
tranchan ♥ yes, we've seen your daughter's penis ♥


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No.180 : Wastelander ##qXbtWlQd [11/07/07(Thu)13:44] [Report] 1310060658364.jpg (82537 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
82537 B

Ohay. I haven't been on here in a while. Well, here's a recent picture since I cut my bangs :p

151 posts and 58 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.3025 : Anonymous [12/01/12(Thu)16:44] [Report] []

i emailed u waiting for that reply back
dont u still want me to make u feel special ;]

No.3036 : Wastelander ##qXbtWlQd [12/01/13(Fri)04:38] [Report] 1326447531483.jpg (97802 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
97802 B


I haven't gotten around to checking my email. Sorryy~

No.3039 : cali fighter [12/01/13(Fri)16:55] [Report] []

its cool. if i had msn id hit u up more

No.1524 : wizzy [11/10/20(Thu)20:05] [Report] 1319155554604.jpg (0 B, 1164x1705) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Back and dropping bombs!

76 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2739 : ?EverOpeningFlower? ##nuerJyS6 [11/12/27(Tue)18:29] [Report] []

Upload to my computer plz

I'll give them out if I feel nice =3

No.2743 : Anonymous [11/12/28(Wed)00:19] [Report] []

>>2739 lol

No.2748 : Anonymous [11/12/28(Wed)02:46] [Report] []


I'd recommend multiupload[dot]com over that. It's awesome, at least from a downloader's perspective.

No.2369 : New in CD [11/11/28(Mon)15:17] [Report] 1322511446308.jpg (3629840 B, 3872x2592) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3629840 B

This is my first time posting as Crossdresser.... i know i ain't pretty, but i want tips to improve... don't be so rude....

Luckily i got natural Cup A breasts

No.2399 : Jake [11/11/29(Tue)16:20] [Report] []

You're very pretty.......

No.2404 : ml4p [11/11/29(Tue)22:36] [Report] []

You are cute as hell though. You should post more. You really should.

No.2438 : Anonymous [11/12/01(Thu)11:35] [Report] []

I think with some confidence, you'd be so hot. But right now, you're shy, kindof shrinking/crouching. Think how hot you look and it will start to show.

closed No.1993 : Anonymous [11/11/09(Wed)00:16] [Report] 1320815790629.jpg (138845 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
138845 B

First post

31 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2111 : Anonymous [11/11/12(Sat)15:16] [Report] []

I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards. It's a proper CD thread.

No.2112 : anonymous [11/11/12(Sat)20:16] [Report] []

im in NYC. do you have skype or msn?

No.2137 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/11/13(Sun)15:45] [Report] []

So hey man. You should be in traps. Skiddadle.


>I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards.

Thank you! Seriously, this is what keeps the site running.

closed No.1122 : Gwen Lacey [11/09/19(Mon)09:28] [Report] 1316438905277.png (456023 B, 438x485) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
456023 B

First time posting.

Be honest...

39 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.2117 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)01:13] [Report] []



No.2125 : Anonymous [11/11/13(Sun)13:58] [Report] []


You're welcome :)

Your mannerisms and such go well with your petticoats for a very cutesy and femme vibe.

No.2134 : MODZILLA ##wYxmLlt9 [11/11/13(Sun)15:34] [Report] []

Don't have two threads in different forums bro.

Also, I was taken with you until you were like, "OH, SEE, I'VE TAKEN JAPANESE." Boner holocaust.

Sincerely your tough lover,

No.1270 : krissy #jTuZ8Uvfng [11/09/29(Thu)02:25] [Report] 1317277541980.jpg (38668 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
38668 B

hi again tranchan!

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.1435 : Anonymous [11/10/14(Fri)00:05] [Report] []

ravishing as always my dear

No.1440 : herp [11/10/15(Sat)00:42] [Report] []

Wow Krissy, you thinned out. gj.

No.1833 : Anonymous [11/11/01(Tue)05:39] [Report] []

DAMN! krissy! You're looking FINE!!!!!!!!!!

Please make more Xtube videos!!

No.80 : Anonymous [11/06/29(Wed)20:37] [Report] 1309394256510.jpg (0 B, 1129x2332) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Where the hell has wizardbeam gone? Last I read they were stopping for "personal reasons", but then came back and posted a few relatively SFW photos (can be found in readonly). I want more!

9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.623 : ?EverOpeningFlower? ##nuerJyS6 [11/08/21(Sun)14:43] [Report] []

I don't understand how this a question. Or a decision. YES PICS.

No.1053 : Dawn [11/09/13(Tue)06:50] [Report] []


Fair enough, I must have misheard :)

No.1098 : Anonymous [11/09/16(Fri)19:41] [Report] []

I fail to understand why there are not dozens of people clamoring for WizardBeam's return.

No.659 : Dandette [11/08/24(Wed)09:16] [Report] 1314191792520.jpg (417169 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
417169 B

I probably won't be posting anything revealing, but figured I'd test the waters anyways; what do people think? First up, a two year old picture, but I think it's one that's somewhat cute.

10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.695 : Anonymous [11/08/25(Thu)07:40] [Report] []


you're really pretty ^___^ -- where are you from ?

No.704 : Jones [11/08/25(Thu)19:39] [Report] []

you're awesome. just plain awesome

No.745 : Cereal [11/08/26(Fri)09:29] [Report] []

We met up and had a chat. In summary: Legs for miiiiiles. Oh, and friendly and interesting and all that jazz. But yeah, legs.



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