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First post
Not bad, moar please?
those look like real tits. sure you're posting in the right board?
I'll post more later today. I wish they were real they're not, secrets of the trade.
very pretty. cant wait to see more!
Here's a couple more.
Cute, do you have a name girl?
Thank you! I go by Samantha.
Well Samantha I gotta ask how long you been dressing up? Cause you look pro. ;)
Oh man... probably the better part of 10 years now, it's been too long. Thank you though, in the beginning I was not NEARLY as convincing.
Lies! I refuse to believe you were anything but dead sexy. ;)
last one for now.
Oh well fuckin saved for future fapping.
>>2042bwahahaha, regardless, I do have older pictures/proof but I am NOT posting that shit.
forget pass im not sure your a guy^^
I prefer to see more of your face ma'am
I've got my eye on you.
Holy damn... I can't help but be suspicious. And erect.
Hey beautiful. where are you from?
>>2066>>2089>>2092I assure you, I'm a guy. No horomones, just a LOT of practice.
>>2070Here you go kind Sir!
>>2100Currently living in/got back to South Carolina. Moving within the next 2 months, though. How about you?
Wow. You're absolutely gorgeous. Very nice! anddd.... moar :o
You look amazing. You wouldn't happen to me moving further south than SC, would you? ;)
I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards. It's a proper CD thread.
im in NYC. do you have skype or msn?
So hey man. You should be in traps. Skiddadle.
>I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards.
Thank you! Seriously, this is what keeps the site running.