Transsexual and Transgender

tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥

Transsexual and Transgender

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No.2150 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/05/13(Sun)09:16] [Report] 1336914966847.jpg (931133 B, 1840x3264) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
931133 B

lol haven't been around here in a while, and I'm bored again with my shitty camera phone

No.2151 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/05/13(Sun)09:17] [Report] 1336915023684.jpg (723150 B, 1840x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2152 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/05/13(Sun)09:17] [Report] 1336915046476.jpg (598515 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2154 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/05/13(Sun)09:18] [Report] 1336915118084.jpg (681344 B, 1840x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2155 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/05/13(Sun)09:19] [Report] 1336915162475.jpg (870667 B, 1840x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2156 : Anonymous [12/05/13(Sun)11:03] [Report] []

wow, you're even hotter than i remember. any chance you will be doing more professional photo/vid shoots?

No.2157 : Anonymous [12/05/13(Sun)11:13] [Report] []

awesome. awesome to the MAX.

No.2158 : Jullz [12/05/13(Sun)12:11] [Report] []

beautiful as always
welcome back sweetie s2

No.2159 : Anonymous [12/05/13(Sun)13:16] [Report] []

horee sheet

No.2165 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [12/05/13(Sun)20:03] [Report] []

Fill me in on Ryoko. Are you in Arizona delivering pizza and making porn still?

No.2167 : r-kun #Vh6EfN5Kbo [12/05/13(Sun)21:38] [Report] []

still as cute as ever.

a glorious comeback.

No.2179 : Anonymous [12/05/15(Tue)16:55] [Report] []

Body has gone into SupaBad territory. Hotter than ever. Please resurface, not enough hep chicks in this world

No.2189 : Darby [12/05/19(Sat)20:25] [Report] []

Welcome back Ryo! Or am I just dreaming about you again?

No.2296 : Anonymous [12/06/14(Thu)10:16] [Report] []

Oh finally! Welcome back Ryo!!!

No.2304 : Vanonymouse #w.OxY3rAM6 [12/06/15(Fri)11:24] [Report] []

Ryo is back and hotter than ever.

Everyone gets cookies!

No.2325 : Punk Boy [12/06/16(Sat)10:35] [Report] []

RYO OMG ur hot as fuck add my skype punkboy420 lets play

No.2361 : Anonymous [12/06/25(Mon)20:07] [Report] []

hell ya

No.2368 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/06/27(Wed)12:58] [Report] 1340816336830.jpg (537371 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2369 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/06/27(Wed)12:59] [Report] 1340816373086.jpg (552687 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2370 : Darby [12/06/27(Wed)14:49] [Report] []

Dear God that is sexy!

No.2371 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##wzjiAOPo [12/06/27(Wed)17:19] [Report] []



No.2383 : Anonymous [12/06/30(Sat)22:51] [Report] []

Pictures of people this hot often make me feel somewhat emasculated and drive me to semi-regular working out.
Keep it up, yo.

No.2387 : Anonymous [12/07/02(Mon)12:45] [Report] []

So good to see your back and that your OK. You also look hotter than ever.

I had the biggest crush on you a couple of years ago. So beautiful!

No.2409 : Anonymous [12/07/14(Sat)06:35] [Report] []

still as hot as always (maybe more so)

thumbs up

No.2418 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)04:31] [Report] 1342600267958.jpg (582418 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
582418 B

thanks guys~

I've also been dieting and getting really in shape can you tell lol

No.2419 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)04:32] [Report] 1342600350647.jpg (587965 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
587965 B

Not trying to get ripped and megahuge obvi but I don't know trying to get more curvy by getting more out of shape makes me feel blah

No.2420 : Anonymous [12/07/18(Wed)05:33] [Report] []


Very sexy pics.
Can't wait to see more.

No.2421 : Anonymous [12/07/18(Wed)06:09] [Report] []

increase titty skittles?

lol jk, you look great, seriously.

No.2422 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)09:19] [Report] 1342617549028.jpg (674402 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
674402 B

Yeah at this point think I just want a small quality boob job, hormones did a lot for me really, but I'm the type where they made me mildly a nutcase. Here's some more provocative pics.

No.2423 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)09:19] [Report] 1342617589484.jpg (629139 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2424 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)09:20] [Report] 1342617620687.jpg (686609 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2425 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/18(Wed)09:20] [Report] 1342617637637.jpg (594777 B, 3264x1840) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2427 : Anonymous [12/07/18(Wed)15:45] [Report] []

well w/e you do, good luck, and also hot pic.

No.2432 : Philafanindc [12/07/19(Thu)03:00] [Report] []

AsukaRyo on Cam4 right girl- nice show, wow!

No.2434 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/19(Thu)08:33] [Report] 1342701215561.png (430183 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
430183 B

Yeah I think I'm getting back into this scene just for fun again and for extra money~ :)

No.2435 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/19(Thu)08:33] [Report] 1342701239132.png (420967 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2436 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/19(Thu)08:35] [Report] 1342701340774.png (437544 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2437 : Ryo ##h0BgJRGW [12/07/19(Thu)08:36] [Report] 1342701398817.png (456017 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2438 : Anonymous [12/07/19(Thu)08:51] [Report] []

looking good post away

No.2439 : Cereal [12/07/19(Thu)09:25] [Report] []

>>2438 Is that like permission to land?

>>2434 Camming from the floor, genius. It is good money, I earned enough to buy Skyrim last time I seriously got into it.

No.2441 : Anonymous [12/07/19(Thu)16:13] [Report] []

what a booty in those satin panties
love the cock bulge
want to see your sexy ass pussy

No.2442 : Anonymous [12/07/19(Thu)16:44] [Report] []

Gosh, if you're still by AZ, I'd love to spend a day out with you with my DSLR and give some justice to your beauty and practice time for some amateur takes for your own use.

No.2443 : Anonymous [12/07/19(Thu)20:09] [Report] []

>>2435 That's a really nice one

No.2444 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [12/07/19(Thu)20:40] [Report] 1342744846251.jpg (8718 B, 320x272) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.2445 : Anonymous [12/07/20(Fri)02:30] [Report] []

Great camshow Ryo :)

No.2446 : Anonymous [12/07/20(Fri)03:00] [Report] []


eh, do what you think is best.

You've been cute ever since you started. Even in those early pictures where you barely knew how to dress and do make up (and the web agrees, people still post the early stuff and gush about how hot you are)

Stay happy and keep you're cool attitude and I think the fans will stay inline. :3

good luck!

No.2453 : Anonymous [12/07/21(Sat)02:58] [Report] []

You got any Skype or anything?

And anyway to know when you'll cam next? Haha.

No.2455 : Brian, NV [12/07/21(Sat)22:52] [Report] []

Miss Ryo, I know they tell you to post and others go into specifics pushing and prodding you to post pictures. I thank you and I think that so far they are sexy and VERY tasteful most probably to the detriment of the others that desire you to show everything and do rude things to yourself. Personally I say again thank your for the beautiful shots even if it is JUST a cell phone photo you still look very sexy, pretty woman!!!!

No.2456 : Brian, NV [12/07/21(Sat)23:05] [Report] []

Holy Crap! Ryoko boy did I miss that one. I saw your pics back when a girl I dated just before moving away from CT. Anyway you, her a some others are hot. I personally love the Natural girls that do not OVER ENHANCE what they have because they wanted to continue in the "industry". I know you know some of those around you like Bailey went IMHO overboard enhancing to stay as Industry Stars most recently Domino. Do what you like just know there are men out there/here that really like you just as your are and me IF you are comfortable with how you are - Keep lookin Hot you have at least one ardent follower as much as I can do!
Take care and be Happy in all that you do and know some do care.

No.2493 : Chris [12/08/15(Wed)15:30] [Report] []

Baby, you look absolutely amazing!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

No.2530 : Anonymous [12/08/22(Wed)01:01] [Report] []

Man, Ryoko just.. Appeared and disappeared. One time only appearance, eh? I wish we could see more!

No.2553 : Anonymous [12/08/26(Sun)05:35] [Report] []

when she does this, I always wonder if she is about to fall short of a car payment.

No.2841 : Chgoguy5K [12/10/05(Fri)11:47] [Report] []

I think Ryo's gone again (rats!), but I thought I'd ask: What did you think of the shoots you did?

No.3088 : Anonymous [12/11/15(Thu)03:04] [Report] 1352966642509.png (0 B, 288x374) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.3784 : Anonymous [13/02/11(Mon)17:47] [Report] []


No.3859 : Anonymous [13/02/27(Wed)17:39] [Report] []


No.3860 : PeterWald [13/02/28(Thu)05:07] [Report] []

I am sorry did i do some thing to offend you? I am not scared to post my pick why are you? ha ha your that guy who trys to make those who may look better or be a "threat" feel worse huh?

No.3861 : ☆Robertagrammaton☆ ##nuerJyS6 [13/02/28(Thu)06:47] [Report] []

Ha ha ha so much self esteem for a receding hairline and misshapen skull. Bravo.

No.3863 : Anonymous [13/02/28(Thu)10:31] [Report] []


Nice flip phone.

No.3864 : PeterWald [13/02/28(Thu)14:19] [Report] []

Dam proud of my flip phone thank you! went to Iraq and Afghan with me! sat in the bottom of my pack so yea when i got out of the marines i decided to keep it :P receding hairline and misshapen skull yea it happens get blown up a few times and you just don't care. I am proud to be me and I am quite happy to show i am proud. Am i all ways right? faq no..... but i don't care if others banter me. bothers me not.

No.3867 : Tim Quagmire [13/03/01(Fri)02:21] [Report] []


Zat Bulge.

No.3913 : Big Black [13/03/08(Fri)21:05] [Report] []

lol Dope ass Battousai "X" scar tattoo...
I wish I had thought of it first, Rurouni Kenshin is my favorite anime...
lol Anyway, you look great...
I hope to God you live in Southern

No.4086 : rass [13/03/24(Sun)13:17] [Report] []

nice pics Ryo!! you're looking better and better. you should do a new set for shemaleyum sometime!!

No.4512 : Anonymous [13/06/04(Tue)17:39] [Report] []

hey ryo thanks for all your help few years ago im feeling like im real finaly, im still a punk though but hey. btw boys i may upload some pics as dee we'll see



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