Transsexual and Transgender

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Transsexual and Transgender

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closed No.609 : Lyn #dWd0yXiH02 [11/09/25(Sun)16:11] [Report] 1316981461932.jpg (20971 B, 268x226) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
20971 B

So, Kirtaner and the mods at 420chan pretty well shit all over the regular posters of /cd/.

I thought "well fuck him, I'll make my own chan! transchan!"

Then I found that you already exist. Well played.

Anyone else find this place after all the crap over at /cd/?

(Also, nothing in the rules says discussion posts are against the rules... so here I am.)

No.610 : Necropolitan [11/09/25(Sun)16:33] [Report] []

I've known about this site pretty much about as long as 420, but this site is more camwhoring less discussion from what I have noticed. Not sure why the forced anon there but it seems stupid.

No.611 : Lyn #dWd0yXiH02 [11/09/25(Sun)16:39] [Report] []

I've been poking around the discussions on the website's discussion board, apparently /cd/ was a nest for rule breakers (via contact info) and the people they had moderating the chat channel were supposedly not helping.

So rather than do the mature thing, de-mod the mods that couldn't be trusted and find proper moderators to watch the board, he decided to turn off the name field.

A few anonymous posters also said that the board was a "Tripfag circle jerk" being treated as "their own personal clubhouse" Which is untrue for the most part.

But don't try to post about it in either board. If you suggest that he actually fix the problem, Kirtaner/mods just delete your posts.

No.613 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/09/25(Sun)18:01] [Report] []
>(Also, nothing in the rules says discussion posts are against the rules... so here I am.)

It's kind of an unspoken/understood rule. We are content oriented--discussion is not prohibited, but you have to pay into the pot with original content before getting chatty. If I have any goal it's having people visit this site because of its contributors rather than because they hate other boards.

Having said that you probably should start your own boards, actually. There's been a lack of a community oriented chan since trapchan folded.

No.615 : Anonymous [11/09/25(Sun)19:13] [Report] []

tranchan's owner has posted threads asking for feedback on what the site needs and nobody ever replies

No.616 : Anonymous [11/09/25(Sun)21:11] [Report] []

>>609 I knew about tranchan before heading over to /cd/, it's not really for discussion though so I only check in once in a while. Trapchan was a pretty good community, it had a forum and an IRC channel, but it folded while I took a break from lamenting over my gender dysphoria. Never did find out what happened to trapchan...

No.618 : Jess [11/09/25(Sun)21:40] [Report] []

420 is too bitchy for me. I got some good advice, but other than that people were either supossedly jelly, hateful and unusually harsh

No.622 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/09/26(Mon)00:39] [Report] []

Sadly I dont see any serious discussion to be happening here. And after 420chan pretty much destroyed /cd/ we are in need of a new place to have decent discussions. But the community that formed there actually grew quite a bit the last few months, and I think if someone was to create a new board for us to hang out there could be some decent activity there.

Concerning policy of discussions on this site, I dont get why you would want to discourage it. Its like "hey post pics, but dont you make anyone think theres a brain in this pretty little head of yours" (or am I missing something?).

No.623 : Anonymous [11/09/26(Mon)02:10] [Report] []


>we are in need of a new place to have decent discussions
>decent discussions

I'm not terribly interested in seeing you guys drag in /cd/'s 30 reply threads bashing the local talent.

No.625 : Julie #.QqkDUCQV2 [11/09/26(Mon)03:36] [Report] []

>>623 And if you read my comment you'd notice that I think this is not the place that will replace 420chans /cd/.

In all seriousness I think actual conversation is more important than the egoboosting that mainly goes on when people only post pics of themselves. Sure there's a lot of those 'trannier than thou' people out there, and I realize that thats not really desirable, but some actual (textual) content would be nice for a change.

No.626 : Fenix [11/09/26(Mon)03:44] [Report] []

Hey, I used to be from /cd/! :D

No.628 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/09/26(Mon)07:05] [Report] []


>Concerning policy of discussions on this site, I dont get why you would want to discourage it. Its like "hey post pics, but dont you make anyone think theres a brain in this pretty little head of yours" (or am I missing something?).

You seem to be projecting your own insecurities on what I actually said.


>discussion is not prohibited, but you have to pay into the pot with original content before getting chatty

If you have something you'd like to talk about and you're a contributor you're welcome to keep it within your thread. Otherwise I don't want to have to deal with all the anguish that comes with people turning this into some quasi social hub.

This looks like it's straying from the point and it doesn't look like it has the potential to go anywhere worthwhile either so I'll leave it at this: if you're a content poster you've a right to be heard, if not...who cares.



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