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It's been a long time since I've posted, so I figured I'd jump back on here and say "Hi" :). I still only dress part-time, and am otherwise a pretty regular straight guy in a relationship. But when I do dress, I'm completely fem and submissive. By the way, NWA is completely devoid of any sort of "scene" for this sort of thing :(.
I'd love to hear feedback--still learning about dressing and working on the look, of course, and haven't quite found something I'm happy/comfortable with.
and more, of course :)
A little more...exposure :P
Very nice, do you like getting your ass dug out?
not bad proceed
there seems to be a lot of potential in you. but you might want to consider to lose some weight and go through some of the training routines on /tip/ to get a more fitting body
>>4065Huh? She doesn't need to lose weight, come on...
>>4054FrankNFurter has never looked this sexy darling
So fucking hot
>but you might want to consider to lose some weight
Ellery fan detected. Why don't you fuck off to dachaudames. com or gulagsgonewild. net? kthx
You're super hot!
Nice to see you again ma'am.I love your old and new photos, both brown and blonde fits you very well, I would love to see you in skirts or tight leggins. I wish you happy spring.
Perfect body.
>>4055moar cock!!!!!!!!!11
>>4154Nice=) moar ass
Beautiful! NWA, does that mean northwest AR? caus if so there is no scene around here.
best girl on here. more feet n cock pls!
>>4160Yes, NWArkansas. Just moved here recently, but def no scene from what I can tell.
>>4071Well said, Mod!
A few screen grabs from a session with my mistress :)
And the final one! There's also a vid of this I might be willing to share :P
Your legs look slick and shiny. Makes me want to rub my hard dick all over them.
NWA sucks, i know i live there. tranny here too.
I 100% need video
take few pictures like these where you put cock inside stocking, so big cock so you can do it
Oh god, what would I have to do to get my hands on that video of yours?