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Little shecock
>>8204 Nice
A little hot.
how do you deal with dysphoria? every day i wake up feeling like shit. my first initial brain movements make me feel dysphoric as all hell and i scream internally for the rest of the day because ive been conditioned not to cry as a kid. after years of this everyday i dont think i can go on anymore (this isnt a kms post) i couldve felt happy all these years if my parents had take it serious and gave me hormone blockers but now im stuck a 6feet giant with massive fucking shoulders. i guess theres that one guy that would be into it but i doubt i can ever find him. i see girls anywhere on the internet perfectly okay with their masculine traits but looking at a mirror only gives me an even deeper desire to end it all. how do you do it if youve came this far?
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>>7837 you look disgusting
>>7807 what are you even doing here?
I'm the retard that wrote this post. I'm doing just great lawl, stopped being a degenerate it definitely wasn't easy though because I was mentally ill as fuck. Currently studying to be a pilot. Life is great
>>7807 Thank you for slapping some sense into me, Godspeed you magnificent bastard
Got curious to see if this place still existed. It's cute to see i'm still a banner.
Who still alive?
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hows roxy doing
bawk bawk chicken chickenbawk bawk chicken heads
16, since Im teen (mtf) Im not feeling the best in my body, living with homophobic parents in eastern Europe that wouldnt support me in my transition is the worst thing that happened to me. Is there any way to help myself with changing my body (hormones) not to let my parents know? Hope there is some way
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>>8108agreed, patience is key here. been there aswell >.<
it'll drive you to insanity
>>8106I'm in the same situation. I'm pondering either DIY hrt (but that gives you breasts, which depending on your genes might be very noticeable) or to kill myself outright, because I know I'll probably just turn out a hon.
I won't give advicer because I'm the last person anyone should listen to xd but I think if I was 16 again I'd start taking hormone blockers at some point. Starting puberty is good, but at some point I went from having pubes and a little chest hair to back hair (ewww) which has been really difficult to get rid of. Hormones will also make you grow taller, make your voice deeper etc. If yuou can talk to a doctor confidentially ask their advice. But instead of going on hrt which will instantly be quite obvious (eg boob growth) consider hormone blockers which will keep you younger looking and more androgynous. Then when you can move away you can decide to take hrt if you want to go that way. But I'd say even if you change your mind hormone blockers won't have any serious effects afaik, or at least not as drastic as hrt. But do go through enough puberty to be sexually active basically. Again, don't take this as advice, just a conversation point.
My tits okay for 3 years hrt? My bf dumped me because he said they were too tiny but I'm not getting implants because imo they look like trash
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>>7350Your wise not to get implants, they're unnatural and often times slowly leak chemicals into your glands that cause cancer in both trans girls and biological women.Admittedly I have a bias towards them, it's even hard for me to wank off to tranny porn involving breast implants. I much prefer natural tits, stay natural fren.
>>8015This GIF is genuinely horrifying, thanks for giving me nightmares.
>>7350This >>7351Fake tits can't produce milk either, you should turn your breasts into a pair of milkers. It is possible for transgirls to do that with some drug I forgot the name of plus lots of nipple stimulation.
hey everyone, I've changed a little, hormones have been magickal, I hope you enjoy these :3
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Id love to fuck you and then suck your dick untill you cum
I'd touch your butt.
Dunno if anyone notices this but still wanna say hi
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>>7727 Nice!
Hey babe my Kik is Rico6224.
I'm 41, mixed race, muscular build and extremely horny for tgirls
Moar please :3
good evenin' ladies :3
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So I took some Halloween themed pics. Happy Spooky Season ;)
so this place is extremely dead. where did all the tranners go? I can rarely post on 4cuck but I want to talk with people who really understand and that's certainly not the hugboxxy places. How can I speak with more of you, anonymously (I can't use anything with cloudflare)?
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>>8029Sounds tiresome, then again the best way to grow websites is through word of mouth (the organic way) so you probably have a point.
>>8066Well Rome wasn't built over night.
It used to be great here, but most people migrated to other websites.TTTT has been infiltrated by Twitter and Reddit users since Natalie Wynn mentioned it in one of her videos, so it's of no value anymore. And 420chan is being remodeled by Brennan. So tranchan is still kind of the best trans place on the internet.
So.... Lexi here Xx
First time posting on the trans board, hope i'm welcome ^_^Almost a year on HRT and i'm 22 and it's working out pretty wel so far Xx
msn: the_ninja (hotmail co uk)skype: ninjatrap
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>>4383damn, you've got the prettiest little eyes.
If I was a professional adult content producer, I'd sell the farm to have you do shoot. You obviously enjoy the slut life..Very sexy!
>>3928>>4966Had you worn the chastity cage in this you'd have a cage in a cage, call it cage-ception if you will.Also the tits are coming along nicely, keep working on them and keep them natural.
bored. unhappy. camwhorin' for love.
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You are the one, for me ...... <3
my god i would worship you
I wanna try 2 make you happy
Used to post in /traps years ago. Openly trans now and older don't know about wiser though lol, but loving life now. Glad to see the boards are still around 😊
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You might not remember me but we use to chat a bit and I was part of your Tumblr did you make a New one?
Your room looks messy! Just means one of us needs to wear a maids outfit to clean! Lmao
Anyone know if msssyuka is still active anywhere? She was always so cool and I miss her!
My last thread won't bump anymore, So new thread time :3
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Miss your fucking face, sucks your gone.
Mmm looking hot as fk
Is tranchan still alive? Drop you insta or twitter if you wanna chat.
What is going on everybody this is new thread because my old one is like 5 years old and from the last decade
How yall been
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Getting really explicit
>>7964Nice, got more pics of that bussy?
What ever happened to msssyuka?
I heard stories about people having the DEA come to their house after buying estrogen and testosterone blockers onlineHow likely is that to happen
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>how likely
not at all likelytestosterone is a controlled substanceestradiol is less of a big deal. hrt[dot]cafe
>>7599please provide evidence or reasoning before fear-mongering. the worst thing that could possibly happen is you get your mail seized and you wasted your money. I've bought estradiol in the states myself, no problem
>testosterone is a controlled substance>estradiol is less of a big deal.
lol i wonder why that could be
I began dollifying myself. Amazing how this aesthetic with mask, wig, breast vest has brought me so much attention when before I was a flat hun.