
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.293 : TexiTrap [11/08/10(Wed)14:50] [Report] 1313002239631.jpg (238164 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
238164 B

May I post in here?

No.294 : Anonymous [11/08/10(Wed)14:58] [Report] []

Gorgeous! :3

No.296 : mr.miagi [11/08/10(Wed)19:40] [Report] []

you could trap me anytime ;)

No.297 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/08/10(Wed)19:46] [Report] []

No objections.

No.303 : TexiTrap [11/08/12(Fri)00:16] [Report] 1313122607342.jpg (345789 B, 1280x876) [YIS] [GIS] []
345789 B

Heres this one now that I'm over here!

No.304 : HaileyOhCD [11/08/12(Fri)04:17] [Report] []


Your really pretty!

No.307 : Thirdeyegirl [11/08/12(Fri)15:10] [Report] []


Awesome! :D
Did you have fun?
Btw... why the hell are you never on yim? O.o

No.316 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [11/08/14(Sun)12:07] [Report] []


Gratz on the Yum shoot.

It's all the rage now. :P

No.322 : Morbid [11/08/14(Sun)21:20] [Report] 1313371230007.jpg (0 B, 461x523) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

>>303 Goddamnit

No.323 : Uruka [11/08/15(Mon)00:11] [Report] []

>>322 Aw, Morbid... be happy for her

No.325 : phoroptercopter [11/08/15(Mon)11:11] [Report] []

hey texi! been a long time fan. congrats on the yum! jesus you're so fucking gorgeous...

No.327 : TexiTrap [11/08/15(Mon)19:27] [Report] 1313450857873.jpg (219654 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
219654 B

Thanks you guys! <3 <3

Thank you!

I did, best orgasm of my life actually! I've been so busy recently I haven't been on yim or aim :/

I <3 you girl

Everytime I read or hear myself refered to as "her" it's music to my ears.

Thanks! Is it? lol I hope so, are you on their forums or something?

Aw! Thank you so much :D I'm glad I can give something back to my fans :D

I'm lookin at doing some non porn modeling here in a bit! YAY! but I also got in a car accident BOO! I'm ok lol it just blows

No.329 : Dunkie [11/08/16(Tue)07:18] [Report] []

Simply gorgeous! What is your modeling name on Yum? Good luck with whatever you decide to do

No.358 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [11/08/20(Sat)18:50] [Report] []


Nah, I'm not on their forums. I keep my psychosis and love of the TG's to just this site. Well, and MaleGeneral, but you get the idea. :P

No.362 : TexiTrap [11/08/22(Mon)13:05] [Report] 1314032737216.jpg (143061 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
143061 B

Just wrapped up that non porn shoot this weekend :P this is what I looked like after the MAC makeup artist had her way with me. Fun fun fun!

Everywhere I model I go by TexiTrap, including the webcam sites I work on. :P

No.373 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/08/22(Mon)21:26] [Report] []

>>362 Haha, that face sure looks like you just did porn though xD

No.458 : TexiTrap [11/08/29(Mon)16:30] [Report] 1314649825413.jpg (101638 B, 359x552) [YIS] [GIS] []
101638 B


No.459 : Zara [11/08/29(Mon)20:11] [Report] []


Now THAT is a butt.
I want!

No.463 : Anonymous [11/08/29(Mon)22:52] [Report] []

>>458 Amazing!

No.467 : Jones [11/08/30(Tue)10:40] [Report] []


No.551 : lez4Traps [11/09/03(Sat)17:40] [Report] []

:D you are so hot!!!!

No.588 : Anonymous [11/09/04(Sun)03:35] [Report] []

That ass and my face need to meet :P

No.590 : TexiTrap [11/09/04(Sun)14:21] [Report] 1315160504464.jpg (244286 B, 456x650) [YIS] [GIS] []
244286 B

This is from a Photoshoot I just did. I don't normally like to post my girls, but I figure once is ok, right?


LOL I want you to have it ;)

No.594 : Anonymous [11/09/05(Mon)01:34] [Report] []

o damn, nice

No.597 : M0rbid [11/09/05(Mon)03:59] [Report] []

>>590 that looks lots of shoop x.x since when are your tits that big ;o

No.606 : TexiTrap [11/09/05(Mon)15:05] [Report] []

Lol, the only shopping was to hide my farmers tan and put in a background. I can get the original, the photographer has all of them.

My body has responded insanely well to the estrogen, and another girl on here mentioned exercise and plenty of healthy food makes it go faster too. So I eat tons and tons of steamed veggies fresh fruit seeds nuts oatmeal yogurt etc and run like nine miles a week. Faster metabolism = faster changes. Plus really healthy good nutrients = the necessary components to make breasts etc.

TLDR this is why I'm hot.

No.639 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [11/09/07(Wed)00:21] [Report] []


Nice. Very nice.

No.656 : M0rbid [11/09/08(Thu)20:06] [Report] []

>>639 i love bieng beat up

No.807 : Anonymous [11/09/19(Mon)20:46] [Report] []

Marry me!

No.811 : Anonymous [11/09/20(Tue)07:09] [Report] []

yee haw ride me cowgirl

No.812 : Jill G [11/09/20(Tue)18:29] [Report] []

your getting to be pretty damn perfect!!

No.824 : Anonymous [11/09/22(Thu)11:12] [Report] []

when is your shemaleyum set going to publish?

No.825 : TexiTrap [11/09/22(Thu)21:57] [Report] []


To be honest I have no fucking clue. They've put it off so much for so long that I'm totally like "meeeeeeeeeeeeeh, whatever" I don't know if I'll even do another shoot.

In fact I would almost prefer you not even check it out. Since then I've grown boobs, hips, curves, and all manner of a more feminine face. I'll throw some new content up pretty soon on here.

No.830 : Lumberjack [11/09/23(Fri)03:55] [Report] []

Wohoo! You know new content is like music in my ears, sweetie

No.843 : Anonymous [11/09/24(Sat)06:58] [Report] []

sheyum must be retards, I'd have put you up on the same day, right after I'd finished and with them and had a cigarette ;) Some of the people they have on their aren't fit to lace your boots, ridiculous. Can't frikkin wait to see more of you!

No.856 : CyberJack [11/09/26(Mon)12:29] [Report] []

Texi Girl, you are absolutely stunning. Don't let anyone tell you any different. I've known a lot of gurls over the years and you are definitely in the top girl.

No.889 : TexiTrap [11/09/28(Wed)10:27] [Report] []

Thanks you guys. I'll be puttin' up new pics and junk soon I promise promise promise.

School is literally eating my soul alive. I haven't been able to work, I haven't been able to sleep. I feel tired all the time. I've never wanted the stability of a relationship more than I do right now.

I don't have the time to line up photoshoots, or even do my laundry.

Your Texitrap is very tired and she misses you very much <3 all

No.890 : Anonymous [11/09/28(Wed)16:27] [Report] []

I know the feeling, hope it evens out soon, it usually does. It's too bad none of us are closer to you or you would have your pick of ready and willing boyfriends lining up to be with you! I'd queue up in the rain ;) Can't wait to see more Texitrap!

No.893 : TexiTrap [11/09/30(Fri)01:32] [Report] []


Thanks. Truly.

I've never seen my face break out before as badly as it is now - from stress. I have been in school one month, and have had five tests. One month, five tests. I have had five tests in a single month. There are four weeks in a month, we just started in like September.

If I happen to entice a rather muscular, handsome, also sweet and nice fella - let me tell you. Warning spoilers. All of my friends agree I am an amazing cook (I cook for everyone regularly and when I cook it becomes a party), and I have a fetish for giving head. I LIKE being domestic. (to a degree) I really enjoy cooking for people and I would ABSOLUTELY make my fella a sammich. (though it wouldn't be every day).

I spoil women too, but there isn't a way on the face of this greenish earth that I could handle being with a girl right now. I'm under WAY too much pressure. I need stability really badly.

Anyways I will put up new content when I can find the time to pull each and every one of my classes out of my ass where they insist on crawling and firmly lodging themselves.

I'll show ya'll how far along my boobies have come, it's unbelievable. Especially because I NEED for ya'll to see the difference between how I look now and how my shemale yum sets will look. Night and day (to me). They want me to do another set btw. Ya'll wanna see that? I might do it. If ya'll wanna see it.

TLDR I be crazy, updates coming sooon. Do ya'll think I should do more porn?

No.894 : Lumberjack [11/09/30(Fri)03:12] [Report] []

Back when you have the time and the extra energy, yes. More porn.

But when you're like this. No.

No.895 : Anonymous [11/09/30(Fri)04:34] [Report] []

>>893 Try to take it easy. You can make it through the adjustment period.

No.896 : Anonymous [11/09/30(Fri)07:33] [Report] []

To be honest you seem a really really nice girl, and although my dick says one thing (moar porn now) my heart really wants the best for YOU. Pretty lame I know but there we go.

I've been there as far as school /college time and stress goes, and you have to put that and your health first. If you are showing signs of stress then try and take it easier until you feel fresher again, you gotta look after number 1.

God what a dichotomy, more Texitrap which I OBVIOUSLY want to see, but a healthy Texitrap is what I want you to be, above all :) x

And by the way, your giving head fetish.... just makes me adore you even more.

No.899 : TexiTrap [11/10/01(Sat)18:32] [Report] 1317508347152.jpg (187817 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
187817 B


No.900 : TexiTrap [11/10/01(Sat)19:07] [Report] []


See! Boobs and junk

Anyways I'm sick today so I have no idea what I'm trying to say and junk lol.

I have a youtube channel now though! YAY! should get you there :] Again I sound and look terrible because I'm sick...sorry!!!!!!
<3 <3 <3

No.901 : TexiTrap [11/10/01(Sat)19:08] [Report] 1317510485555.jpg (165274 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
165274 B

I said boobs! Darnit! Uplaod! GR. Lol

No.905 : Anonymous [11/10/02(Sun)11:46] [Report] []

I enjoyed your youtube video :)

If you look at PC magazines they often come with a complete free movie editor software, that are quite easy to understand and user friendly. I think you should find one, record a video and keep it rolling, then use the editor to just delete parts you don't want to go into the final video, not too complicated and once you've got the hang of it it will be very easy for you to do, no need to rely on someone else, which would become a pain in the butt.

Your voice is hot by the way.

A word of warning though there are alot of trolls on youtube, just ignore them and don't give them the attention they crave.

Good luck with your new channel! x

No.907 : Dallas [11/10/02(Sun)22:32] [Report] []


You go to UNT right? And you got to start in September? I wish, UTD started mid-august during that 60 something days of 100+ weather.

Whats your major that you've got so many tests so soon?

Haha, it's awesome that you like to cook. Every Texan woman should know how. Sadly alot of Dallas women are to prissy and spoiled for that sort of thing.

Good luck findin a "muscular" guy out in Denton. I head up there to see friends every now and then and alot of the guys I see out are more of the artistic types rather than all-american/jock types.

So if you couldn't handle being with a girl right now what would be so different about bein with a guy?

Fellow Texan.

No.911 : Darby [11/10/03(Mon)06:22] [Report] []

Just subscribed to your Youtube channel yay! Wow you're still sexy even when sick!! Hope to see plenty more vids on there :-)

No.912 : Zara [11/10/03(Mon)13:26] [Report] []


Domestic girl who loves giving head.

Do want do want do want do want.

Add me on facebook, im not hard to find :P

No.926 : TexiTrap [11/10/08(Sat)15:11] [Report] 1318101082227.jpg (255260 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
255260 B

I'm still stressed out from school lol. Ugh. It's getting better, but the deadlines keep coming. I want to work, I'm going broke because I'm in class instead of working and that's really bad for business.

And even more than that I want a vacation and lots of cuddles.

The other day some drunk skank broke into my apartment at four AM the night before a Japanese quiz. Massive dislike.

I'll post more content soon though <3 <3

Thank you I'll look into that, another youtube update is probably on it's way today :P

As of yet the exact location of the texi trap remains unknown!
We might have started sometime in august. I don't remember, there has been so much. I'm int business and econ minorign in two foreign languages sooo that's why so many tests.

I love cooking, alot. I'm shockingly domestic when I have the time. But don't let that fool ya about me. I'm also a ninja. I run like nine miles a week, and like to tussle and junk :P ( and beer mmmmm beer )

I do like jock type boys more, but I'm afraid they'll keep my ass if they don't knwo I'm a trap straight up. A guy just seems lower maintenance right now and what I really want is someone to make me laugh and feel safe, not someone who needs me to manage their emotions and fill their days with surprises. I just can't handle that right now.

Thanks! hopefully more youtube later today :P

No.927 : Dallas [11/10/08(Sat)17:31] [Report] []


Haha drunk people are a major part of college. What'd she do kick in your door?? Cause if ya leave your door unlocked unused couches are fair game.

That sounds really awful. I'm a Chemistry major. Much easier. Fewer tests, no papers, and it's all in English.

So what can ya cook?? Please don't tell me healthy vegetarian stuffs. I only cook a few things most people don't consider food, and a few cajun recipes.

Ninja huh?? Stealthy and trained in the deadly arts of kickin ass? 9 miles?!?! O_o The fuck. I work out every day, but running is never gonna happen for me. If I'm absolutely going to have to do cardio I'd rather swim laps. Beer is definently awesome. Except it lowers productivity immensely. Thats why I prefer tequila. Productivity is still low, but i care sooo much less.

Lol was that supposed to say "kick my ass" and not "keep my ass"?? Guys are pretty easy, sex, sleep, fun. As opposed to having to supply a constant stream of compliments while listening to a constant stream of bitch and feelings.

I hear ya. Well good luck with everything. I gotta get back to watching the LSU game and study for my own upcoming school nonsense.

No.930 : TexiTrap [11/10/10(Mon)01:53] [Report] 1318226029535.jpg (225352 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
225352 B


Pending time for a more appropriate exchange (ahem) fuck your chemistry.

Lol just kidding, kind of. It's one am I'm exhausted I've almost thrown up a few times andI've been crying for about three hours because I have a chem test and a chem essay and a chem lab tomorrow and a quiz in both of my languages and I'm very very tired. And I'm going to have to drop out of my economics class to do this chemistry thing. (el frown face)

More later when/if I ever have free time again.

(pic realted - it's me from about four hours ago before I cried my eyes out over how hard I'm going to fail this test)

No.931 : Dallas [11/10/10(Mon)06:37] [Report] []


Retort. (ahem) fuck running nine miles a week and having two minors.

Awww dont cry. Chemistry is a bastard, it just happens to be the only class I can show up to wasted and get an A. I knew alot of people that hated it. You have a chem essay?? the shit is that?? only chem essay Ive ever written was over the structure and nuerologic effects of psilocybin in hallucenogenic mushrooms.

Isn't it waaay to late to drop classes?? Economics is fairly simple depending on the teacher aint it?

PS. Its 5:30 am and im starting to twitch from the 6th 5 hour energy ive taken in the last 48 hours to keep awake and try to write this friggin 12 page paper. >_<

Keep calm. Chive on.

No.932 : MischaMischa [11/10/10(Mon)11:35] [Report] []

Very cute. Thanks for sharing :o)

No.935 : ?EverOpeningFlower? ##nuerJyS6 [11/10/11(Tue)15:56] [Report] []


Gotta say, I dig this look. Fight me.

No.936 : Anonymous [11/10/11(Tue)17:53] [Report] []

I'm curious how the tests went?

No.945 : TexiTrap [11/10/16(Sun)13:23] [Report] 1318785781755.jpg (216098 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
216098 B

>>931 :P Dallas,
I love chemistry but yes I did cry and through many many hissy fits writing that essay at two AM lol.
The economics class I'm in is senior level International Finance and Trade. You're right I can't drop it, but I'm actually happy about that. Math gives me boners. I rung lots and lots to stay fit and attractive, and also to make the hormone changes go faster :P

You're welcome! and thank you :D

Thanks! Fight you????

The tests were insane. I had a chem lab, a chem test, a chem essay, a Japanese quiz and a french quiz on Monday, and by Friday I had a Japanese test, and this Monday I have a Japanese essay due. IT's like this...all the time.

No.946 : TexiTrap [11/10/16(Sun)13:25] [Report] 1318785939940.jpg (238978 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
238978 B

Also I have a new youtube video up :P
If you google youtube texitrap you should be able to find my channel :D

Also Shemale yum wants me to shoot with them again, what do you guys think? If I do it it'll be solo with a toy, but what outfits would you like to see me wear?

No.948 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/17(Mon)06:56] [Report] []

Omg u dont live to far from me!

Georgous btw. By far one of the cutest ive seen, do you have a bf?

No.949 : Anonymous [11/10/17(Mon)08:42] [Report] []

You obviously look delectable in such outfits as this >>458, so I would personally like to see more of it.

No.951 : Anonymous [11/10/17(Mon)18:07] [Report] []

The question is does a girl as beautiful as yourself have a nerdy side?

No.953 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/17(Mon)22:09] [Report] []

Omg u dont live to far from me!

Georgous btw. By far one of the cutest ive seen, do you have a bf?

No.954 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/18(Tue)07:29] [Report] []

Omg u dont live to far from me!

Georgous btw. By far one of the cutest ive seen, do you have a bf?

No.955 : anondenton [11/10/18(Tue)09:33] [Report] []

omg. i live on austin street . . .

No.956 : Dallas [11/10/18(Tue)14:06] [Report] []


Well whatever your doing keep it up cause your looking great. Math sucks. Alot. Glad you overcame your hissy fits and papers and quizzes and tests. Its all about survival. Ya just gotta keep truckin till ya get to a break like Halloween. And then on nights like halloween ya go out and drink till all the stress melts away. Gah now IM ready for Halloween. I haven't been to a bar in like a month. Halfway through another semester. So close.

No.960 : anondenton [11/10/18(Tue)15:35] [Report] []

and i'm a pro film editor. are you on a pc or a mac?

No.968 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [11/10/20(Thu)00:43] [Report] []


Yeah. Do the second Yum shoot. They seem to be wanting to make new shemale stars, so ride their run of money. Or something.

No.969 : TexiTrap [11/10/20(Thu)14:19] [Report] 1319134742792.jpg (203820 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
203820 B

TLDR: School sucks!
I'm a huuuuuuge nerd!
I put up a nakie video!

By the way I don't want to make ya'll go spend all your hard earned money on me, but if anyone wants to see it I've put a video up on LiveJasmin in my Fanclub and you can totally watch me get naughty lol. When I (blush) cum you can very clearly see it on the video. No toys in it yet, but I'll be uploading a video over there about once a week. I'll try to put some on I'mLive too but they're hard to work with. Again I'm not trying to tell you guys to go spend all your monies on me but some people said they'd like to see some videos of me so I put those up for the people who don't have time to catch me live on cam :D <3 <3

Nope I'm single lol, and thank you

Thanks! alrighty I'll look for an outfit like that lol

i heardz you lieks nerdtrapz lol but seriously I'm a GIANT nerd, name your field.
Nerd things I'm Psyched about:
Batman! (new movie and game)
Deadpool and wolverine (they're so hawt)
Neon Genisis Rebuild!! 3.0 and 4.0! WOO!
Hockey :D (pronounced hakey, eh?)
If I had time I'd so WoW and LoL (I SUCKS at LoL tee hee)
Anything funny that's ever been on TV (especially big bang theory)
Oh and I totally have this obsession with late 80's and all 90's stuff. Especially Anime I just love the art styles. And cyber punk stuff like total recall and Bladerunner <3<3

As of yet the exact location of the TexiTrap remains unknown. Dude I'm totally completely PC or Android, I no can use teh macs.

Haha thanks I've been working really hard on trying to look decent despite school STRESS. I raised my anti androgen level though and I feel magnificent! Maybe that's my problem...I still try to go drinking and line up photoshoots even though I'm totally wracked with skoolz. Damnit.

Alrighty I've been thinking about it and what I think I'm going to do if they'll let me is some fetishy bondagey gothy kind of stuff with a really hot toy, and then another set with just little ol' TexiTrap. I'll ask them if mid November will work.

Still working on getting other photoshoots set up/trucking through my classes. All of november will be spent working my little ass off, and all of christmas. But it's worth it to earn the right to be myself!

No.970 : Anonymous [11/10/20(Thu)16:11] [Report] []

If you like 80's and 90's anime and you're in your 20's, chances are you grew up enjoying Saturday Anime on the Sci-Fi channel (before it became Syfy -_-).

Couple of good ones I remember from there:
Vampire Hunter D
L.I.L.Y. Cat
Iria: Zeiram the Animation
Record of Lodoss War
New Dominion Tank Police
Tenchi Muyo

Anyway, the new pic looks great. Keep 'em comin'. =)

No.971 : AyeAyeCapn [11/10/21(Fri)09:38] [Report] []


LOL I have to admit your nerd tendencies attract me to where I'd want to get to know you without seeing a pic. To top it off you're gorgeous?? SMH. You're more suited as AdbTrap, RomTrap, or AOSPTrap... wait those aren't catchy are they? lol

No.981 : Dallas [11/10/22(Sat)15:30] [Report] []

So what is your ideal jock guy??

No.988 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/22(Sat)19:51] [Report] []

OMG!!!! an EVA FAN!!!!!!!! and one as beautiful as you!!!!!
i tutor if you need help.
ive been starved of fellow nerdlings for so long. especialy the trap troll loving ones, (is that a troll in itself?)

No.989 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/22(Sat)20:35] [Report] []

check your youtube messages!

No.1021 : Anonymous [11/10/25(Tue)23:25] [Report] []

where did you go texi! i miss you! i miss the super sexiness that is you!

No.1044 : miner of the block [11/10/27(Thu)23:35] [Report] []

if your a nerd does that mean you play minecraft?

No.1046 : Anonymous [11/10/28(Fri)03:30] [Report] []


Illusion ruined.

No.1049 : that guy from wichita falls [11/10/28(Fri)18:27] [Report] []

i can tell your straighter than an arrow, instead of crushing ppl by saying illusion broken, you should acknowledge how far they have come, how beautiful they are now and how beautiful they will become.

negative words hurt, people can only take so much hurt till they loose it. my friend was like all the awesome people ive met on here but he, didnt get the words of praise and in the end, killed himself. just saying, watch the negativity, this isnt a board to criticize its a board to encourage.

No.1050 : Anonymous [11/10/28(Fri)22:42] [Report] []

Hi Texi
I am planning on getting into the pr0n part of the game, and was wondering how good do my pics need to be that I send in to get a shoot?

No.1051 : Anonymous [11/10/29(Sat)02:31] [Report] []

the ass is unreal

No.1052 : Anonymous [11/10/29(Sat)02:55] [Report] []

u need Xtube

No.1067 : Anonymous [11/11/01(Tue)13:20] [Report] []

nakie video? where? :o

No.1089 : Brian [11/11/02(Wed)15:11] [Report] []

I joined your fan club for $19.99 and I didn't see any video clips. All I saw was a few of the same pics you have posted here. Thanks for ripping me off....

No.1090 : TexiTrap [11/11/02(Wed)15:42] [Report] 1320262923520.jpg (21498 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
21498 B

Hey ya'll I'm still around I'm just over burdened and mentally burned out like usual.

I wanna go be a nerd and not have responsibilities. I want to build a model kit, build a magic deck, play diablo II, play LoL, watch some dorky junk, and drink a weird "eclectic" beer.

I'd be fine modelimg, going to a party, watching a game at a bar, or playing pool.

But I am in a primevil quagmire of deadlines and solitude.

(goes to find a quiet place to pass out)

No.1100 : that guy from wichita falls [11/11/02(Wed)23:08] [Report] []

Nerdgasm!!!!!!!!! OMG u play magic?! Just marry me now! I make bank, sorta, ur beautiful, i think i look good, not to mention own tons of magic cards, and nerd gear. Its perfect!!!!!!!!

No.1101 : that guy from wichita falls [11/11/02(Wed)23:15] [Report] []

I can help with homework. Im a math and science genius and an amzing writer jus no history essays i still have several due from fifth grade. Lol. Just find me on you tube ive shot u a message there.

No.1104 : Anonymous [11/11/03(Thu)08:59] [Report] []



No.1105 : TexiTrap [11/11/03(Thu)10:45] [Report] 1320331555633.jpg (10333 B, 251x189) [YIS] [GIS] []
10333 B

Someone on the site mentioned not being able to see the video either. I'll make sure to post two or three more (probably this weekend) and confirm with support that the videos are view able.
The LAST thing I want is for Anon to get ripped off. Seriously.
Also though alot of the same pictures are on there I've posted at least five completely nude pictures on there with plenty more coming (I don't have any new outfits or lingerie to pose in ye so they all look the same). Were you also unable to view those? Have you mentioned this to support?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention I'll bring it up with support immediately. Also feel free to message me on that site any time you have any more difficulties.
Last weekend I was out of town and didn't update the material in the "fanclub", but I certainly will this weekend.

I think I just need to start me own website :/

No.1111 : TexiTrap [11/11/04(Fri)18:07] [Report] 1320444476994.jpg (241826 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
241826 B

I'm getting on Cam 4 tonight at 10pm central to talk to ya'll :P

No.1112 : TexiTrap [11/11/04(Fri)18:10] [Report] 1320444602154.jpg (221767 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
221767 B

also the shemale yum stuff is finally out so go check it out at your own risk. That was what I looked like before hormones and I guarantee I'm more feminine looking now.

No.1113 : TexiTrap [11/11/04(Fri)18:13] [Report] 1320444798038.jpg (245403 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
245403 B

My ideal dude is laid back, likes beer sports and video games, has his shit together, enjoys cuddling, and lets me cook for him/blow him lol

my ideal girl is almost exactly the same. I prefer people taller than me (I'm five foot eight) and I prefer to bottom and be little spoon.

No.1114 : rory laine [11/11/04(Fri)19:06] [Report] []

hey how are you doing we need to talk more hehe

No.1115 : DJ [11/11/04(Fri)19:19] [Report] []

>>1111>>1112>>1113 Damn girl between the pics sooooo hot and the text I am looking for an excuse to go to Texas and take out to dinner.

No.1117 : Anonymous [11/11/04(Fri)20:07] [Report] []


nom nom nom

No.1118 : Anonymous [11/11/05(Sat)02:34] [Report] []

I would love to have a beer and watch hockey with you!

No.1120 : timm steinmetz [11/11/05(Sat)11:08] [Report] []

You sound like a lotta fun. Wod some video chat be possible? I got skype cleric.of.ondu, itd be awesome. I have a few magic decks that need dusting off if you have the time. Im on my coputer all the time this weekend. This is my facebook name, probably the only one lol, 2 Ms, make all the beautiful traps say mm when they say my name ;P

Yeah hit me up would always welcome someome as beautiful as you into my insanly small cicrle of nerds.

No.1123 : Anonymous [11/11/05(Sat)22:36] [Report] []



I need to find that ShemaleYum shoot pronto.

No.1177 : Anonymous [11/11/10(Thu)10:54] [Report] []

Congrats on making it onto Shemale Private, it looks amazing! As beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside.

No.1272 : TexiTrap [11/11/17(Thu)00:35] [Report] 1321508101224.jpg (1221380 B, 1952x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
1221380 B

Hay. Tomorrow I make post. About sutff and things and comments for you guise. Then I put up youtube video. But right now tired texi is tired and I'm going to go have a pass-the-fuck-out.

<3 <3 see ya thenz!

No.1273 : TexiTrap [11/11/17(Thu)00:45] [Report] 1321508734177.jpg (1142869 B, 1952x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
1142869 B

also p3n0rz


No.1275 : darkseid [11/11/17(Thu)06:45] [Report] []

That ass needs my fat black cock!

No.1276 : AyeAyeCapn [11/11/17(Thu)08:57] [Report] []


God I'd love to suck those toes.

Getting a home cooked meal and a blowjob is some domesticated 1950s nostalgia. I'd wear a business suit and shake a martini for that shit lol.

No.1280 : ml4p [11/11/17(Thu)23:28] [Report] []

Now THAT i would like to suck right through those pretty little panties

No.1288 : Anonymous [11/11/18(Fri)22:25] [Report] []

I want you inside me <3

johnhalo87@ hawt male

No.1294 : TexiTrap [11/11/19(Sat)17:24] [Report] 1321741481147.jpg (195733 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
195733 B

commence update dump!

No.1296 : TexiTrap [11/11/19(Sat)17:38] [Report] 1321742282693.jpg (184939 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1297 : TexiTrap [11/11/19(Sat)17:38] [Report] 1321742315312.jpg (183790 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1298 : TexiTrap [11/11/19(Sat)17:40] [Report] 1321742459580.jpg (200476 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
200476 B

So yeah :D Enjoy!

Sorry I haven't been on in forever, School is wreckign my shit.

Also there is a new youtube video up :D

youtube dot come slash texitrap :) leave me questions in the comments and I'll answer them! :D

< 3

No.1299 : DJ [11/11/19(Sat)20:02] [Report] []

>>1298 Happy Birthday!!

No.1301 : Elle [11/11/19(Sat)20:34] [Report] []


Hurr what an amazing figure. <3

No.1302 : Anonymous [11/11/19(Sat)22:06] [Report] []

>>1297 very cute!

No.1320 : Wild [11/11/23(Wed)23:01] [Report] []


Stop teasing! I wanna see all!
How far are you anal btw? Something fit in there yet?
I also saw the pic of datass, looks great, I would love to be your top ;)

No.1367 : TexiTrap [11/12/01(Thu)15:03] [Report] []

so tired

no more school


No.1370 : Anonymous [11/12/01(Thu)20:39] [Report] []

>>1367 You can do eeet!

No.1371 : TexiTrap [11/12/01(Thu)21:19] [Report] []


You made me smile midst the troubles :]

Thank you :]

I really hope I get to hear from plenty of Anon over the break I plan to srsly oump out some srs content and stuff. srsly.

Talk to you guys then!
I miss ya'll!

No.1372 : timm steinmetz [11/12/01(Thu)21:20] [Report] []

then take a break! come chat with me we can have some friendly nerd chat, u can forget your worries at least fora little bit, i can help with any homework you have, ive studied japanese, and know my math and physics though i doubt that come up in bisness much.

No.1373 : see the guy above me rest of message [11/12/01(Thu)21:24] [Report] []

really texi, dont over work. text or call me, what ever i am a profesional relaxer and distracter, timmwi at gmail dot com
face book me,
cleric.of.ondu (or skype)

No.1378 : Anonymous [11/12/02(Fri)18:22] [Report] []

signed up for sy to see your set, great stuff.

No.1381 : anondelivars [11/12/04(Sun)02:02] [Report] []

I have this shirt! Ive never seen anyone else wear it before, high five for minor details!
Sorry about the chem bit and whats up with the crazy japanese person? What kinda place are you living where you deal with this insanity?

No.1384 : uruka [11/12/04(Sun)07:57] [Report] []

Are you on spiro for your AA? It looks like you have a good regiment going for your transition; but if you are on spiro, lot's of healthy foods are loaded with potassium (like yogurt). Hyperkalemia, sucks bad.

No.1390 : TexiTrap [11/12/04(Sun)12:56] [Report] []

Thank you I appreciate it but I'm kind of too busy right now :/

I'm glad you liked it! I look alot different now and I'm tyring to talk them into doing another shoot :P

No.1391 : TexiTrap [11/12/04(Sun)12:59] [Report] []

lol it's just one of the bella raglans :P I have a thing for raglans and argyle - cause I'm weeeiiird. Andplaid is cool too haha. The crazy deadlines are all just a part of my degree :/

I take 75mg of spiro and 1mg of estrogen, I've been on these doses for about three months. Before I was on 50mg spiro and 1mg estrogen for the first three months. So far everything has been super wonderful :P

No.1394 : anondelivars [11/12/04(Sun)22:22] [Report] []

Plaid, really? I wouldve never guessed haha.
Sorry I have short attention span nd plus I really dont lurk here often but what are you majoring in? sounds pretty prestigous with the ass tons of work they make you do. I thought getting up at 430 (commute reasons) and working till six sucked... nevermind that!

No.1414 : TexiTrap [11/12/07(Wed)16:06] [Report] []

So I found out today apparently being a tranny in Japan is a terrible idea and they really don't want me to do that.
Apparently they would rather I be a boy with tits because that's less awkward than being a passable woman.

No.1415 : timm steinmetz [11/12/07(Wed)19:44] [Report] []

So no texi japanese school girl pics anytime soon?

No.1416 : Anonymous [11/12/07(Wed)21:22] [Report] []

>>1414 Wat? That sounds like one confused person's opinion.

No.1417 : AyeAyeCapn [11/12/08(Thu)11:47] [Report] []


that contradicts all the shemale japan vids i've seen lol

No.1424 : Anondelivars [11/12/11(Sun)16:57] [Report] []

>>1414 whered you hear or see this bit of information, besides Japan isnt the hottest place right now...

No.1437 : TexiTrap [11/12/12(Mon)23:44] [Report] []

I think it is just one person's opinion I'm gatherin' more info.

Lol. I'm so tired. Always so tired.

<3 <3

No.1439 : RickyBobby [11/12/13(Tue)10:45] [Report] []

Texi--sounds like you need a trip to the spa...a massage, some hot stone treatments, a pedi/mani do wonders. :)

No.1440 : TexiTrap [11/12/13(Tue)11:54] [Report] []

if I could afford that would be lovely! but I've been too busy with my double finals (I'm not kidding I hd pre finals, then finals) to work very much.
As soon as this semester is over I'm getting a new bed for my birthday (a month ago) because my current bed is more then 12 years old. Ugh.

No.1469 : Anonymous [11/12/16(Fri)08:52] [Report] []


No.1482 : Dunkie [11/12/18(Sun)15:03] [Report] []

I like your new Yum shoot. Besides being so cute and sexy, when you came, wow! So hot. I hope you have a wonderful life as the woman you are.

No.1489 : hoarelocke [11/12/19(Mon)02:42] [Report] []

Texi have you worked with Kat Taylor on Yum? And my name is Gaelic not what some might think.

No.1523 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:35] [Report] 1324946129411.jpg (192212 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
192212 B


Life as a girl has been super stupendous awesome sauce!

No.1524 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:35] [Report] 1324946148457.jpg (189447 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1526 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:37] [Report] 1324946227309.jpg (175309 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1527 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:37] [Report] 1324946253544.jpg (186524 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1528 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:37] [Report] 1324946279017.jpg (193922 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1529 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:38] [Report] 1324946302747.jpg (188426 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1530 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:38] [Report] 1324946322246.jpg (213034 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1532 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:39] [Report] 1324946391387.jpg (225537 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1533 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:40] [Report] 1324946437838.jpg (181052 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1534 : TexiTrap [11/12/26(Mon)19:41] [Report] 1324946486487.jpg (189335 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1535 : Anonymous [11/12/26(Mon)21:17] [Report] []

Wowee! Don't stop now! Turn around and show dat ass!

No.1536 : Anonymous [11/12/26(Mon)22:19] [Report] []


this pics ... omg

No.1538 : Texitrapluver [11/12/27(Tue)05:36] [Report] []

and intelligent? i know guys are assholes but wtf how are you still single?

No.1539 : Anonymous [11/12/27(Tue)16:13] [Report] []

you. look. GOOD, gurl! DAMMIT!

No.1540 : AyeAyeCapn [11/12/28(Wed)12:39] [Report] []


Have you ever been sued for causing bodily harm as a result of too much fappage? I'm thinking about taking legal action.

No.1541 : Anonymous [11/12/28(Wed)22:28] [Report] []


heavy breathing

okay no one even look at it, I think I'm done unless she posts more pics

No.1542 : TexiTrap [11/12/28(Wed)23:10] [Report] []

I don't really know at this point haha :/ I always blame it on not getting out enough, not being pretty enough, and maybe being picky

Why thank you!

IMO you can never fap enough ;)

That made me laugh for realz hahaha "thunderfap". I'd tap all my mana to perform thunderfap lol

How do you know gaelic?!? Get in here and let me sex on you!

Thanks! I'm working on getting new some material out :D

Being a girl rocks my fucking socks off hahaha. Everyone said I'd be depressed on estrogen but that's rarely the case! I'm cuddly bubbly, happy, and life has meaning now - which is the best best best!

The only thing I need now is to get confident enough to go out alone more so I can meet people/start dating hahaha.

BTW I put up a new youtube vidja, and I got new undies for new pics next week, YAY! NEW UNDIES!

No.1543 : Sharp [11/12/28(Wed)23:51] [Report] []

Augh! You tease!

No.1550 : TexiTrap [11/12/29(Thu)03:22] [Report] []

Also Fbook dot com slash TexiTrap

That JUST happened

No.1555 : Anonymous [11/12/29(Thu)19:54] [Report] []

Thunderfap here, glad I could make you laugh hun :)
I'll pull from my dick--er deck my TexiTrap card and tap that :3

No.1566 : Texitrapluver [11/12/31(Sat)11:42] [Report] []

this is an outrage texi should have her own website. dedicated to her. what you think?

No.1567 : Texitrapluver [11/12/31(Sat)16:19] [Report] []

what is your name on cam4?

No.1570 : hoarelocke [12/01/01(Sun)03:36] [Report] []

I am descended from Scots, and my cousin who was visiting from Scotland called me that once when I asked him to explain, he told me what it meant. Grey Beard or Grey Hair, so it does describe me. And I'm in Southern Texas, down by C.C.

No.1575 : TexiTrap [12/01/02(Mon)15:10] [Report] 1325535017128.jpg (212672 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
212672 B

Boom shakalaka! I kno, I'm a dork.

Haha thanks! My Cam4 name is TexiTrap

RITE?! I needz spankingz.

I just saw an episode of Dr Who with Scottish Scots. I love Scottish accents - especially Gerard Butler's (shiver). Word up to Corpus!

So yeahz. Work work work. New underwear on it's way, just moved, my mail be all like WTF IS THIS SHIT.
I'm pretty sure I won't be in Texas much longer lulz. There just isn't a good way to meet people and it's not terribly easy to find work all the time.
When I'm done spending a fortune on fixing myself up I'm going to be building a new PC and you should totes play with me :P

I would have already played Skyrim BUT I TOOK AN ARROW TO THE KNEE

No.1576 : Jeremiah1 [12/01/02(Mon)15:33] [Report] []

hey texi check this out its flash animation by psychicpebble
newgrounds dot com/portal/view/586943
i lol'd

No.1577 : Jeremiah1 [12/01/02(Mon)15:36] [Report] []

its an arrow to the knee joke

No.1587 : Anonymous [12/01/03(Tue)00:09] [Report] []

GAWD i wish that cloning was real. I would order texi clones in bulk..... Gotta have a few cuz Id blow out the asshole in em in a week and have to use a new one.

No.1588 : Sharp [12/01/03(Tue)00:27] [Report] []

I'm afraid I'm not really your type, Texi, but you're certainly mine.

And yes, you need spankings 'til your cheeks are sanguine.

No.1597 : hoarelocke [12/01/05(Thu)18:13] [Report] []

Well if you come down by C.C. let me know, I know a really good restaurant in Fulton called the Boiling Pot. Really good food.

No.1598 : Anonymous [12/01/06(Fri)01:43] [Report] 1325832224253.jpg (267116 B, 912x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
267116 B

its the bat!!

No.1600 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [12/01/06(Fri)22:19] [Report] []

finally found the pics from the shoot with the Batman shirt.

Texi, you're too cute. ; )

No.1601 : Anonymous [12/01/07(Sat)14:52] [Report] []


No.1602 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)18:59] [Report] 1325980788819.jpg (172980 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
172980 B


lemme fix that for you

No.1603 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:01] [Report] 1325980864282.jpg (185665 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
185665 B


cause I have these now

No.1604 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:02] [Report] 1325980965927.jpg (198663 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
198663 B

and new panties!!!

No.1605 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:03] [Report] 1325980999119.jpg (230562 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
230562 B

yaaaaay! booty

No.1606 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:04] [Report] 1325981065023.jpg (252511 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
252511 B

and I did my toe nails :P

No.1607 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:05] [Report] 1325981138144.jpg (257518 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
257518 B

ya diiiig?

No.1608 : TexiTrap [12/01/07(Sat)19:10] [Report] []

I've been needing someone to blow out my asshole with a good fucking for quite some time. Strap on or cock, I've been itching to get bent over and FUCKED.
Haha I hope I don't seem slutty :/

Never been spanked! I'd love to be though. I love having my ass groped, squeezed, pet, bit, etc etc etc so a good spanking is probably up my alley

I'm working on doing another grooby shoot, but they're extremely slow in getting back to me. I have no idea what I'm going to do for costumes cause I'm broke as hell :/

No.1609 : Anonymous [12/01/07(Sat)19:48] [Report] []

im aware this is a long shot, especially since i dont even know where you are, but i am a 19 yr old virgin w/ the body of a trap (at least i would like to think so, i have never been told by anyone else), and i would love to hook up with you :D.

No.1610 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [12/01/07(Sat)20:21] [Report] []


Hmm.... thinks Costumes eh?

Take a minimalist approach.

OR... just grow out your hair and dress up as Lady Godiva. nods

No.1611 : Anonymous [12/01/08(Sun)01:01] [Report] []

this is officially the greatest thread evar! & to think I live like 20 minutes from Denton...

No.1612 : Sharp [12/01/08(Sun)01:29] [Report] []

Hah. Quite the temptress you.

In the unlikely confluence, I'd take you up on the offer in a heartbeat, so long as you understand it wouldn't be a romance. I'm no romantic and I'm already caught up with two people (yes they know, I'm not a douchebag).

Still, that wouldn't be any time soon, especially since I forget your general area.

You've certainly given me sommat to fantasize about though :)

No.1613 : timm steinmetz [12/01/08(Sun)04:10] [Report] []

well i could do that ass fuckin. i have a 3day weekend comming up and might be able to get to you.

No.1621 : TexiTrap [12/01/09(Mon)17:59] [Report] []

So for all the offers for hookups lol
Thank you, that's very kind. I unfortunately don't really do hook ups, but again thank you for offering.

No.1622 : TexiTrap [12/01/09(Mon)18:00] [Report] 1326150037100.jpg (182736 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1623 : TexiTrap [12/01/09(Mon)18:01] [Report] 1326150074753.jpg (155804 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1624 : TexiTrap [12/01/09(Mon)18:01] [Report] 1326150100968.jpg (166239 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1625 : TexiTrap [12/01/09(Mon)18:02] [Report] 1326150124063.jpg (190062 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.1628 : ml4p [12/01/09(Mon)21:13] [Report] []

But I like the cookies

No.1629 : Sharp [12/01/09(Mon)22:01] [Report] 1326164507718.gif (0 B, 350x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Not that there was any other logical or likely outcome. Still, seemed you could use the pick-me-up and the offer is genuine.

No.1630 : Anonymous [12/01/09(Mon)23:14] [Report] []

Super-hot new pics!

No.1632 : theNewGuy [12/01/10(Tue)15:35] [Report] []

I can see it in you eyes! You are craving for hard dick!

No.1633 : r00k [12/01/11(Wed)10:11] [Report] []


If that's not the cutest and sexyest pic of you, I don't know what is.....

No.1671 : Anonymous [12/01/17(Tue)06:55] [Report] []

I'm not suggesting a hook up, I'm suggesting dirty chat then I thunderfap to your sexy pics. After cumming on them I send you a photo of the results. :)

No.1680 : TexiTrap [12/01/18(Wed)14:48] [Report] []

I'll be updating soon but in the meantime seriously ya'll go call your congressmen about SOPA

Do it for me please please please? <3 <3 <3

No.1681 : Anonymous [12/01/19(Thu)03:42] [Report] []

Yay updates! Also, I've contacted my congressman. SOPA and PIPA will not win.

No.1684 : thunderfap [12/01/20(Fri)20:23] [Report] []

By all means I have mistress!

No.1685 : matt [12/01/20(Fri)21:09] [Report] []

I love you texi, you are so cute

No.1721 : Anonymous [12/01/27(Fri)03:51] [Report] []

Is it soon yet?

No.1737 : Daryl Washington [12/01/28(Sat)15:23] [Report] []

Wow, I'm in Dallas too. We can make a great team!!

My Facebook profile --

No.1744 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:21] [Report] 1327890067505.jpg (241771 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
241771 B

If it bumps I dumps!>>1721

No.1745 : Anonymous [12/01/29(Sun)21:25] [Report] []


To say the least.

No.1747 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:31] [Report] 1327890662411.jpg (181418 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
181418 B

Here we go then! DICKS EVERYWHERE

No.1748 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:34] [Report] 1327890842774.jpg (148629 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
148629 B


No.1749 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:35] [Report] 1327890915058.jpg (155792 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
155792 B


No.1750 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:36] [Report] 1327890981076.jpg (184292 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
184292 B


No.1751 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:37] [Report] 1327891079407.jpg (185744 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
185744 B


No.1752 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:39] [Report] 1327891166289.jpg (211009 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
211009 B


No.1753 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:40] [Report] 1327891231298.jpg (148260 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
148260 B


No.1754 : TexiTrap [12/01/29(Sun)21:42] [Report] 1327891346988.jpg (181008 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
181008 B


No.1755 : Anonymous [12/01/29(Sun)22:19] [Report] []

Fucking WANT.

No.1756 : Anonymous [12/01/30(Mon)12:28] [Report] []

Don't take this wrong way, but I find it a little amusing how you've progressed far enough to grow breasts and pose for shemale porn sites, but are still cutting your legs with razors and getting shaving rashes.

No.1757 : Anonymous [12/01/30(Mon)16:22] [Report] []

>>1756 You mean cute? =p


No.1776 : alhena #HOZlQYR1MY [12/01/30(Mon)20:34] [Report] []

Texi, you are so pretty! I hope we get to do porn together someday =P

No.1781 : Daryl Washington [12/01/31(Tue)13:49] [Report] []

Damn I want you so bad. I'm in Dallas too. :)

No.1784 : TexiTrap [12/02/01(Wed)13:20] [Report] []


Word ;). Hit up my facebook, it should be facebook dot com/texitrap

No.1785 : TexiTrap [12/02/01(Wed)13:39] [Report] 1328121579121.jpg (230205 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
230205 B

So heres the haps ya'll

I'm doing another shemale yum/grooby shoot. I'm going to be wearing ayane of doa's trade mark kimono in one set, and just some lingerie in another set. There will be dildos, (le gasp!).
We're just having a hard time finding a photographer in texas :/

the storm trooper thing is going to happen, but not till I can afford it. I'm about to drop a ton of money on some beautification.

I'm going to be doing some hardcore work. Definitely for grooby, maybe on my webcam too. This is still totally on the drawing board but it looks like I'm going to get my ass torn up by a chick with a strap on (to get me back for being such a tease). I'm excited and looking forward to getting fucked good, hard, thorough, and rough. :D

If you want to follow my day to day updates hit up my twitter I post some pics on there twitter dot com / texitrap

I posted a youtube vid last weekend but the sound was broke so I gotta redo the whole thing this weekend.

No.1802 : TexiTrap [12/02/05(Sun)02:45] [Report] []

Does my thread still bump?

No.1820 : Anonymous [12/02/05(Sun)18:59] [Report] []


It should do. A non-bump would be a crime.

No.1827 : Anonymous [12/02/06(Mon)02:22] [Report] []

I sure hope so.

No.1830 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [12/02/06(Mon)16:38] [Report] []


If I had the money, I'd fund this suggested Ally/Texi shoot. :P

No.3129 : sillyp [12/08/03(Fri)05:25] [Report] []

Hoooly shiizzle, the sheer sexiness.. is over 9000!! Seriously you're incredible, I haven't been this turned on in a while. It's offically been 50 mins of me going at you haha

No.5411 : TylerBourbon [13/09/10(Tue)04:35] [Report] []

>>293 Anyone know where she went? Her twitter and clips for sale are gone.:(



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