anonymous [13/03/06(Wed)02:25] [Report] []

Jesus fucking christ, your nipples, I want to fuck them.

No.4614 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/06(Wed)10:48] [Report] []


You are officially invited to live in the harem I'm building.

Already has one trap lined up to live in his harem. Needs MORE

No.4615 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)15:58] [Report] 1362603485443.jpg (166414 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
166414 B

No.4614! Sounds like a party I'm down. Give me the deeeetails. A house of pleasure? That sounds pretty ideal. Oh and Kaaachow ;p

Also! No.4613!! Push them together and cum on my face! : D Me Gusta!

No.4616 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)16:56] [Report] 1362606994490.jpg (169157 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
169157 B

Kisssy kisssy!

No.4617 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)16:57] [Report] 1362607033629.jpg (152767 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4618 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)17:08] [Report] 1362607736009.jpg (140280 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4619 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)17:14] [Report] 1362608049799.jpg (143816 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
143816 B

I'd do almost anything to pleasure someone as long as I'm in no harms way of any kind because I am indeed a fragile loving soul so a good moral code of some sort is certainty a plus lovely darlings, It's the only thing I ever ask for. Fill the world with love and less hate, love the day, turn bad experiences to learning experiences, and finally forgiveness is such an important thing.

Xoxoxo Wise.

No.4620 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)17:29] [Report] 1362608980553.jpg (142433 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4621 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)17:33] [Report] 1362609202201.jpg (132280 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
132280 B

I'mmma get high as smuuuuck now, be looking forward to hearing from ya'll. Tootle-oo and good day Senoritas! : ))

No.4622 : Anonymous [13/03/06(Wed)21:39] [Report] []

If you don't want to answer this it's alright, i'm really just being ignorant and curious. I can't seem to imagine what type of surgery would have a resulting scar like that?

No.4623 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)22:38] [Report] 1362627507236.png (1914918 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
1914918 B

No.4622! Well many changes have occurred in the last 2 or so years. I always have had a problem with consumption because food taste good yo, I was int happy with myself and kinda did a 360 on my life. I eat healthy homemade food I make everyday and do all that healthy shit. I lost over 180lbs of weight so unfortunately I became a skin bag ewwie right? So my father actully support the surgry to remove my extra skin which I actully would like to fix my nipples arms and legs more. When the income comes soon enough here x3 But I figure to be less distracting I want to get some colorful fun tattoos reflecting me! Id want them to be warm and cute so it wouldn't hinder my cuteness! But would also tell a stories I suppose with art. I've sketched up quite a few things now and would like to do something in the near future. Annnnywhoooo life is complicated and you just gotta push through. Try to enjoy as much as I can when I can. THAT IS THE FUT FUNK OLD ME THE LITTLE MENN OR WELL LARGE PLUM FUT FUNKS.

No.4624 : WiseOwl [13/03/06(Wed)23:04] [Report] 1362629089195.jpg (158767 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
158767 B



No.4625 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [13/03/06(Wed)23:32] [Report] []

u go gurl etc

Lost a noticeable amount of weight myself, still have stretch marks and a little perma pouch on my tummy. Former fatties make the biggest sluts X3

No.4626 : Anonymous [13/03/07(Thu)04:24] [Report] []


I'd love to wake up with your face looking back at me.

No.4628 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)00:17] [Report] 1362719850850.jpg (174666 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
174666 B


No.4630 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)02:50] [Report] 1362729025946.jpg (226422 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
226422 B

It's party time! :3

No.4631 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:17] [Report] 1362730639749.jpg (179054 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
179054 B

Is this how smoke?@?

No.4632 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:21] [Report] 1362730877671.jpg (185299 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
185299 B


No.4633 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:22] [Report] 1362730933281.jpg (174458 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
174458 B

Like that feel of weight in my mouth!

No.4634 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:24] [Report] 1362731056764.jpg (177803 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
177803 B

Surprise! Oh my. x3

No.4636 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:27] [Report] 1362731250872.jpg (182304 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
182304 B

BITCH chill. Surprises are oveeeaa rover, now bend over!

No.4637 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)03:41] [Report] 1362732116634.jpg (206875 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
206875 B

Wait no princess bubble gum.

No.4640 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)04:04] [Report] 1362733451838.jpg (206722 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
206722 B


No.4643 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)04:39] [Report] 1362735578568.jpg (220885 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
220885 B

Surprise! Soul Mamma.

No.4645 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)04:41] [Report] 1362735701768.jpg (222591 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
222591 B

Well I guess. . .

No.4646 : WiseOwl [13/03/08(Fri)04:42] [Report] 1362735778712.jpg (178398 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
178398 B

Imm'a play with myself. Toootle~oo!

No.4647 : Pussy destroyer [13/03/08(Fri)07:40] [Report] []

>>4624 Damnnnnnnnn I want u to sit on my dick like tht
>>4633 I have something heavier
>>4634 This position is hott would be hotter with my cock balls deep in ur fanny n tht look I told u about on ur face
>>4636 gosh u look so much better with ur legs up n spread
>>4646 u don't need to do tht when I'm around

No.4648 : DJ [13/03/08(Fri)11:19] [Report] []

>>4646 Let me do that for you! Congrats on your life adjustment takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Beyond that such a sexy little thing I would to run my tongue all over you body.

No.4651 : WiseOwl [13/03/09(Sat)19:30] [Report] 1362875404863.jpg (164030 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
164030 B

Hi internet! Here's a little taste of joy! I have to be busy today! But much love

Xoxoxo Wise

No.4652 : WiseOwl [13/03/09(Sat)19:30] [Report] 1362875442276.jpg (194278 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
194278 B

I love this band, plastic beach was so fun!

No.4653 : DJ [13/03/09(Sat)21:33] [Report] []

>>4651 Great smile

No.4654 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/09(Sat)21:51] [Report] []


As far as cartoon bands go, they're certainly better than Peter Griffin's family when they became a backup band for Meg.

No.4659 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:43] [Report] 1362987783031.jpg (178644 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
178644 B

Hello again beauty's : )

No.4660 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:44] [Report] 1362987858772.jpg (140267 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4661 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:45] [Report] 1362987909305.jpg (171973 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4662 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:45] [Report] 1362987948049.jpg (222897 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4663 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:46] [Report] 1362988001937.jpg (185935 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
185935 B

I'm going to eat your cum with my cereal motherfucker. ;3

No.4664 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:47] [Report] 1362988054258.jpg (174557 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
174557 B


No.4665 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:48] [Report] 1362988119287.jpg (180246 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
180246 B

Don't forget to add me on s k y pe ----> frostycam lovvvve ya! : ))

No.4666 : WiseOwl [13/03/11(Mon)03:49] [Report] 1362988149238.jpg (182904 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
182904 B


No.4670 : HH [13/03/12(Tue)02:26] [Report] []

Hi there
I would love to see something in you ;p

No.4671 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:43] [Report] 1363081386112.jpg (191087 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
191087 B

I like to give an impression you'd never forget. xoxo

No.4672 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:46] [Report] 1363081560393.jpg (175804 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
175804 B

People should throw out traditional rules.

No.4673 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:47] [Report] 1363081653197.jpg (159620 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4674 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:48] [Report] 1363081696277.jpg (156644 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4675 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:48] [Report] 1363081719075.jpg (169681 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4676 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:49] [Report] 1363081791526.jpg (175482 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4677 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:51] [Report] 1363081873637.jpg (199718 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4678 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)05:52] [Report] 1363081921086.jpg (199179 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
199179 B


No.4679 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:09] [Report] 1363082976067.jpg (155881 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
155881 B

A bit tired now, but I'm a owl and the dawn approaches >..<

No.4680 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:10] [Report] 1363083048852.jpg (141020 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4681 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:26] [Report] 1363083975669.jpg (159973 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
159973 B


No.4682 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:26] [Report] 1363084012664.jpg (168421 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4684 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:28] [Report] 1363084083294.jpg (171569 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4685 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:28] [Report] 1363084096371.jpg (176252 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4687 : WiseOwl [13/03/12(Tue)06:31] [Report] 1363084314589.jpg (171093 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
171093 B

Everyday is a gift use it wisely. Goodnight sweethearts <3.

Xoxoxo Wise.

No.4690 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/12(Tue)21:23] [Report] []


Get some sleep, get naked in the morning. :P

No.4692 : Krystal [13/03/13(Wed)01:57] [Report] []

If I add you on skype could you.. maybe, give someone new some help on being THAT gorgeous? D:

No.4695 : WiseOwl [13/03/13(Wed)02:12] [Report] []

No.4692 <-----

Talk about anything you'd like sweetie! I always have a open ear for people : ))

No.4696 : Krystal [13/03/13(Wed)02:23] [Report] []

Oh lawd I just squealed really loud, I'm embarrassed now..

No.4805 : WiseOwl [13/03/17(Sun)22:23] [Report] 1363573418752.png (12608944 B, 3200x2400) [YIS] [GIS] []
12608944 B

This is my reply to the thread that was to be deleted and is permanently removed sweetie.

I accept your decision Modzilla. More knowledge is required on my part suppose ignorance would describe my actions. We are ever changing beings from a blank sleight relatively to our current self rather outstanding though ultimately pointless! I had something all nice and typed but I kept finding errors I didn't like and actually deleted it >..< I feel as just living my life in a fluent easy flow of fresh air would be much more ideal for me than over complications. Though my life is planned for some interesting things,Spironolactone looks promising, Hormone treatment, Estrogens.
Still ignorant slut to actually be at your rank but perhaps if you see me again you'll be satisfied with my knowledge and what not. Doubtfully though xD Hate me love me preferably love lots of hate in the world. The smoke seems to be the only way I can keep my thoughts organized. They cut my group sessions and therapy from financial issues that's a hinder lately. But pain or misfortune is just a chemical in the brain.
I'd like to stay positive and lovely everyday no matter what : )) So accept my deepest apologies, the ignorant slut signs off permanently or rather temporary depending :p Tootles loves. Xoxoxoxo </3 Wissse.
~To be understood by anyone is a nice feeling, I noticed since changes have been made people accept me way more as a girl and I truly hope that one day I can be sed thing or atleast a beautiful transgirl, or well life becomes allot shorter things are always quite unpredictable.
~Please understand that my entire being cannot possibly be summed up in the bleeding of ink on a screen.
Till we meet again. . . . . . . . . . . Have a splendid day please : )

No.4807 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)02:31] [Report] 1363588264070.jpg (459925 B, 470x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
459925 B

Everything is just A ok y'all. Suppose it's time to just kick it :3 Good vibes good times good life xoxoxo wissse ;p

No.4808 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:44] [Report] 1363599846869.jpg (189870 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4809 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:48] [Report] 1363600127160.jpg (193956 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4810 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:49] [Report] 1363600140902.jpg (47629 B, 494x674) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4811 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:49] [Report] 1363600166834.jpg (191895 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4812 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:49] [Report] 1363600181100.jpg (174440 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4813 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:50] [Report] 1363600210393.jpg (184457 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4814 : WiseOwl [13/03/18(Mon)05:50] [Report] 1363600248616.jpg (172255 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
172255 B

Tootles lol.

No.4816 : WiseOwl [13/03/19(Tue)17:21] [Report] 1363728077532.jpg (200196 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
200196 B

I got something in the mail tooooday : ) wait till you see what I get tomorrow ahaah! Extra shower fun time tomorrow and well today too ;3

No.4817 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [13/03/19(Tue)19:45] [Report] []


Yay fun times

No.4829 : WiseOwl [13/03/24(Sun)03:56] [Report] 1364111804597.jpg (193822 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4830 : WiseOwl [13/03/24(Sun)03:57] [Report] 1364111860999.jpg (189675 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
189675 B

Not quite complete not yet.

No.4831 : WiseOwl [13/03/24(Sun)03:58] [Report] 1364111920486.jpg (196451 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
196451 B

:p peace. love. forgiveness mofo

No.4832 : Anonymous [13/03/24(Sun)06:41] [Report] []


I can't control myself thinking what it'd be like to be in that room with you and that sexy little number you're wearing.

No.4848 : Anonymous [13/03/26(Tue)22:35] [Report] []

i didn't think you could get any sexier but then ya know, thunder cats for the win

No.4849 : Anonymous [13/03/26(Tue)23:09] [Report] []

it's great that you made these changes and are improving your life and that people are supporting you

No.4850 : CottonCandyTrap [13/03/27(Wed)05:40] [Report] 1364377205336.jpg (203727 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
203727 B

People have been nothing but smiles towards me haha I guess I just like to lighten up the place. I have such big plans for my future so many things tobe done! Just getting to the point and all the great thing inbetween and living life! Thundercats are very boss! I love all sorts of awesome cartoons :3 I have a large palette of thing I like honistly have to stay open minded! : ) Please oh please ask me anything!! : ) love all of you honistly! I love the human race for all the flaws and quirks im so understanding xD love love peace harmony xoxoxo CottonCandy :3

No.4851 : Anonymous [13/03/27(Wed)05:43] [Report] []


Yum, I just like cotton candy a whole lot more--mind if I eat you all up.

No.4852 : CottonCandyTrap [13/03/27(Wed)06:37] [Report] 1364380651960.jpg (165624 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
165624 B

Sweet like sugar let me melt on your tongue! :D

No.4854 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [13/03/27(Wed)20:03] [Report] []


Oh wow Wow WOW

Blaze it

No.4856 : Anonymous [13/03/28(Thu)05:47] [Report] []


One night with you and I'll get the sugars--so worth it :)

No.4862 : CottonCandyTrap [13/03/29(Fri)02:50] [Report] 1364539845260.png (1153146 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
1153146 B

No.4854 <---- lololol 420 blaze it :3

No.4856 <------ Nights by the fire me gusta.

Hello lovelys!

No.4863 : CottonCandyTrap [13/03/29(Fri)02:53] [Report] 1364540010032.png (1181622 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4865 : Anonymous [13/03/29(Fri)12:27] [Report] []


You and me by the fire sounds so right. Do you mind if I kiss each inch of your body followed by a long night of slow love making ;)

No.4927 : Anonymous [13/04/19(Fri)02:18] [Report] []

do you have an email addy? i live in maine and wanna know you :(

No.5617 : Anonymous [13/12/15(Sun)17:52] [Report] 1387147943927.jpg (10381 B, 650x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
10381 B

okay, okay...
i guess i have a new headcannon roxy
you sure are a hot babe miss lalonde

No.5666 : Anonymous [14/01/09(Thu)15:41] [Report] []

>>4470 >>4502 >>4543 >>4540 >>4546>>4566>>4594>>4687>>4862

Well, it's official.....I'm in love with you

No.5667 : Anonymous [14/01/09(Thu)15:42] [Report] []

Well, it's official......I'm in love with you

No.5720 : Anonymous [14/03/05(Wed)20:26] [Report] []

wow a trap from maine? i didn't know my state was capable



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