Transsexual and Transgender

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Transsexual and Transgender

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No.7350 : Kayla [2018-02-23 22:24] [Report] 1519442673992.png (413391 B, 671x525) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
413391 B

My tits okay for 3 years hrt? My bf dumped me because he said they were too tiny but I'm not getting implants because imo they look like trash

No.7351 : Anonymous [2018-02-23 22:55] [Report] []

implants are shit

No.7352 : Kayla [2018-02-23 23:16] [Report] []

That's what I thought. Still feeling lonely as fuck, made some dating profiles and lots of dudes want me but I miss my ex, he left me 3 weeks ago because I didn't wanna get into sex work and do coke with him. In retrospect he was garbage but I was in love ;_;

No.7353 : ?Robertagrammaton? ##nuerJyS6 [2018-02-23 23:19] [Report] []

those are nice shrugs

No.7354 : Kayla [2018-02-23 23:27] [Report] 1519446421374.png (928127 B, 718x946) [YIS] [GIS] []
928127 B

Aw thanks ;)
U think I'll be single long?

No.7355 : Guardian74 [2018-02-24 10:10] [Report] []

I'd take you in a heartbeat Kayla! I think you are beautiful the way you are. I don't do drugs or anything like that, and would treat you like a princess :-) Would never make you do something you didn't want to do luv.

No.7356 : Anonymous [2018-02-26 01:48] [Report] []

Dude sounds like a grade A douche. You're better off.

No.7361 : Anonymous [2018-03-01 10:26] [Report] []

Damn Kayla, you're sexy as all hell! Where are you from? I would love to suck on those cute little tits <3

No.7387 : Anonymous [2018-03-26 11:34] [Report] []

Another victim of too-large-ribcage. If you go for implants, they need to be fucking huge to overcome that effect, and it ain't worth it. Since you're 3 years on, that's likely your final size, remember that time elapsed relates to growth stages and has fuckall to do with size. Your ex is a dick.

Also don't go for low cut stuff for that reason, it'll look bizarre to most people. Good luck!

No.7425 : coin [2018-06-10 13:47] [Report] []

you defo wont be single for long hotty stay away from the drugs

No.7427 : Anonymous [2018-06-23 14:54] [Report] []

ur gorgeous! he's an idiot. also don't do coke you don't need the heart problems

No.7433 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:11] [Report] 1531959089296.jpg (476552 B, 1616x1212) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7434 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:11] [Report] 1531959112339.jpg (424367 B, 1616x1212) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7435 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:12] [Report] 1531959121059.jpg (633725 B, 1616x1212) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7436 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:12] [Report] 1531959131357.jpg (1093704 B, 1666x1234) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7437 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:12] [Report] 1531959156338.jpg (658383 B, 1616x1212) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7438 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:13] [Report] 1531959182897.jpg (931728 B, 1046x1524) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7439 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:13] [Report] 1531959190579.jpg (247907 B, 772x656) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7440 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:14] [Report] 1531959253931.jpg (856352 B, 1547x1209) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7441 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:14] [Report] 1531959261576.jpg (880539 B, 1920x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7442 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:14] [Report] 1531959273674.jpg (994061 B, 1920x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7443 : Anonymous [2018-07-18 20:14] [Report] 1531959283004.jpg (1463632 B, 2576x1932) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.7444 : Anonymous [2018-07-20 05:47] [Report] []

That is one fine ass. I'd eat that.

No.7445 : Anonymous [2018-07-21 03:23] [Report] []


No.7446 : Anonymous [2018-07-21 03:28] [Report] []


No.7447 : Anonymous [2018-07-26 22:46] [Report] []

im in tucson az if your anywhere nearby

No.7448 : the dude [2018-07-26 23:11] [Report] []

seriously come to tucson, Il take you to bisbee for the weekend.
Your lovely!

No.7449 : Anonymous [2018-07-27 21:06] [Report] []

hi doug stanhope

No.7450 : Anonymous [2018-07-27 22:22] [Report] []

I've met him,nice guy

No.7451 : the dude [2018-07-28 02:54] [Report] []

I've met him also, redpilledcat he is.
yes, Kayla everything is right about you, an angel you must be.

No.7456 : dj [2018-08-18 20:43] [Report] []

i'd fuck you silly,
hot perky tits!

ps! sry 4 being rude, i'm just a bit drunk

No.7460 : Stepgen [2018-08-22 09:59] [Report] []

Kayla your ex sounds like a total loser. Your amazing and I'd totally wife you up :)

No.7461 : Anonymous [2018-08-27 08:31] [Report] []

hey, you are very sweet ans sexy. i think your ex is an idiot.i really want to text with you use kik?

No.7478 : Anonymous [2018-09-21 06:25] [Report] []

Kayla I remember you from 420chan years ago

you're beautiful even if you're crazy <3 I love you

No.7483 : Anonymous [2018-11-26 10:59] [Report] []

Beautiful. Would suck n fuck.

No.7500 : Anonymous [2019-03-14 13:21] [Report] []

What's your kik?

No.7758 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 18:54] [Report] []

What's your kik you are so fucking awesome looking you sexy girl

No.7764 : Anonymous [2021-12-13 02:00] [Report] []

honestly if you're unhappy with the size you could always try natural breast enhancement (basically herbal stuff and lactation)

but also personally id probably do just about anything if i had a cishet bf and he told me to change how i look ;-;

No.8015 : Anonymous [2023-07-03 01:40] [Report] 1688362811314.gif (1035069 B, 250x175) [YIS] [GIS] []
1035069 B

Your wise not to get implants, they're unnatural and often times slowly leak chemicals into your glands that cause cancer in both trans girls and biological women.
Admittedly I have a bias towards them, it's even hard for me to wank off to tranny porn involving breast implants. I much prefer natural tits, stay natural fren.

No.8058 : Anonymous [2023-08-01 03:42] [Report] []

This GIF is genuinely horrifying, thanks for giving me nightmares.

No.8070 : Anonymous [2023-08-22 01:04] [Report] []

This >>7351
Fake tits can't produce milk either, you should turn your breasts into a pair of milkers. It is possible for transgirls to do that with some drug I forgot the name of plus lots of nipple stimulation.



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