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I heard stories about people having the DEA come to their house after buying estrogen and testosterone blockers onlineHow likely is that to happen
all it takes is one asshole DEA agent who hates trans people to charge you, be careful in the states
I think it's very unlikely.
Better though is to figure out how your healthcare knows how to prescribe you the right meds for you.
Extremely unlikely. Your good may be seized by customs, but that is usually if you order more than a three month supply. LEA officials have actually gone on record in interview saying they do not prioritize seizing non-controlled substances for personal use and typically look the other way.
>how likely
not at all likelytestosterone is a controlled substanceestradiol is less of a big deal. hrt[dot]cafe
>>7599please provide evidence or reasoning before fear-mongering. the worst thing that could possibly happen is you get your mail seized and you wasted your money. I've bought estradiol in the states myself, no problem
>testosterone is a controlled substance>estradiol is less of a big deal.
lol i wonder why that could be