
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.2947 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/23(Mon)20:03] [Report] 1343088231990.jpg (107852 B, 690x569) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
107852 B

Hi folks, I'm back and better than ever. Put a few pounds on since last time, mainly on my arse so it's not too bad. Hope you enjoy the pics. Took them this afternoon.

No.2948 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/23(Mon)20:04] [Report] 1343088289983.jpg (135117 B, 1008x618) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2949 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/23(Mon)20:05] [Report] 1343088301251.jpg (138069 B, 846x592) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2950 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/23(Mon)20:05] [Report] 1343088312399.jpg (116679 B, 655x585) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2951 : Anonymous [12/07/23(Mon)20:10] [Report] []

Saving them all, just in case :P
Looking great.
Any pics of you in thong? >:P~~

No.2954 : Anonymous [12/07/23(Mon)22:00] [Report] []

>>2949 I salute your fine ass.

No.2958 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [12/07/23(Mon)23:23] [Report] []

WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE PANTSU? Been looking for some like that.

No.2959 : SaintJimmy #b45h8kER4c [12/07/23(Mon)23:37] [Report] []

superman fuck yea!
i'm liking what i see

No.2965 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/24(Tue)05:01] [Report] []

>>2951 I should have some thong pics up later today :) Need to take some more later.

>>2958 A shop called Hypnotic, they do all kinds of leggings and clubbing outfits.

>>2959 Glad you like ;)

No.2967 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/24(Tue)06:15] [Report] 1343124954755.jpg (121749 B, 672x602) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2968 : Sapphire Rayne [12/07/24(Tue)06:16] [Report] 1343124971454.jpg (124986 B, 751x548) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2986 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [12/07/24(Tue)20:58] [Report] []


Googz says it's in DTLA. You're in So Cal? ¬_¬

No.2989 : Anonymous [12/07/24(Tue)21:47] [Report] []



No.3234 : Anonymous [12/08/10(Fri)05:46] [Report] []

Wow! You look amazing!

No.3235 : Anonymous [12/08/10(Fri)05:47] [Report] []

>>2989 I second this

No.3695 : Anonymous [12/10/23(Tue)07:21] [Report] []

Where did you go :( Miss that arse.

No.4177 : Anonymous [12/12/29(Sat)14:26] [Report] []


hahaha awesome

No.4936 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)10:25] [Report] 1366554358536.jpg (43372 B, 387x692) [YIS] [GIS] []
43372 B

Hi guys, it's been a long time, but I have returned and I'm going full out this time, no more purging. Bought a whole new set of clothes, some new make-up, and a nice pink wig to rock as part of my new look. I'll have some face pics and full body shots later today.

No.4937 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)10:26] [Report] 1366554397537.jpg (56902 B, 558x696) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4938 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)10:27] [Report] 1366554438329.jpg (45113 B, 340x711) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4941 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)19:14] [Report] 1366586062487.jpg (71594 B, 547x693) [YIS] [GIS] []
71594 B

Took a few minutes ago.

No.4942 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)19:31] [Report] 1366587076265.jpg (76276 B, 605x693) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4943 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)19:31] [Report] 1366587088726.jpg (63999 B, 495x702) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4944 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/21(Sun)19:31] [Report] 1366587118575.jpg (69227 B, 515x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4945 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/22(Mon)06:36] [Report] 1366626987887.jpg (67145 B, 574x587) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4946 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/22(Mon)06:36] [Report] 1366627000092.jpg (68358 B, 454x667) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4947 : Sapphire Rayne [13/04/22(Mon)06:36] [Report] 1366627011866.jpg (50809 B, 390x676) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.4948 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [13/04/22(Mon)19:33] [Report] []

cute cute cute

No.4950 : Anonymous [13/04/22(Mon)20:38] [Report] []

You're really cute and your ass is delicious. I want to see those thong pics :)

No.4969 : w [13/04/24(Wed)21:04] [Report] []

i wanna hold that!

No.5045 : Anonymous [13/05/20(Mon)09:24] [Report] []

You sure you're not a real girl?

No.5047 : Sapphire Rayne [13/05/23(Thu)10:02] [Report] 1369317727616.png (225713 B, 255x470) [YIS] [GIS] []
225713 B


That's really sweet of you to say, but I can assure you I'm not. As these few older pics will prove. These are from over a year ago.

Sorry I haven't posted anything new had some things going on.

No.5048 : Sapphire Rayne [13/05/23(Thu)10:02] [Report] 1369317758135.png (167656 B, 291x317) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5049 : Anonymous [13/05/23(Thu)12:41] [Report] []

When you do have time, post something a bit on the saucy side perhaps? :)

No.5093 : Anonymous [13/06/07(Fri)11:51] [Report] []

Im finally proud to be an american!

No.5110 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/14(Fri)11:48] [Report] []

Purge reset Purge reset Purge reset, an endless cycle I can't break. After my most recent purge I'm back, got a new wig, new outfits, new make-up and I'm ready to roll. Expect some new pics from me in the next few hours and thank you for all the kind words.

No.5113 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)12:06] [Report] 1371398760596.jpg (32214 B, 262x447) [YIS] [GIS] []
32214 B

Old pic, new pics coming tonight.

No.5114 : Anonymous [13/06/16(Sun)12:35] [Report] []

They'd better you dirty slag! Are you British? You used "arse" instead of "ass"... (I am an genius)

No.5115 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)17:49] [Report] []

>>5114 Yes I am x

No.5116 : Anonymous [13/06/16(Sun)20:10] [Report] []

Cool, now get straight to it sissy boy!!

No.5117 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)20:13] [Report] 1371428010649.jpg (89128 B, 712x660) [YIS] [GIS] []
89128 B

As promised new pics taken 20 mins ago x

No.5118 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)20:15] [Report] 1371428106881.jpg (65430 B, 796x696) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5119 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)20:16] [Report] 1371428192175.jpg (63957 B, 480x686) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5120 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)20:18] [Report] 1371428280969.jpg (65824 B, 652x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5121 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/16(Sun)20:31] [Report] 1371429118230.jpg (94203 B, 800x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
94203 B

For those who were kids of the 90s. I always wanted to be the pink ranger. Need to find a cosplay outfit.

No.5122 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/17(Mon)07:54] [Report] 1371470075210.jpg (62500 B, 541x696) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5123 : Sapphire Rayne [13/06/17(Mon)07:54] [Report] 1371470087992.jpg (59788 B, 452x709) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5124 : Anonymous [13/06/17(Mon)09:10] [Report] []

Do you have a email or Skype?

No.5205 : Sapphire Rayne [13/07/12(Fri)10:08] [Report] 1373638105120.jpg (90117 B, 751x656) [YIS] [GIS] []
90117 B

Been doing some work on my ass lately. x

No.5206 : Sapphire Rayne [13/07/12(Fri)10:08] [Report] 1373638118843.jpg (72138 B, 656x611) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5207 : Sapphire Rayne [13/07/12(Fri)10:08] [Report] 1373638130991.jpg (82256 B, 582x627) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5208 : Sapphire Rayne [13/07/12(Fri)10:09] [Report] 1373638140882.jpg (69790 B, 470x546) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5210 : Anonymous [13/07/13(Sat)16:13] [Report] []

>>5207 That is one of the greatest ass pics I've ever seen. Do you use any chat programs?

No.5218 : Anonymous [13/07/17(Wed)14:35] [Report] []

And its showing. I'd nibble it :P
Please take more pics of that hot bum.

No.5264 : Sapphire Rayne [13/07/27(Sat)06:17] [Report] 1374920263891.jpg (31000 B, 434x418) [YIS] [GIS] []
31000 B

Bit more butt work done.

No.5275 : Anonymous [13/08/01(Thu)03:06] [Report] []

I need more of this. Preferably covered in baby oil.

No.5447 : Sapphire Rayne [13/09/22(Sun)13:21] [Report] []

Well it's been a long time, but I finally plucked up the courage to purchase my first dildo. 8 inch. I have picked up some new outfits and will have some brand new pics up tonight.

No.5454 : Anonymous [13/09/22(Sun)22:54] [Report] []

Very nice, can't wait to see some more of you.

No.5456 : Sapphire Rayne [13/09/23(Mon)08:45] [Report] 1379940355461.jpg (76403 B, 634x709) [YIS] [GIS] []
76403 B

A little teaser. Full set of new pics coming later today. xx

No.5459 : Anonymous [13/09/23(Mon)13:57] [Report] []

Yes, yes , yes! Moar!
Love that hair babe:)

No.5461 : Anonymous [13/09/23(Mon)14:28] [Report] []


Sweet, I can't wait to see more. ;)

No.5462 : Sapphire Rayne [13/09/23(Mon)19:08] [Report] 1379977731113.jpg (75995 B, 564x709) [YIS] [GIS] []
75995 B

More pics xx

No.5464 : Sapphire Rayne [13/09/23(Mon)19:10] [Report] 1379977814418.jpg (48808 B, 598x660) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.5465 : Anonymous [13/09/23(Mon)19:58] [Report] []

Holy shit you're adorable.

No.5466 : Anonymous [13/09/24(Tue)01:40] [Report] []

>>5464 Amazing!

No.5467 : Anonymous [13/09/25(Wed)09:02] [Report] []


No.5478 : Sapphire Rayne [13/09/29(Sun)10:45] [Report] []

New pics coming tonight :) xx

No.5479 : Anonymous [13/09/29(Sun)23:39] [Report] []

My cock is ready.

No.5767 : Sapphire Rayne [14/03/25(Tue)09:47] [Report] 1395755242607.jpg (20520 B, 276x443) [YIS] [GIS] []
20520 B

I've put on weight in my lower half since I last posted. Thought I'd show a quick ass update.

No.5768 : Anonymous [14/03/25(Tue)16:38] [Report] []

I want to bury my cock in that ass

No.5786 : Sapphire Rayne [14/03/26(Wed)09:09] [Report] []

>>5768 Seems like the work I'm putting into my ass is working then lol

No.5874 : Anonymous [14/04/18(Fri)16:40] [Report] []

Dear lord I wanna lick your ass so badly

No.5886 : Anonymous [2014-05-02 21:33] [Report] []

Maybe. We'll need to see more pics before we can say for sure.



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