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Ohay. I haven't been on here in a while. Well, here's a recent picture since I cut my bangs :p
151 posts and 58 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
i emailed u waiting for that reply backdont u still want me to make u feel special ;]
>>3025I haven't gotten around to checking my email. Sorryy~
its cool. if i had msn id hit u up more
BOOM!Back and dropping bombs!WIZARDBEAM!
76 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Upload to my computer plz
I'll give them out if I feel nice =3
>>2739 lol
I'd recommend multiupload[dot]com over that. It's awesome, at least from a downloader's perspective.
This is my first time posting as Crossdresser.... i know i ain't pretty, but i want tips to improve... don't be so rude....
Luckily i got natural Cup A breasts
You're very pretty.......
You are cute as hell though. You should post more. You really should.
I think with some confidence, you'd be so hot. But right now, you're shy, kindof shrinking/crouching. Think how hot you look and it will start to show.
First post
31 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards. It's a proper CD thread.
im in NYC. do you have skype or msn?
So hey man. You should be in traps. Skiddadle.
>I'm the one who invited Sam to the boards.
Thank you! Seriously, this is what keeps the site running.
First time posting.
Be honest...
39 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
You're welcome :)
Your mannerisms and such go well with your petticoats for a very cutesy and femme vibe.
Don't have two threads in different forums bro.
Also, I was taken with you until you were like, "OH, SEE, I'VE TAKEN JAPANESE." Boner holocaust.
Sincerely your tough lover,Modzilla
hi again tranchan!
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
ravishing as always my dear
Wow Krissy, you thinned out. gj.
DAMN! krissy! You're looking FINE!!!!!!!!!!
Please make more Xtube videos!!
Where the hell has wizardbeam gone? Last I read they were stopping for "personal reasons", but then came back and posted a few relatively SFW photos (can be found in readonly). I want more!
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I don't understand how this a question. Or a decision. YES PICS.
Fair enough, I must have misheard :)
I fail to understand why there are not dozens of people clamoring for WizardBeam's return.
I probably won't be posting anything revealing, but figured I'd test the waters anyways; what do people think? First up, a two year old picture, but I think it's one that's somewhat cute.
10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
you're really pretty ^___^ -- where are you from ?
you're awesome. just plain awesome
We met up and had a chat. In summary: Legs for miiiiiles. Oh, and friendly and interesting and all that jazz. But yeah, legs.